Minecraft Daycare - TINA IS BANNED !? (Minecraft Roleplay) - as funny as

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 3, 2019

Minecraft Daycare - TINA IS BANNED !? (Minecraft Roleplay)

  1. YouTubeFan606 Crafter: Ryan: “We can have fun without Tina, right?” Me: NO!! No you can’t have fun without her! She is the soul part of the comedy!!! AND SHE STAYS THAT WAY!!!!!
  2. Jonathan Macias: Ryan ban Goldy for your next daycare video.
  3. Jazmin Duncan: OMG OMG EARLY
  4. Foreststorm1099 AJ: Make Ash come back! .O.
  5. Seongmin Mok: Ryan did you curse in the video
  6. Carmen Barry: Hi Ryan u are so funny and I am a big fan of u
  7. AlexxSavage XX: Do more Minecraft life plz plz plz
  8. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 44, 45, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893. Youtube is drunk.
  9. Pokémon Trainer: Ryan I’ve been noticing that almost every episode of games is sky wars can you change it up every once and a while
  10. CyberpenguinPlays: FLIP YOU
  11. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 45, 46, 58, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  12. Nisha Carroll: Make a video of becoming a minion in minecraft daycare!!!;);)
  13. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 44, 45, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  14. DogeNite: She CRAZY can U Just Tell her u don't love her I can join The ROLEPLAY and tell her U D9NT OVE HER
  15. CyberpenguinPlays: why did daycare music suddenly start playing mid battle
  16. Auden Garcia: Brian break up with Tina and Mary Goulding
  17. Gina Beretta: I like him
  18. Jalen Fort: 367th
  19. Fir3 WolF_06: 228th
  20. happy wolf: Ryan is blushing when he dose the mic effect
  21. Shavon Jones: Tina is mean so that's what she gets
  22. Shamus Johnson: Great
  23. ami brown: 191 btw like if ryguy is the best
  24. Denim bro Baldwin: What Tina is banned from daycare
  25. rev kev yt: DaPug Master no
  26. Jack Hwosa: Correction: /pardon Ash503 Pardoned player Ash503
  27. Yellowgodlybrian09 J: Finally no more sreaming and say I hi cutttttttttttttttttie that is every anoy no jk Tina get me a headache ALOT
  28. Mack Middendorf: First and hi
  29. Junior Mac: wheres chicken face😭
  30. Alyson Tuttle: " I mean we can heave fun with out Tina right?" no you cant have fun with out Tina if she is not there my O.T.P. dose not happen ok and WHERE IS TINA? DID SHE USE MAGIC AND WENT TO THE ZOO OR WHAT?
  31. Travis Sallee: how did Ash join in the middle of first game 4:25
  32. William Harris: Dear RyGuy Rocky are you ever going to continue your minecraft life serie?
  33. Drag race king Gucci: Late
  34. Jackie Smith_: Ryguy I just wanted to ask if you can make a live on August 13...because I would LOVE it! Oh yeah and I love your videos. THEY ARE THE BEST and THE MOST LIKELY TO GET 100,000,000 Veiws!!
  35. Ava Taylor: Hold on did he say if he makes one more bed joke hes gonna pour a milk down unicornman's shorts😂
  36. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  37. melvin dub: Mat
  38. GogoSims: I was busy playing mobile uno when I got the notification!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
  39. Pie Guy: First
  40. Gamer Ree: Hi
  41. Mr.Koala Bear: Hi Ryan I love you videos
  42. Avymmm Plays: People before you said 191 and 354. After you ppl said 191, 203, 666 and 893.
  43. Nisha Carroll: G
  44. tyrese eltigan: It was goldy
  45. THE BREFEST: Hold on how is Goldy out if she was traped in a cage
  46. christian aldrich: hi ryan
  47. Panzer der Götter: Ummmm ---)GOLDY WHY YOU DO THAT?!
  48. Reinaldo Burgos: Hi I'm a big fan
  49. Valen Perchook: 630th
  50. Dani. Diamond: 1:07 he threatened everyone bc Tina got a suspicious text awwwwww he does care he just don’t show bc he a boy that’s how all boys are👏🏻❤️🙄
  51. I like Potatoes: I wanna see Ryan go berserk with the Devil's Contract
  52. Leonard Smith: Hey you guys fix the best videos and subscribe to everyone every people Goldie flavor Ryan cleaner unicorn man
  53. Javier Correa: Tell Unicornmann_ to start a YouTube channel pls
  54. Rich Todd: Second
  55. Israel Galaviz: Tina is gone yes
  56. Turtle9811: i started watching it 15s after he uploded it
  57. Blue Tiger: Iam not trying to be rude or anything like that but to me its better with out tina
  58. Marshall Hildreth: Yeah she banned form daycare
  59. Atticus Simpson: Second
  60. Jasmine Tolley: 123 likes 44 Views YouTube is Drunk
  61. Thund3r B0y21: Yay daycare in my birthday
  62. Scottie Kaden: pls sub to my channel Scottie Kaden
  63. V and A: 😭😭
  64. Carolyn Towler: It's fack guys
  65. Layla Blossom: Don’t be so rude, he’s trying to make the viewers happy so don’t try to put him off. He’s a great YouTuber!
  66. Ethan Spychalski: yeah tima banned again
  67. Darsh Sharma: LOVE Do more life
  68. Mewfa Mage: Heyo would have been here when I started but I was asleep the last 3 to 4 hours
  69. Ry_Vel: Агафон Дмитриев oooh very interesting.... IF IT WASN'T FAKE!!!
  70. Pinky Pie Plate of fun 123: #BEING BACK TINA and how dare u I say that I am hurt maybe I will unsub :(
  71. Michael Tucker: Spot the difrtic 😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😲😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵 spot the difrtic 😺😺😺😺😸😸😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺
  72. Insane Lily: So cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool so cool
  74. Anna Contreras: First
  75. Sonia Gem: KHOF420 it is his opinion. Like if you are mad you can be mad some where else. Don’t get mad at me😐
  76. Molly Tir: whan i see your vids i smile
  77. Biogamer5: It was a NATIONAL CRISIS
  78. Emilyna-rose Holme: Noooo
  79. Michael Tucker: 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
  80. wikplays games: <3
  81. blue striker: Notication squad
  82. Amanda Payne: I'm going to be able to get the chance of getting the best way to get the chance
  83. Tyler Perry: 44th view
  85. Remix Master Gaming: I love unicorn's reaction when he heard the news pure silence
  86. Pie Guy: I know I just wanted to say it because everyone else does it
  87. Christopher Ramos: Do you Jennifer unicorn man please that would be so funny then we could see everything what he does
  88. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 191, 522, 203, 666 and 893.
  89. blue jelly: Why did it say in the chat that Ash503 aka tina join and left the game??????
