![Minecraft Life - FLIRTING WITH DANGER !? (Minecraft Roleplay - Season 2 Episode 8)](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rWqLVJ3NA4Y/maxresdefault.jpg)
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The Life crew is back with a new season of fun awesome adventures! This season they are going to compete against the other academies to see which one will come out on top. One of the academies seems pretty shady though...
LIVE ON FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/RyguyrockyOF...
Channels you should check out!!!
Tina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsA...
Goldy - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEmW...
Derp - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-o...
Roblox - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepS...
Minecraft Daycare Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF7El...
In Today's Episode Ryan goes to a school which is also a daycare. He then traps the director and escapes! What will happen next!? Find out in this episode!
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- Owen Brininger: Hi
- dab boy: This is the best series
- SOMZ_hedghog2010 /hedghog2010: 35th one and the 257th like
- Owen Brininger: First
- Flash Gaming: YESSSSSSSSSS
- thunder bros: Please invite me
- The unfaced Gamer: Give us back matty boi
- Rattanak visal Vathanak: Yeah that’s weird man 91 likes 34 views is totally weird
- Diamondspy 2424: I hope Ryan’s plans are asking Tori on a date
- RavenPLAYZ Wolf: Love your videos
- Jaden Playz/Roblox Minecraft: Jayden Games _06 Inr who wastes food like that
- BareTig3rEye: I forgot how to make that
- DeANDatGAMEr: Omg yes!
- Mmnx: Ryan what happen to shadow academy? Nvm I watched it to the end
- Yeet gameing: Hi
- Scribbles MC: Sketchy they are
- Yuribia Rojas: I did everything but I can’t the bell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why
- caden kerr: ryan did'int you tell your pet pig that you was going to get him some breakfast and give him the rest then make sure you was going to get him the large set of fries i am sure you said that man also leave a like if you agree with me
- Emerald Espeon: Why is Matt not voicing himself? We know he's still alive and he's not that busy right?
- BareTig3rEye: MWP 2312 ikr Thomas and Matt we need u in daycare :(
- Pedro Gaming: I love the pig
- Brooklyn steward: i need more to live
- I Dont Know: Yesssss
- Pro Gamer: Thomas aka mr. pringles
- Leanna Holt: Prefer i love your rambo glasses I'm sorry if I don't spell🌈🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥I put fire on it because you have fire😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
- Corn DJ: If anyone knows what mods they have can you please tell me and thank you
- Kids Failing For life: Samah Suliman OMG LOL ITS A DAY CARE DESCRIPTION XD
- PAJA Animations: Anne O neill not really
- Gordon Bush: Cool 😎!
- Metal Army: 76
- Prehistoric Gamer 25: Mr.OINKERS NEEDS HIS OWN EPISODE
- KK ESCOO: Can you do a area 34 season
- Shadowzero: Yay ryguyrocky a other episode
- J.jgreen Green: did the girl with the rainbow shirt is at so right is basically girlfriend and boy is the girl is a boyfriend to the girl in the rainbow shir I really don't watch Ryan's life vids
- Dilcia Gomez: Can u pls bring tori to daycare
- Elijah Anaya: I'm so happy about this series
- Briones Angelita: Good thing tina is not in there bc she is a anoing😒
- PablitoSs tuff: No one cares if your first
- Jes Marie: Im unsubcrobing
- Red Pool 04: I LOVE THIS SERIES!!! p.s. what mod are you guys useing for your powers. Me and my bff are going crazy trying to find it
- n o: Teddy Gosling Do you mean first if you do your not sorry :P
- Doge500 Dohe400: ryan*
- Dalton Carpenter: Wait is shadow academy trying to cheat 🤔🤔🤔😮😮😮
- The real Red barons: It came out on The perfect day my bday
- んかRedFury: its my birthday
- Ultrious Masters: I unsubscribed So i can subscribe again and i also saw this comment and wala na
- Purxu: Owen Brininger yea......
- toxxic gaming: Happy birthday
- Raptor 287: I ship it
- BooyaGamers- We are the Booya Club!: OML IM SO EARLY nice intro :D
- Orcawhale 009: Bart McLendon no your not idiot
- Lily Arroyo: Hi
- K L: ❤️
- FreshX AKA Mr.Crabs OF THE YEET PATROL: Little_ Willowgaming Ryan go check out there Twitter people this so this guy/girl can get noticed for drawing Tina
- Squid: Where’s the flirting? ;-;
- D- Playz: I,was the 99 to like
- Troy Cann: Oh snap its Ryan x Tori instead of Ryan x Tina😱
- Mysterious shadow Fox: But daycare
- Angels Productions: I wish I could control lighting
- Trash Can: Y can’t he watch ryan
- plasagod blazin: Why isn't the real Matt back yet
- n o: Anand Sewdyal No
- Braden Kelley: Hi
- Jade Garcia Hernandez: What we’re Tina
- AyeDJZee: 123rd
- Riley P: ZĒ NĀ u
- Ben Edmonds: Hey Ryan luv yo vids
- clay janvier: Who else was here before 1000 views
- Anthony Do: 34th😂😅
- Joshua Espitia: What do you mean flirting with danger?!?!
- GoGetGames: Also I love this series
- Gacha Potato: Also I posted something for the art gallery please put it on there
- kitty playz Minecraft & Fortnite: I thought u liked tori
- Nicky and Nick: 60th
- Gaming Galaxy: hi
- op Soyyy: Lol Matt in life is Matt in real life and so is “Matt” ( the other one)
- GoGetGames: Tell ash503 to upload more often
- Gacha Potato: Love it tell Tina to make more dragons Minecraft videos
- Jtwubbs S: I like turtles
- Twister: Vs vshs vs hssshhshhv Sashashshhshsshsh schvsshhe4 as àa add add ad ssh s Shi sa as Assad bs F'nncjdkm castsso hi omfg Inge of[oooh oof dog earwax earwaxthan ř Ryan do fa jujube v juice ic hic hic
- Isacc Cao: I HIT THE BELL and 35th boi
- Mercelita Eufemio: i love it and i subribe to your channel ryguyrocky
- itachi uchiha: This is like the new EPs of my hero non manga ????
- EC Games: First
- Owen Houg: good video
- Blue Toad Gaming: Frankly, I love Vine. I got you, Matt. 👌
- Agatha Chang: One could say the Shadow Academy people are shady
- garnet the doge: Same
- ItsRyanW: @Ryguyrocky may I ask what texture pack you use please thx
- gamer play's: Mincraft life every day
- Anna Catagnus: When you see flirting in the video name then we all know that this is going to go bad
- Xiao Jing Zheng: KillerGaming when?
- Crazy Mods: Shadow Knight shut up idiot your acting as if you are 3
- XXXgatcha_toastXX Girl: How are the eyes so realistic
- The unfaced Gamer: He is sick
- Nikhil gaming: First veiw
- Nikhil gaming: First like
- Owen Brininger: I meant 2nd
- WOLFBonnie Playzz: UvU
- LightningShock: FreshX AKA Mr.Crabs OF THE YEET PATROL I do have to agree but roleplaying takes a long time to make it good so there has to be a split.
- Ethan Gaming321: Love your vids!!! 😍😍😍😍😍keep up the good work
- Member IX: The Shadow Academy sure are scetchy, I guess you could say they are a bit... shady... Ehhhhh.... no, nobody :( xD
- gaming with funtime foxy: I 💙💙💙 life
- Space Gamer: Ps I’m working on a fan art poster
- Galactic galaxy fire Jones: Hi
- Rattanak visal Vathanak: You know the talking to the pigs is pretty weird
- Galaxy Candy Gaming: 1!
- Max the random Gamer: 1nd
- Ahmed Dhalai: Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood =)
- Koopa Paradise: Remember in ryns house back when Tina could not talk he said something about fire powers. Foreshadowing
- Viry Rivera: Shadow team are cheaters
- Samantha Quenelle: Ok I have asked so many times who is voicing Matt, but come on. Who is voicing Matt??
- Tutorials Effect: Why am I starting to have a feeling that Tori is gonna unleash a new power for the Olympics Well I won’t know until I see Btw can’t wait until for the next episodes
- Progamer123 XA: Tyan (Ryanxtori)
- Ellie Hurm: I feel like Ryan is going to be kidnapped by these shadow academy ppl when they find him snooping. And then everyone is going to be looking for him. And then they will find him. And shadow academy is going to be disqualified from the olympics after Ryan tells Petra,Slade,Alfie,And Thomas what they were doing.