  90. Łøgīc_ßæprëmë YT: Umm poor Tina she’s banned for the 10th time but she is still in the daycare
  91. GecKyo Skitz: Then how did you write this an hour ago huh?
  92. Brandi Brewer: RIP Tinathetiger
  93. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 44, 45, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893. Drunk yt
  94. C Noelle2.0: 70th 😁
  95. dab boy: Make more Minecraft life videos
  96. Avymmm Plays: INCORRECT, sorry to burst your bubble. I'm trying to find out who was first, I'll tell you who beat ya! btw After you ppl said 1, 44, 45, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  97. Yvonne Stevenson: FINALLY SHE'S BANNED
  98. dab boy: I don't like daycare
  99. Jacy Le 724: supsolekw the master you shut up
  100. fnewnes: Hello ryguyrocky nice job at daycare. Btw I luv your vids
  101. deadly desire YT: lol it said tina joined
  102. Maggeroos: Is it bad I honestly prefer Tina not being there-
  103. Megan The Magnificent: 403rd
  104. Sydney The Dog: Tina joined the game like if u saw it
  105. KenTheGamer 11: Loved the video!
  106. QUE on fire: Do a bit that u see what the daycare kids do whine u are gone
  107. fifafan12lol 1: 398th
  108. Spartin Plays: lol love how at 4:24 it says that tina (aka ash503) left and joyend.
  109. pizza: Ash is who or is irl name
  110. Ugandan Knuckles King: First
  111. Brenda Antes: Nope
  112. Heather Ellanson: UNACARN
  113. Alpha six/Essix Drake123: At 4:20 bottom left it said Tina joined
  114. Gaming Demons: 283
  115. Dani. Diamond: UltraInstinctGoku oh wow she was there the whole time
  116. Maria Delgado: 489th
  117. Jermain 20000: no the director does
  118. Steven AFA MAUU: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjuuuuo
  119. oreo da gamer: Diamond Plays ya
  120. Geraldin Paul: Ryan I love u cutie!!!!
  121. Cais Gust: You were my number one favorite yt everrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’💝😍😍😍💕❤️💝💝💝💖💖💝😍💕💟❣️❣️💘💟💟💕💕😍💝💝💝😍😍😍💟💟💟💟💟💟
  122. Dark Shadow: Tina joind and left it Sayed Ash 503
  123. Tiffani Jackson: Play something other than skywars
  124. Nyheem Robinson-Fields: Hi
  125. pizza: Sandz FAMILY FRIENDLY
  126. Rika Harris: Moise Pierre Louis when I picked the vid I said the SAME THING
  127. Peppy Puppy: 424th
  128. IcePheonix: 4:24 Ash left and joined Tina joined and left
  129. KHOF420: Moosecraft 2 Jr your a idiot no she isn't
  130. Rebels Lacrosse: Why!
  131. IcePheonix: Anyone notice at
  132. Jose Santiago: Daycare is cool but it’s not Melee
  133. PZ 15: unicorn queen hi
  134. -HeyItzAutumn -: I like how today's episode was Tina was banned and then in chat it said that Ash joined hypixel. 😂
  135. Geraldin Paul: Lol ur so cute ryan
  136. Javier: First
  137. AVRYGAMES: He does already
  138. King Nomatterwhat: #Earlysquad #NotificationSquad
  139. Pamela Hobbs: Hopewell City North South 10th Avenue and I will see you tomorrow okay see you later Ryan Tina the Tiger
  140. FFC Galaxy Gamer: What Was Unicornmann’s Laugh!!
  141. Xhuljano Pali: I hope she is banned from daycare
  142. Carson Oakley: I did to
  143. Logicuful: Savage blazer Plays its roleplay
  144. Eliz Data: This series is the best!!
  145. Squishy Liam: About time hopefully it will be permanent so we don’t have to deal the tea kettle
  146. James Roberts: will tina be back
  147. Elizabeth Bustamante: Where is the tiger
  148. Andy Lu: did anyone see tina leave and then join in da corner
  149. Turtle9811: Sorry if i talk to much i just get exited
  150. melanie irwin: Play baldis basic
  151. Anime Fan327: hi
  152. Jennifer Clarkson: I love godly and I pretend to be her sister and protect her from tina
  153. Charmander Zack: ? Why isn't tin a talking th a last video ?
  154. Tallin Time: It’s the red arrow dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuun!
  155. jace scaggs: im refreshing over and over and there are so many likes going on
  156. amber lakomia: 6th
  157. Geoffrey55 - Minecraft: 46th
  158. Cais Gust: I’m the first comment yayyyy love you ryannn
  159. Claudia Smilevski: Moise Pierre Louis you are right I am looking at it
  160. Junior Hernandez: Unicorn Man !!!!!! You banned tina !😡
  161. ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ ɢᴀᴍɪɴɢ: Umm 60 something
  162. The Xbox_gamer: Love your vids ryan. Btw notification squad where you at?
  163. Laura Silva: YAY 1st here!!😁
  164. Hack Boy: first to like the vid
  165. Will Mendez: 1:12 Cookie called Goldy out 😂😂
  166. gaminglord games: Ryan you and friends have inspired me to start my own YouTube channel and if I'm ever feeling down I can always trust in your videos,Tinas videos and goldys videos to cheer me up so thank you and keep making vids
  167. melanie irwin: Were is tina
  168. Pink Chicken506: I thought you hated tina
  169. Thomas Steele: Who else saw at 7:00 it said ash join the game in the left bottom corner of the screen
  170. Kris Betmaleck: N
  171. Roberto Saucedo: 194th 🙂
  172. Ricky Garcia: Tina joined the server then left
  173. Allan Early: Plz plz plz plz plz plz
  174. Elijah Stanback: Video idea:Tina's personality change?
  175. Justin Benitez: 100
  176. HeyItsHailey: I want to see a spin-off of this series about the other daycare kids and about what they do all day.
  177. Ticci Toby: I know right
  178. life on the river 9: Don't you mean your sister and I
  179. Turtle Ninja: Don’t say crap
  180. Georgia Games: Heyyy am I late :) Hiii Ryan Hiii Goldy Hiii Unicorn Hiii Cookie Hiii Kat Hiii Danny Hiii Dave Hiii Sal Hiii Lizzy Hiii Tony Hiii Pup edit: I named everyone in this video :) I know there’s more people love everyone
  181. MrDigBears BOI: Like if you want Ryan to play Fortnite
  182. Fire David: hi
  183. Joe Boe: Makers spleef
  184. jaydhd gaming17: 303rd
  185. Lyra And Xia Playz: Game: There is a BOUNTY! of 300 Coins on Yellow Me: Goldy finally earned her name
  186. DogeNite: What Do Call a thumbtack and a Patrick A pinhead "who u calling pinhead"
  187. Falcon Sniper: I kinda like it better without Tina! Ryan should take over the slingshot squad and Goldy should be Unicorn_Mann’s girlfriend. I mean, nobody would be bullied anymore!! Plus Ryan wouldn’t have to “date” someone so rude!!
  188. Shadowfoxs: I knew it It was a skywars game
  189. TechArmorMan: unicornmann is such a troll :P
  190. FunHouse: /unban tina (server)tina have been unbanned
  191. pizza: 8 likes it better when no facecam
  192. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 58, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  193. Angel Sanchez: Sorry you got ban
  194. Elijah Morgan-Gibson: 90,075th
  195. Fast awesome 4545: 100th
  196. I LOVE DOGS 213: Yes! Tina is Banned from the Daycare!
  197. black kitten: lolking_tolling_21200 lol hi
  198. Riley P: It is golden
  199. June Reynolds: Is it just me or goldy is more hot than tina
  200. Nic name: ryan can i get a shout out plz
  201. derick and Dylan Delgado: I bet it was Goldy
  202. April Means: At 4:23 it said tina was on
  203. Megan Stauffer: Fcxetyjk
  204. Alex Juarez: Cool video
  205. LivAndThe CatsAndDogs: Play more with the other kids!!!
  206. kayleigh naylor: Nerf njb
  207. EveryBody Know Basso: Your my hole life I'm a kid. Uncle picture
  208. the wizBoss: 1st jk
  209. Jillyanne Linhorst: Hi
  210. Non è mai troppo tardi per pentirsi: Banned from daycare not Hypixel.
  211. Shay TheDragon: "I got to go text Tina real quick." :000
  212. Pixel Core: Do a double battle in skywars
  213. melvin dub: Matt
  214. Mercelita Eufemio: nice vudeo i subribe
  215. Brosmash 1999: Ryan and unicorn are the duo
  216. Aidin Margolin: Hi
  217. Will Dickerson: Cool video Ryan have a wonderful day and Ryan have a fantastic weekend
  218. Chelsea McNair: Yea
  219. BRODY WEAVER: 44 views and 153 likes YouTube logic
  220. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893. Youtube is really drunk.