- Sabrina Schoonjans: Hi ryan
- MasterEagle 56: Who was doing Matt for this episode
- FuriousMan23 YT: i don't under atand how this is flirting with danget
- Kameren Keller: Who
- Dragon ninja gaming: Both name and fumnaile are in accurate
- XxRektJumboxX Mazzatto: Hiiiiiiiiii
- Isakill The 1: Ryan, make the vids longer like 25 minuets long
- ObliviousHD fan: NicsterV fan go away see him enstead
- Slowqeen29 Slowking29: Here I don't dislike "Life" or like it but my opinion shouldn't matter Ryan can make video that he likes and enjoy. And let all the bad comment go there opinion don't matter because he need to do what he likes
- Dilcia Gomez: AmazingSamisnotonfire XD ohhhhhhhhhhh
- Jaylin AcT: Change your outfit like everyone
- BertonG33: Love the series make a ton more
- Antony Alfae: First
- Amanda Hickman: I like Ryan but Aron is kinda cool I just ¿???????
- NiNjA_ MoOsE: Your first comment gratz
- redpanda gamer: This is the best
- Mighty Allah: #riptina
- ice_wallow_dik: But tori ... i ship you guy whyyyyyyyyy
- Kenbros Gaming: 34 views 269 likes 148 comments 🆗️
- NIGHTMARE 6096: U can always go to his YT Channel
- Isacc Cao: look at the views so shut ur mouth
- BatBaca: Sees sketchy people decides not to report them in order to get food for his pig
- King Rhino: I wish this was irl so we can have powers like Ryan
- MWP 2312: God I miss Thomas in Ryan's videos #bringthomasback
- Patrick Barry: Best series
- albin 0071: When i started watching this i watched from the start to where we are now
- Skittles_gamer yum Yum: I have no idea that Thomas was in this series
- WhyDontWez #1 Fan: best vid ev
- Orcawhale 009: Grant Phillips no your not idiot
- ItsRyanW: -Ryguyrocky
- ItsJay Stream: Aaron is "Unpleasant" XD
- Bart McLendon: First
- John McCabe: Every one ship Ryan and Tori in chat. Tyan
- Noel Jovenal: Hello peps
- jaydon anderson: 34
- InFerno Ace: This should be every 2 days or everyday
- Jr: Wow
- n o: David Clauss No
- Sulaiman Alkandari: Poor mr oinkers Ryan forgot to give him breakfast
- n o: David Clauss Lol your first
- Kaitlin Gonyea: Please upload more I love the series it's my favorite so far maybe two days a week instead of one
- Kiltmon Min: yeah it has
- James Farnham: i love ur vids ryan
- GecKyo Skitz: Amazing, once again!
- True Gamer True Gamer: Cool
- Alma Aispuro: 331 i wish i was first but im 331 place
- Emilyna-rose Holme: Love it
- TheGamingOrange ._.: 8 ad videos, buy me a big mac, because I'm loving it
- Rishi Kaushal: I love your vids. if u agree like
- Lucas and Friends: 373 hi
- Ultimate Gamer: I think tina x ryan has been trampled by tori x ryan
- Ricksgamin D.: Shadow Knight it’s just a roleplay and tori is Tina/ash
- Elijah Mejia: First
- GamingAdventure: Do all my favorite shows come out on thursday
- Ocean Wave: I love this series!!! It's the BEST!!!
- John raven Cruz: Finally caught up in done
- Mariana GOMES: Tomas should a power of the bell
- Caleb The Roblox King: We must protect the queen
- DMTL bolt: I love this stfuff
- NinjaStagg: Upload one video of Minecraft every 1 day, let’s say 1 day life and the next day daycare pls. I love this series. Like so he sees it
- Devindadude2: ...