  221. Koool Dide: Tina should be banned
  222. Ultimate Gamer: U guys should make a video that u guys go back in time to when tina kisses ryan for the first time ever and pervent that from happening and then go to the future and then gold is dating ryan and tina is dating unicorn man and go back in time again and make sure tina kisses ryan like if u agree
  223. 🇭🇺AkterHDworld: 1
  224. Chill Out Man!: You should do this more often!
  225. Anita Harris: Hold on why is tony here if he has a free day off because Tina's gone why is tony not banned. Thank god team tony/type for life
  226. TheDemonSlayer: Ha Tina got banned man she's psych unicorn man for life
  227. ulabrandon: Finally, tina is gone and now it's time for destroy the slingshot squad base once and for all
  228. David Garcia: Hi
  229. The two Musketeers: Can you be more Minecraft life plz ps love your video
  230. Real Super Ryan: Man, he really loves Tina? But he didn't want to at met it?
  231. Grayx: Hi
  232. Eliot Hällgren: :) wow
  233. Kerv1 6: Hi
  234. Daxx Martin: Hi
  235. Rodrigo6Flame: No
  236. AntonioPlayz GV: I go kill unicorn man with Hyper Beam
  237. Turtle9811: my dream is to play with you
  238. Richard Nunes: No why
  239. Oh-no-no: 13
  240. Eric Cooper: Good job
  241. mermaid_gamer. gamer: Yay BEN TINA
  242. Satori Eve: Its good you are friend so being her she deserves better than you
  243. LJAD Panda5509: Davian Ferrer well first you have to spell Tony right
  244. Palli Playz: I'm getting tired of lucky blocks and I know other people are too so can you please do other games
  245. Andryah Jasmin: i love ur outro
  246. Elijah Morgan-Gibson: also keep up the good work
  247. Rainny: love u ryan
  248. karn wakelin: Tina should get banned from music as she's so annoying and why didn't you need some from Tina anyway but she is so annoying if I was you I'll buy her from everything if she comes near you killer I can't just get rid of her and make sure she doesn't bother you and why is she in love with you anyway I do like you one man put a nightclub potion on her and she saw you was on the first episode die cookie is her best friend so she might have done it anyway I love you videos very much I subscribe all the time and I like and I leave a comment every single time and I smash the bell all the time with my elbow see you soon
  249. Cameron Whiddon: Great video Ryan!!
  250. Owen Houg: poor tina
  251. Oshawottgamer 49: 10:33 does he know what national means
  252. Tystar 432: Just date already
  253. jace scaggs: yo
  254. Esm331: 44
  255. Moosecraft 2 Jr: Ya i like both Minecraft and beyblade burst
  256. Roqaya Animates: Draaa Noice
  257. Rodrigo6Flame: Who saw that at 4:21 Tina joined?
  258. CyberpenguinPlays: tina actually has a channel so now tina and ash are 2 different ppl
  259. baby jaden: Im happy that shes gone
  260. Turtle9811: i was first
  261. Sharon isidore: wow
  262. Hack Boy: ryan ryan ryan
  263. Oden _: Second
  264. Blaze Frog: Good vide9
  265. The Gamming Dilo YouTube: Yeah I jumped off a tower of mystery boxes from eBay too
  266. Professor Red: Lol it keeps saying ash503 joined but funny part is their doing a video without her
  267. V and A: 😭😭
  268. Timothy Strauch: want to know why youve been in your room playing the most trash game ever
  269. Pearly Madison: ...
  270. Avymmm Plays: before you ppl said 1, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  271. MC Bro TV: Hi 😎
  272. Musser Kids: Guys goldy and ryan meet the first time at the gamecon
  273. Enrique Alcaraz: Cool vid😎
  275. Ron Mantos: Goldy just bail from a exploding sheep #goldy the chicken
  276. Bepic Boss: Noice vid
  277. Kids channel: I wish you are wih golde 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄i have cushion to Mac I have a crush on you
  278. Hi Im: If Tina is banned that means NO TYAN YAY
  279. JPW: In the middle of the game I saw Ash join the game turns out she isn’t banned from daycare
  280. FlamingThunder: I want more LIFE and I speak for all of us when I say I WANT RYAN TO ASK TORY TO BE HIS GF!
  281. mob Bri23: UltraInstinctGoku I seen that
  282. FunHouse: (Server)
  283. Justin Nguyen: Hi Ryan
  284. Avymmm Plays: Geckyo Playz a la when YouTube isn't showing the right things
  285. smvdahustla: ryan u got banned too
  286. Tycho Etienne: Hey Ryan i love all you’r video’s i am always early keep up the good work! 😊
  287. lonbot cowen: do more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it ended so quick
  288. hya hill: # Ryguyrocky army
  289. LJAD Panda5509: Savage blazer Plays they’re dating now
  290. Shannon Floyd: Tern teanun to a boy
  291. Amanda Payne: I'm going to be able to get the chance of getting the best way to get the chance
  292. MommyWasHereOhNo::/ Roblox: 666 comments..
  293. Killin me Smalls: today was my sisters bday
  294. Ninja Boy1000: I thought ash was gonna be back...
  295. Joshua Stinson: can we see ash more
  296. L8 Juju: Love yo
  297. popplio rules22: Yay Tina banned yay she's a bully yay
  298. Wes Cooper: Unicorn man should have a channel like if u agree
  299. Planty Cloud: Make a video that they get trapped in the portal
  300. LJAD Panda5509: Denim bro Baldwin she’s coming back don’t worry
  301. Logicuful: what mods are those???
  302. Debbie Bocanegra: Ryan tell Tina to see a therapist
  303. Starboy24597: btw 562nd
  304. 陳宥安13: Good video
  305. xXREAPERX x: this is the earliest I've been on one of your videos and can you bring back your old intro
  306. Chyanne D: 177th 🙄
  307. Robert Hahn: 228 likes, 146 comments and 44 views???
  308. DogeNite: Finallly SHE REALLY ANNOYED ME SORRY Tina😞😳
  309. Alexis Lopez: Sup
  310. Zoe The Zebra: Who noticed that it said Ash503 Left Ash503 Left Ash503 Joined Ash503 Joined
  311. evil cupcake: Hey Ryan can u watch (Tina cheated on Ryan) my yt channel is evil cupcake
  312. Markus Olson: anyone else noticed it said ash503 joined? that's Tina'a MC account
  313. the legend: Your the best
  314. Troller 9: 44 th
  315. Layla Blossom: Tina ( Ash ) was in the lucky block game 4:19 the chat on the bottom Left says she left the game then joined again
  316. Rainy YT: 202
  317. Supreme steve: Wait u guys still make these video i been looking for them and i couldn't find them lol
  318. Paulmend Vang: Tina’s gone cus ash is gone getting her nails done and shopping with her grandma or something
  319. Gary Tipton: Good what hex matter Menards here you don't need to go ryguyrocky say that to Tina
  320. Mars Hero Gaming: 354th
  321. JPLPlays4126: Dauod gamez 12 days til mine
  322. Anita Harris: Type team tony
  323. Kristie Hunter: Ryan☺
  324. Unstatiking: 893rd :)
  325. luis catete: cool
  326. Boutros Badr: hi lol
  327. jochonatroyee: Wow that’s so cool 😎
  328. Ajay Makin: Noooooo not Tina :(
  329. LegitMcQuak Jaswal: What about the love boom in the first daycare
  330. Ldukea 91: Bring ash back
  331. Avymmm Plays: But somebody said 893 before you
  332. Unrated min Yoongi suga: Yes me don’t like Tina
  333. Candy Rainboww: Hello
  334. Gurra09 Gamer: 46
  335. cryguyrocky ,: Love Ryan's vids
  336. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  337. Jackie Smith_: Hello guys
  338. Clarinet Geek: Ok, who remembers this: "I'm going to eat my pants!" -UnicornMann
  339. Mike dew: Why is the director gone ?
  340. Shiloh Wade: I sub every vid
  341. Pearl Penguin Gaming: WE MUST HAVE A BABY GOLDY IN SOME VID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  342. Zach Lessen: Ryan said that Tina was not going to be at Daycary.But in the games in the chat it said Ash503 left and joined the game and her mincaft name is Ash503.
  343. DeSean Jackson: woooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  344. Darren Mims: gg
  345. Supreme steve: Okay lol i guess subscriber
  346. Leroy Cornell: noooooo not Tina man why did she have to Goldy u need to be banned
  347. king Savage7303: Your the best
  348. Avymmm Plays: ppl said 1, 2, 6, 70, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  349. Becca Chadkins: And 182 like
  350. Enderbro 179: I saw Tina’s name in chat
  351. TBTS_ Plpyolo9: I like the old daycare where they did the pool the movie and going back and time and other stuff
  352. Leo Games: Hi
  353. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 45, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  354. Dragon Slayer: Good vid but please make more Minecraft life please
  355. Mob4Express: I love UnicornMann xD
  356. pizza: Well it's the same so I guess
  357. Pikachu SavageX: Ryan ryan ryan ryan...LETS PLAY
  358. XiaXio ning: IM Early
  359. Ion Exon: Hello! Your the best Minecraft youtube!
  360. black kitten: I like the comment an Ryan is like my brother mostly but I'm confused that u commented on your comment
  361. Rae's Life: *Ash503 left the game* *Ash503 left the game* *Ash503 joined the game* *Ash503 joined the game*
  362. Avymmm Plays: Somebody else said 191
  363. pizza: ikr
  364. the destroyer231: Hi
  365. Tuttie FruityX: I just realized that unicorn Mann’s pants has a face in the middle
  366. Samuel Cortez: 6560 viewer
  367. Limited Toxic: Earlyyy
  368. Hack Boy: first
  369. evil cupcake: P. S. Can u do it in a vid
  370. Turtle9811: you sub i sub
  371. Elijah Castro: why did it say that tina/ash left
  372. Maddie Haughney: First Ryan, then Sabre and now Tina... sigh. At least it’s still lite videos!!!
  373. Sandz: pls bring back the guns and snipers :/ also nice video! :D
  374. Cheesy Playz: but great vids
  375. Kris Beltran: He got boring without tina
  376. Ant man: Glad the yandere is not here
  377. Sukhdev Dhillon: Hi
  378. Hameem Sajjad: Lily Barbarian me too
  379. Angela White: Can you kiss goldy but tina cant get mad?!
  380. master dab: Heyyyyy
  381. Gamer _Star: Thats rude, he does it so he makes peeps happy
  382. Godzilla King Of The Monsters: 👍 this comment with you want more daycare from ryguyrocky #RyGuyRockyDayCare
  383. Avymmm Plays: ppl said 1, 2, 70, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  384. Dusty Nuts: I subscribed twice *insert lenny face*
  385. Blaze-KingYT: 0:39 yes!!! yes!!!!!
  386. ChoasKeys: Looks who is here me again and i love your videos i watched every episode
  387. CyberpenguinPlays: FLIP YOU
  388. no honey no.: Last🤗😂
  389. Leepy Da Gamer: 10:38 I never heard UnicornMann do that before
  390. Iris Contreras: Yeah i am happy i wont this i am so happy
  391. RavenPLAYZ Wolf: Hi Ryan love your videos
  392. Tanala Duncan: It said ash joined witch is tina
  393. Malik Paynter: Put a *arf* if you love ❤️ pup* arf* arf*
  394. Richard Atuh: What happened to the other kids musuto Boby and drake also carry the gardener
  395. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, and 893.
  396. Xxxmrswagxxx: Why is the director and thomas gone
  397. peyton Rodriguez: 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
  398. Chastion Dillard: 1st
  399. Amanda Payne: Hiiiiiiii
  400. White fox girl: First
  401. Jennifer Archambault: Loved it
  402. Starboy24597: Where My #NotificationSquad At Ding Ding
  403. Zilla Monsters: Your vids are the best
  404. PikachuTrainerRosie: I wasn't going to say anything but I kind of didn't like Tina at all I mean she so mean to goldy for absolutely nothing
  405. Mercelita Eufemio: nice video i subribe
  406. Theonlygamer Pvp: yay tina is banned yay because she is sassy girl i don’t like her
  407. Dragon Fish gamer 106: Do a video about you loving goldy
  408. Alishan playz: Your ugly
  409. Richard Nunes: Why
  410. Jay Crank: Can you make a new seriase like if you agree
  411. Rubix Jk: I wish goldy was gone
  412. SeraFina mCclaran: so who banned tina
  413. んかRedFury: hi like ryguy
  414. Alma Aispuro: 318th lol :)
  415. Miguel Hernandez: It’s more calm when Tina is not there which I like that because then they do challenges and it’s really funny to watch them play nice cause the hole point of the game is to attack but they just want to be friends and I just love it
  416. good gamer: 334th early
  417. ThestargamerYT sub4more: good she deserves to be banned
  418. Richard Nunes: Hi 985
  419. ღDiamond Playsღ: Alexa Adamos We aren't talking about her IRL, were talking about the character she plays
  420. Xx 21 Savage: Pls make more
  421. Rubix Jk: Hi
  422. Kim Mier: I am glad that Tina is banned
  423. Nicole Weik: Hi
  424. Matthew Stillion: 7 minutes ago
  425. Avymmm Plays: after you there is a 893 and a 202
  426. Matthew Russo: Goldy probably banned Tina
  427. Nancy Garza: If Tina was banned the why did it say she join d the game
  428. Moosecraft 2 Jr: Yes she is mean
  429. Kris Pelayo: Tina run 7777777777777777777777777at
  430. AwsomeZapgaming Dr dumb poop: At 4:21 you can see that tina join but left lol her name is ash 305
  431. Alishan playz: Ryguyrocky make vids wothout your facecam
  432. Kitty Cat: Hai
  433. D⃠p⃠m⃠ TM: #Early Sqaud
  434. Mohammed Faraz Abbasi: Hey another awesome upload!
  435. Darryl Veal Vlogs: 175th yes a record
  436. Alaaldeen Esmail: 100th
  437. Megan Stauffer: Nbfeeefgghnhgfdssaaqqwwweerrttgyuioop place
  438. Gacha Panda Lover316: who wants to see ryguyrocky aka ryan?
  439. Freaky _Phantom: WAIT WHAT Look at 4:30 it says ash ( Ash is Tina btw ) yes ash left the game and ash joined the game.
  440. National Music: Love your video's
  441. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 45, 46, 58, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  442. 1000 subscribers with only 30 videos: Me I'm sad
  443. Detroit Trooper 47: I miss the guns and stuff too
  444. CyberpenguinPlays: FLIP YOU
  445. Ginet Cyprus: 2
  446. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  447. Gavin KEUNG: Ryan kicks his girlfriend out
  448. Lucas and Friends: 732cnd hi
  449. Michael Tucker: U R my favrite
  450. FuriousMan23 YT: 713th
  451. smvdahustla: i love ur videos
  452. Paul The cool gamer 99: Yes Tina got banned she was so annoying
  453. polsk max: Rayan Can you have more minecraft life videos plz
  454. PZ 15: First
  455. The Random Boys: 69th love your vids
  456. Zack_browne :3: ʟօʟ ɮʊt ɨ'ʍ ռօt ʟʏɨռɢ ɨ'ʍ 46ʏɦ
  457. Tammy McConnaughey: You need to watch jacksepticeye dad of boy
  458. Flame Lightning: TINA IS BANNED FOR THE 10TH TIME!
  459. Dauod gamez: in 5 days its my birthday
  460. Josh Mcfie: Door
  461. Logan Fong: Welcome to another day of videos
  462. Anime Fan: 46th
  463. fortnite gameing: Hi
  464. Cory !: It’s been a while since I watch daycare……… I’m back…
  465. melanie irwin: 71st
  466. grand theft auto Gaming: way is Tina band from daycare
  467. April McAuliffe: First
  468. Hockeygirl 05: I️ like daycare WITHOUT TINA date Goldy She’s nice
  469. Avymmm Plays: But somebody said 202 after you
  470. Hong Nguyen: Hey ryguyrocky you should tell unicornmann to make a daycare channel
  471. Brandon Slezak: Ryan plz say hi toZ me it wood mean so much also can you link Kat and every one else's channels if they have channels down below in the description
  472. Ticci Toby: I DIID
  473. JansTheBoss: 100th
  474. Gacha_dreams -: I’m early
  475. Anton's Channel: Hi
  476. Glo Cheatham: I watch the herobrine life vid
  477. BloodLustGaming: Unicorn: We dont have one today Me: we don't have a yandere/tsundere today
  478. Avymmm Plays: 2 other ppl also said 191
  479. Dog King: You rock you rock
  480. Cais Gust: Hi
  481. Kids On the loose: Star67 is Patrick starfish from SpongeBob SquarePants
  482. gilson cassar: Hello
  483. TheRedEye 15: Yay new vid
  484. pizza: Er
  485. LJAD Panda5509: Auden Garcia 3 things 1: It’s Ryan 2: That type of marry is spelled with two rs you spelled the name Mary 3:It’s Goldy
  486. anthony Guerrero: UNICORNMANN BANNED TINA!!! RYAN KILL HIM!
  487. Mad Potato: Ooo I’m early
  488. Beba KP: 20th Ryan I’m really early!!
  489. Derpy Leo: Hallo!
  490. Avymmm Plays: ppl said 1, 2, 70, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  491. pizza: Daycare Fan no your not
  492. Robert Kilburn: O
  493. Poosie Finnie: Love this vid
  494. Tiga Merrill: Why doesn’t unicorn man have a Channel
  495. Supwildkiki: I am the only one who saw the Tina left the game 2x and Tina joined the game 2x
  496. Hack Boy: hey ryan add my snapchat crazy_miah
  497. Stef Dumeez: Like your vids
  498. SaskueNaruto Fan: Loved the vid!
  499. Bella Hermoza: Good Videos Ryguyrocky
  500. NFZ_Confused: I Want You To Go Back To Old Daycare No More Minigames Please.
  501. K9 Landeros: Are you Part of the notification squad
  502. Mr Smajler: Oh so it was True just watched first 2 minutes lmao XD
  503. Nisha Carroll: moesvideos.
  505. Ze Baby Cat Baby Cat: Can you guys just watch Ryan the whole at 10:36
  506. Deegan Gietzen: Ryan ban unicornmane
  507. Roazlen Butrus: Love ur vids
  508. nat chat: unm
  509. aidenthe strong: 80th
  510. KCPlaysz: # ryguyrocky is Ryan lol daycare
  511. # Unkillable: Pftttt... Hahahaha
  512. Wyatt Campbell: Where is tina??
  513. Avymmm Plays: nope
  514. Ian Wallace: Ryan has gone savage. “We can have fun without Tina” If Tina watched this you would be dead! Like if you agree! LOL!
  515. Monster child: Sup ryguyryhn
  516. EthanGames Studios: 522
  517. rev kev yt: Yas it's backkkk
  518. Christine Bouton: Pat/popular MMOS
  519. duke4059: Ultra Wolf ryguyrocky
  520. # Unkillable: Meanie
  521. Shon Anderson: hi
  522. Cheesy Playz: does tina actually love ryan in the the real  world
  523. Erika Hernández: I watch your video 2 hours ago
  524. Jalen Thomas: FlamingThunder Ryan has a schedule for life
  525. Fernando Murillo: Cool vid dobmore
  526. TANEKA NKODO: I don’t want to watch Minecraft life and I intend not to. I can only watch Minecraft day care and Minecraft recess.
  527. DutchTea: 44 views 75 likes.. cool youtube
  528. Ava Taylor: I feel like unicorn man would make a good tina
  529. Kitty Crusher 125: Is it just me or did anyone else think Ryan was joking and ash(Tina) was going to play
  530. Vance Thompson: Its great without tina
  531. Jordan Fowler: MY mom told me that Ryan is going to be at minefaire in October
  532. Purxu: First view first like first comment yayayayayay
  533. The chicken crew: you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!!
  534. melvin dub: Can Matt come back please
  535. Avymmm Plays: somebody else said 191
  536. Jay Bot99: Hi
  537. Harper Battles: can i do vids with u ryan
  538. KCPlaysz: My sis is mad she was Tina she will not stop talking about it #RyanHelpMe
  539. Turah Adams: I applied to the Memership thing. I am on my sisters account cause I could NOT comment so now I can. Can you please accept me thank you so much.
  540. It’s TNTCraft: Hey Ryan look at my messages in Instagram
  541. Ethveresyss F: U can have fun without Tina but u can’t have views without tina
  542. Emerald Life: I looked in chat it said Ash joined but she's BAND😖😫😪😫😓😔😕☹🙁😖😞😟😭
  543. suzanne currie: Please keep Tina Band 😁
  544. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 191, 203, 666, 522 and 893.
  545. Kawaii Potatoes: 44 th
  546. Shannon Furlong: Tina is sort of a Yandere I think
  547. John Rice: i has a question. why is tina on the top of the fam list on Ur Chanel
  548. rev kev yt: zack :P no because I started watching 8 minutes ago and there Wer 852 vews
  549. The Corrupted doge boy: Jasmine Tolley that joke is dead so stop trying to be funny
  550. Fred pedro: Hi
  551. Ashton Petley: Where's sabre
  552. Jorge Zavala Cervantes: I have a question for unicorn man are you into science unicorn man
  553. Savage blazer Plays: Dude wow do you like Tina in real life or love in real life
  554. Avymmm Plays: ppl said 1, 2, 6, 70, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  555. Death Potato: Supreme steve they post every day
  556. Porter Gwigwr: (Reads tittle) OHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  557. Christine Luckett: :( Tina is banned also keep up the good work!!!
  558. Kyla Wall: 44 views 200+ likes
  559. Amari Bolden: nooooooooooo tina cant be banned she is the star girl whoever sent the message kill them ryan
  560. Sam Reed: My name on roblox is crispycavore75
  561. Gina Beretta: where the dorector
  562. Jayden Labuntog: Yay!!!!! My dream came true
  563. Fire_ Archer: #minecraft every day
  565. Amanda Payne: hey man
  566. Alexis Lopez: 2+2=4-1=3 quick maths
  567. Jonathanplayz: hi
  568. Avymmm Plays: ppl said 1, 2, 70, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  569. damain sandoval: BRING SABRE BACK!!!
  570. bailey essenmacher: b b b ut ryan owns the daycare soooooo she cant be banned XD
  571. Shadowfoxs: -clickbaity thumbnail -clickbaity title You already know this is just another sky wars game
  572. luis catete: cool
  573. ɢᴀᴄʜᴀ ʟʟᴀᴍᴀ •ᴗ•: Who else liked the old daycare Tomas’s desk bell and dignity is gone :(
  574. Alhamir Avthulhalick: hi am i cool😎
  575. Bull Army65: Man ohh get banned Tina that's why you have to stop kissing Ryan when he doesn't like you not to be mean
  576. PZ 15: Dauod gamez in nine days it's my bday
  577. Leroy Cornell: I bet it was goldy
  578. Cristian Salcedo: Great video
  579. Michael Tucker: No tine to day😀😀😀👍🏿👍🏿🏆🏆🏆🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷
  580. Xxga Xxmer: ryan make daycare with shark and saber plz
  581. Daiqos Pug: rev kev yt oh ok
  582. Jayden Labuntog: I want tina banned from the daycare because she’s Violinist <- (don’t know how to write it
  583. Hack Boy: poor tina
  584. {Winter_PLAYS}: Ryan Are you married then are you Married to Tina?
  585. xd Kitty mc: Luv ur vids
  586. lanaya scott: as you can see ash is there or in the proper dummies cause here it says Ash503 left then Joined 4:19
  587. CrystaltheIcewing !: Goldy sent the text to Tina didn’t she Edit: UNICORNMAN!
  588. Daved Maldonado: can ijoin
  589. Christopher Vang: We are missing DERP!!!!!!!!
  590. Daiqos Pug: 2nd
  591. Despacito Spider: Imagine moose and Tina together LMAO
  592. WAFFLEZ !!!!!: It's nice not having Tina on lil though
  593. Gavin KEUNG: You are so mean
  594. Brody Dixon: wooe
  595. Maria lobato gutierrez Maria Lobato Gutierrez: Goooooooooooddd vvvviiiiiddd Ryan
  596. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  597. Mr. Banana: Nice video Ryan!
  598. 4321 aaron 123 perez: Kiss goldy
  599. twin arianna vs. twin aaron: You are the best
  600. Jeffy Jeffy: Hi
  601. Mc Reindeer: Omg plz ryan I'm ur biggest fan plz reply I bet u won't 😭
  602. JoTridentzYT: Play fortnite
  603. Gabe Reese: 666 views 8)
  604. Clint Bracken: Will Tina be back she’s my favorite character
  605. edwuin perez: goldy is banned from the daycare
  606. Sgt.Ginger storm: finally
  607. LazyRatGamez: It’s better when Tina isn’t in it
  608. pizza: /ban TINA (server) TINA HAS banned
  609. Caticorn Master 6262: Hi
  610. Mr Smajler: Uhhhhhh Ryan that title has been used but i do t think it was tina getting banned But i think it was her or goldy but someone was banned already
  611. Matthew Evans: 46th
  612. vine king: Love you
  613. Aidin Margolin: I am early
  614. happy wolf: Look at his checks they're red
  615. Panndaboy24: Is their by any chance that I can play in the daycare with you guys
  616. MrDigBears BOI: #TINAIsBan ™™™™®©©™℅©℅©℅©℅©℅=€=€°€{©
  617. Rae's Life: UnicornManns wheezing laugh bring joy to my depressing life.☺😁😊
  618. Lali lali: 974th
  619. fifafan12lol 1: Plz don't bring Tina back
  620. Delonte Tyler: Can you make a video that goldy and unicorn man kiss and you and time watch you you and then goldy say to unicorn I love you and ran off cause it was a dare from Kathie and cookie please do it
  621. Shooting Banana Boi: hello
  622. CookieMonster569: Were is ash
  623. Turtle9811: plzzz sub to me so i can be successful and play with other u tubers
  624. Nadia Premeji: Hi you are cool I love you I have subed and I am notified
  625. Kylegriffiths06: 45th
  626. The Crazy Boys: who saw tina join 4:27
  627. Sonia Gem: KHOF420 and don’t call anyone I am saying anyone a IDIOT 😡
  628. The Cartoon Artist: 44th
  629. Micah Lee: You should do a video on WHO banned
  630. whomademesick 143: If you see this then your early
  631. Cheesy Playz: tinas kinda sensitive and mean
  632. AshPlayz: Sydney The Dog I did I think goldy was on her pc
  634. Kelly Carroll: If you hit 20 likes I will be a YouTuber
  635. Little KiZu: Yay you banned tina
  636. Caitlin Gross: Ryan-okay well I'm gonna go now UnicornMann-Ok i have to go text Tina now.. Ryan-wait what? Goldy-*Laughing*
  637. Turtle9811: i wish i could play with you one time
  638. Imacookiey girl: FlamingThunder Tory who is tory
  639. Jamin Close: Hey ryguyrocky if your not using the old camp recess with the cabins and the girls camp can u send me the seed for it so me and my friends can play on it please and thank you my snap chat is Jason Jason and my instagram is ja_son2969
  640. InquisitorMaster Fan: Ash~Kun got banned from daycare well I’m the server keeper I keep all of the Minecraft servers and I can unban her
  641. The_Duck __Lives: #earlysquad
  642. little kio and super boy: Hey ryguyrocky ugh I think derp sneaks off and goes to a new.daycare
  643. Ølivia PÎg Qûėēñ Nichols: Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
  644. Unicorns Animate: Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  645. Dawn Hagan-Shurter: Hi me and my sister love you
  646. Ultimate Gamer: Cool
  647. Turtle9811: i was first to view and like i think
  648. DRAGON LORD64: Love ur vids keep it up :D
  649. Turtle9811: Hi i was the first person to watch- i love u channel
  650. Diamond Lea: Heu ryan great video🤗
  651. Jackie Smith_: Lol views
  652. JansTheBoss: i meant 88th
  653. Kevin Sanchez: Did anyone saw that tina join the game and left. 4:26
  654. {Winter_PLAYS}: Ryan are you married if yes then are you married to Tina?*
  655. Alexa Adamos: Rex- Fortnite y'all are just mean hater that doesn't even make anything better. You do you but she is a kind and loving person irl
  656. Fernando Murillo: Cool vid do more
  657. iSo DaRk: Oof
  658. Avymmm Plays: incorrect
  659. KittyCutieKawaii Gaming: Everyone Universal crisis because of goldy
  660. Brenda Antes: Cool
  661. Avymmm Plays: Ik but I'm trying to say Youtube is drunk.
  662. MMO_Y: Good vid your the best
  663. Aiden Mouse: Look in chat at 4:26
  664. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 46, 58, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  666. Little Zachary Sans: Ryan!!!!!
  667. ImLouieStation Pro gamer: Hi love ure vids
  668. Emerald Espeon: July 16th! JULY 16TH!! That's how long they recorded this!
  669. Mailbox Productions: Can i join your minecraft server my character is actually a cat
  670. Jayden Phan: 44 views?
  671. Toxic Avatar: I like how tuna is banned but I see Ash has left and joined the game at 4:21
  673. The Lazy Lion: First
  674. Rodrigo6Flame: Well we don’t like people like that
  675. Logan Snider: FIRST
  676. Braden Rhodes: 44 min
  677. noeli martinez: You should bring back Minecraft pirates
  678. Anoodh Azeem: Brandon Waylon Dorr-Charwood not real fake...
  679. MICKEY 1001: Tina is a b
  680. Sydney Wilkerson: Hi
  681. Real Super Ryan: well she did deserve it, all because of tina's bad personality.
  682. MoesvideosXD: *Great Video!* *Like if you love daycare*
  683. Vicente Jaramillo jr: 50,00000k
  684. Zack_browne :3: 46tɦ
  685. Lennu Leminen: More daycare
  686. Hack Boy: ryan
  687. XxMidnightFoxXx: great vid
  688. Night Howler: Hi
  689. Assassingirl717 !!!: 667th comment!!!
  690. Timothy Strauch: same
  691. Mibro!: Instead of "YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOU DID THAT.." I would've said "I'LL MAKE YOU WISH YOU'VE NEVER BEEN BORN.. "
  692. Nico Lira: Hello
  693. Avymmm Plays: Geckyo Playz something we call drunk youtube
  694. unicorn lover: I am one day late I need to Catch-up
  695. Happy Wolfie: 👏👏👏👏👏👍
  696. JASON ALONZO: 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😃😈😃😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈👿😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
  697. King Nomatterwhat: I love ur vids! Keep up the content
  699. Allan Early: 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  700. KCPlaysz: Oh my gosh skills unicorn man the Wise 5:30
  701. Nicky Scotto: 191st
  702. Chris Vere Harcourts: SO FUNNY
  703. Norbel Nguyen: 58TH YES
  704. oreo da gamer: He wont stop doing that unless theres a reason and when u try ur best but u dont succeed
  705. LegitMcQuak Jaswal: Sorry I spelled it wrong
  706. Kylexdwayne Torres: I like unironman
  707. Bailey !: Love this series so much 💗💗💗💗😀
  708. Manuel Prieto Pupo: I saw that it said Ash503 Joined The Game
  709. Aaron Cribbin: Leave a like if you think GOLDY did it.
  710. Beyblade Master: Good their team is out of the daycare
  711. Zack_browne :3: rev kev yt ɨ աǟtċɦ աɛռ tɦɛʀɛ աǟֆ 45,╮(╯▽╰)╭
  712. Valdemar Edin: 1:21 that friendzone tho lmao
  713. Toy Adventures: Ryan:Don't try to be Tina unicorn man Unicorn man:but we won't have some today Me:we won't have a unicorn man and everyone will think your dead soooooo xd
  714. Micah 2.0: You play ROBLOX still to
  715. Turtle9811: I was first
  716. Rollies Supply Co: You😍goldy
  717. GARRETT A JOHNSON: I like the lucky block skywars, but maybe they could also play different game such as maybe Hide n Seek?
  718. Gamer _Star: .-.
  719. Steven Eggert: I was so happy seen this
  720. Jarrett Thomas: 12th love
  721. superkid: i like how ash is spectating, u can see it at 4:21
  722. Raptor Nix: Hey love ur vids
  723. Fresh God: 3rd
  724. LUV4MILES: I'm the 45th viewier
  725. Becca Chadkins: 112th comment
  726. Turtle9811: i couldn't comment because it was on my phone
  727. V and A: 😭😭
  728. Daniel D'Aguilar: He dose
  729. BritneyThePikachu_GirlOffcial Nacinovich: Why is Goldy Acting Suspecious She Litterly Ran Up The Stairs Lol 😂😂😂
  730. Mega Gengar Gaming: You know she did deserve being banned
  731. ChaiTheDeeryWolfy UwU: 44 views 288 likes
  732. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 45, 46, 58, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  733. Thomas Cramner: what happen with you prper life vedios
  734. vanessa krikunov: Hiiiiiiii
  736. dips jackson32: I wish he get more views like a long time ago
  737. Lars Miller: good vid
  738. Ridwan Ali: ???????????¿?¿?¿?¿?¿
  739. Avymmm Plays: wrong
  740. Pink Guy: 4:24 Ash503 joined the game and left the game LOL
  741. Javier: Ryan you're videos are awesome
  742. Avymmm Plays: Why?
  743. John McCabe: At 4.26 is say Ash left and thin joined
  744. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  745. Roy Villafores: Why did tina got banned?!
  746. XiaXio ning: IM Early
  747. Weston Ellsworth: Can you please do stranded session 3
  748. Dawn Hagan-Shurter: A
  749. Robert Hanson: Will you play with MOOSECRAFT UNSPEAKABLE and 09SHARKBOY again.
  750. Queen D: 649th YAY EARLY 😂
  751. Avymmm Plays: ppl said 1, 2, 6, 70, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  752. rev kev yt: I also I kind of mis old dacare
  753. Fresh God: It said ash joined and left
  754. The1521031: Ryan do a video were Tina become a were tiger and starts to attack the slingshot squad. the only way to save her is to say I love you Tina.
  755. LJAD Panda5509: karn wakelin what? ._.
  756. The Corrupted doge boy: They made titles like this a good amount of times like Tina got banned or banning my best friend or banning goldy or banning ryan
  757. UnMooseableFan: 45 view 280 like and 155 comment still love the videos XD keep up the good work up! <3
  759. erik edsall: 71st
  760. deadly desire YT: this isnt for the video but can. you play fortnite
  761. Adrianda Vloger: Ryan said crap
  762. Mike Lucas: I was forever hoping this would have happened
  763. isaiah the boss: Yesssss
  764. AVRYGAMES: Anoodh Azeem lying*
  765. Detroit Trooper 47: Did u guys see those brown things to the right of the portal room???
  766. Memes 4life: early :)
  767. Amber Neal: Ash is tina and it said she left and joined sooo yeah... She was probley about to do a vid then saw they were rec so ye
  768. pizza: customdoggy44 lololol plz no
  769. Jennifer Lufkin: I wish I could meet you ryguyrocky but the only problem is I live in Maine
  770. Amir da lil fella: Hi Ryan
  771. Legacy 20: Yay no Tina
  772. Toasty Toast: 4:24 look at the left bottom corner
  773. Matthew Weston: This guy looks like he touches kids.
  774. kawaii squishy: 140th like and 89th comment
  775. Nissi: Is it just me or do you guys always play skyward in every daycare vid Tina and Goldy to
  776. Got Sum Nutter Butter: 191st new record
  777. Kiyanna Blacks: BRING BACK SABRE PLEASE Faver my Saber
  778. Michael Alvarez: Omg its goldy or unicornmann
  779. Avymmm Plays: no. ppl said 1, 2, 70, 45, 46, 58, 69, 112, 44, 45, 100, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893.
  780. Alex Play: What’s up Ryan
  781. Micah Lee: Tina
  782. Kidus Negash: 2nd
  783. Sawyer Friedman: Hi
  784. Keon Knott: All you play is sky wars lucky blocks
  785. Brian Sutton: No my 2 friapit
  786. Naruto Uzimamki: Wow Tina is BANNED FOR LIFE 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
  787. Juan Gomez: Who loves all his vids cause I do
  788. JaxsonyoC 1: Does goldy still like ryan
  789. Tanquan Bui: I love this series and ur my number 1 most favorite YouTuber
  790. Tspencer73 Xbox one: The videos used to be better
  791. Virgil Carteca: Heyyyyyy
  792. Galaxy Dragon_Playz: Yellow took the L to RyDudeRocky 😂😂😂😂😂
  793. Little Dolphin Gaming: do you guys even have a script like its evey dang episode you play game
  794. Wolf Wolf Plays: COOL VIDEO RYAN
  795. Roman Vlogs: Who else looked at the comments to see if Tina actually got banned
  796. SciaticRook 3015: Who wants to be noticed by ryguyrocky (ryan) Leave a 👍👍like if you want to be noticed
  797. Sam Reed: MY name on roblox is crispycavore75
  798. Daniel Gaming: I want more whos your daddy videos
  799. Ley Productionz: Im 407th lol
  800. mochizuki touya: Wheres tina?
  801. Haven’s World: wow ry i saw the chat but i’m not gonna say anything hehehe i wonder why tina wasn’t there..... 🤨😂😂
  802. I’m Tre Plays: Godly is one of my favourite youtubers ever
  803. unknown: S
  804. Javier Garcia: Omg sooo funny
  805. • ɐllǝsᴉɹɥƆ ɐllƎ •: ROCK ARMY!
  806. Gian Paolo Yadao: Hahaha banned
  807. ami brown: There lying
  808. Nathanielle Arca: Why is it always sky wars
  809. Madison Heckethorn: Cool now go get goldy
  810. bailey essenmacher: NOOOOOOO TINA
  811. Rowan Challenge: 10:27 A National Crisis
  812. Skelator: (Minecraft Roleplay) Really? This is roleplay now? What has the ro.... I mean Minecraft community come too?
  813. WolfbaneXD: Another great video Ryan!! 👌🏽👌🏽👍🏽👍🏽
  814. Sinead Ward: ?
  815. Laurie Denson: Hi you awesome
  816. Mercedes Elizondo: The old days were better rip GOOD videos 2015 or 14--2017
  817. TheAssassin: 44th
  818. Christopher Vang: RP IS MISSING!!!!!!!
  819. Ultra Gamer: Tina needs to be nice to everyone
  820. EDITH BELL: 75
  821. Dexter Gilles: FINALLY!
  822. Karen Penlington: Yay
  823. Josh Mcfie: They need a doir
  824. YA BOI: 10th dislike ayyyy
  825. Santiago Cruz Morales: when is minecraft recess coming back
  826. Rodrigo6Flame: No
  827. family forever: Hi
  828. Weird Randomgurl: 44th veiw
  829. Tony the Space Time Magician: So where did Tina actually go since I saw in the chat that she joined.
  830. Ryan Burden: Goldy wants a day whith Ryan all to herself
  831. noeli martinez: YouTube is drunk 40 views and 319 likes 😑
  832. Basically Animations: Lol I like how he does a TINAS BANNED and then ?! With a space
  833. AlishaAnimations *: Moise Pierre Louis lol u counted?!
  834. Matas Smilgys: I'm the13th person to comment
  835. Allan Early: Ryan I really really really want to play Minecraft with you.
  836. Its Programmer16: 46
  837. kareal molina: Almost First? BUt A.M A EARLY RoCKY GIRL OR BOY #EARLYROCKYgal or guy squad
  838. op Soyyy: 4:26 lol ash joined XD
  839. tuurk VLOGER: why is tina actually banned?
  840. Wolfia Wolfie: Hi
  841. Lorena Duron: Hi guys i love your vids
  842. ICANDOTHIS: I was late watching this
  843. danica perry: My birthday is in 4 days!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!
  844. Bayley Gregory: Good video but my little brother won't go to sleep
  845. Shadow Boss: Meeee
  846. Blake Lucas: Wow I'm early I usually watch a daycare video after 2 hours
  847. customdoggy44: Hey .... do fornite plz
  848. Gamer _Star: Lier
  849. AntonioPlayz GV: Even I try Justin Tina and get back for Ryan and unicon man ban her
  850. reinaldo salas: Ryguyrockey you ar the best
  851. FallenFuture: Its a Roleplay
  852. Tyee gaming and vlogs: Yes she gone
  853. thatoneghost: 14:30 *o h* *c r a p*
  854. Dann Claude Lopez: Boring
  855. Carly Z120808: YOU GUYS ARE SO RUDE I NEED TINA IN MY LIFE OK!!!!!!!
  856. Paulmend Vang: See how much better it is without Tina
  857. Gachaverse lover: Its good without Tina
  858. General Mortis: Never do a FaceCam
  859. Prince U: How did she get banned?
  860. blackdiamond1058: I love this series I wish the Rp don’t stop cause it’s so good.
  861. Avymmm Plays: Sombody after you said 202 and 893 but before you somebody said 191
  862. Jordan Fowler: So we can meet him
  863. pizza: I was third once
  865. Isaiah Uvalle: Did anyone notice that when they were playing the game tina/ash join and left and join
  866. Dj Decker: #earlysquad
  867. Michael Tucker: U R the BEST
  868. death4014 games: Judson Wade I seen ash503 left Ash503 left ash503 joined ash503 joined
  869. Supreme steve: DeSean Jackson lol
  870. Gamer _Star: Its a new daycareeee
  871. Will Mendez: Oh I see that 😂😂
  872. money4life gamer: When is tommes come back
  873. TrainsWithDavid 2018: I think that unicorn mann banned tina
  874. Savage Kane: She’s just going to come back it’s all the same
  875. Davian Ferrer: Can I become Toney
  876. nadia arias: Welp
  877. Jonas Funk: Pie Guy no
  878. Jay Warren: Amazing
  879. Avymmm Plays: People after you said 522, 191 and 354. After you ppl said 191, 203, 666 and 893.
  880. Avymmm Plays: After you ppl said 1, 44, 45, 191, 522, 203, 666 177, 354, 398, 175, and 893. YT BE DRUNK!
  881. Smitty Murphy: Finely peace and order
  882. Leroy Cornell: hey Ryan u the best
  883. Poosie Finnie: You’re the best YouTube I now
  884. Star Lancer: He does now!
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Minecraft Daycare - TINA IS BANNED !? (Minecraft Roleplay)

5,167 Likes5,167 Dislikes
226,861 views views followers
Minecraft Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 4 Aug 2018

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