- Kidmoose 12: Who cares about who got here first what matters is more LIFE SERIES
- Ezra Anderson: First
- Jason Gamer: Am early
- Naruto Uzumaki: Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I also got ramen while watching it da best
- firestar 1685: ❤
- zamoram079 says ho: 34 view
- Elliot Logan: Ryan:I'll tell you what I'm gonna go get some breakfast and I'll give you the leftovers deal? Mr oinkers: *speaks pig* Ryan:and a large side of 🍟
- lidyawati soedjartanto: same
- ItsFrezer Freze: BTW Ryan pls every Saturday and Sunday pls make it the time to make life vids
- Kameron Taylor: Can u make the vids a little longer
- Makidd GT: Brush this is soooooo gooooooodoo video love this episode
- Bull Army65: Finally Ryan is going for it Ryan freak it Yolo Me go get her and make sure you make those flirts extra spicy
- Bahamahama: internet meme, your also wrong, I commented 10 hours ago so... your the blind kid thats tryna roast me
- Popular Destroyer: me to
- Devin Malain: I wish Ryan would stop being a wuss so there can be a thing RORI or TYAN
- Collin with the world: Hi
- leejeejack infinity: and upload GTA vids
- Mista Twist: Hiiiii
- Lucas Veliz: In 3 days is going to be my birthday
- LianGamer2: I think we all are skechy about them maybe not all but most ( leave a like ON THE VIDEO I dont ask for them )
- The unfaced Gamer: #savemattyboi
- pokemon greniya: YouTube is slow
- Haloa Adams: What happend to Matt?
- XD LILBoat: Wonder wat team Tina would be in if she was in the series
- QuietFuntime1: Elijah Mejia idiot
- James Smith: lol when petra was explain I almost fell asleep
- Shadowfeatherwatcher: This is such a good seres
- QuietFuntime1: Sure
- Hamada Gamer: Hey I wanted to tell you to subscribe to my channel
- samuel animates: Yes love the series keep up the good work like if u agree
- Fannie Lee: Ryan yo girl is cheating on you and she,up Tina you like him and,donot,liy to him 😑😐☹😞😕😔😯
- Master Knight: My fav series
- Ocean Wave: Rip Me.Oinkers For Ryan not giving him leftovers and a large side of fries
- Queen Gacha: Ship name of Ryan a Tori is tyan
- Stephen Martin, PT, OCS: No ur not
- Tiny Tiger: Tori and RYAN FOREVER
- Laser guy: I forgot
- Denim bro Baldwin: Yay ep8
- Ultimate God: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! was my reaction to the video title
- ZĒNĀ ON THE FLIP SIDE: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Hejime Hunter: Lolololol
- John McCabe: +Orcawhale 009 dude stop calling people idiot. Only people who call people idiot's are idiot's.
- Strike Stealth23: LOVE THIS STUFF BOYS
- Moldy Dragon: Sup
- Ryanscoolad: I agree
- cmbb05: LIFE
- thunder bros: Plz
- Antonio Juarez: longer episodos
- superkid: wtf is on the bleachers on 9:36?????
- Su Just: Ryan pls like this
- It’s TNTCraft: Your the best
- olyn reese: hi
- Mega Gengar Gaming: You never flirt with danger
- Uriel Muniz: Hit the notification and slap that like button
- JeffThekiller -_-: Hello early
- itachi uchiha: Early sqaud
- Heather Mullenberg: Hi
- Jarrett Thomas: :)
- Jait the killer: My brother broke my phone a little bit
- need: Nicster V boy Kev and then⤵ you and we will need anything
- Little_ Willowgaming: Hi Ryan I wish I could meet you but I can't I was wondering if you could check out my Twitter because I have posted a drawing of Tina
- Jada Reed: I agree a bunch
- thunder bros: I play on phone
- KenTheGamer 11: Loved the video!
- LazzorMC: This is my fav series! Keep up the good work!
- Davin Quinones: I love you
- Sharkmanmay 58: Guys who noticed the daycare thing in the description
- Savage Eren: Who is just waiting for Ryan too pop the question? I mean ask her out what did u think😆
- Zane_Gaming_: I Like the pig because of the WORLD DOMINATION!!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH
- GamingNinja XD: Blue flames
- Mysterious Hoody: Why don't Matt send electricity through is lags and arms only making a shocking punch/kick.
- Hailey 207: YAS I saw this a the perfect time cuz i am bored when I finish my fav rps Cheaters Like bruh Play fair
- Graffiti Games: Matt can run super fast... Can Ryan make a Phoenix and ride it?
- Devin Fox: Show where Ryan losses control because the new kid kisses tori and forced her to date him
- cykø: Who else have a my hero acdiema vibe
- Wilson The Cat: Nikhil gaming ur second actuallu
- Devin Lu: Y won’t u just set ur alarm clock earlier
- The Blue Wave: Ive been watching since 2k subs
- internet meme: Bahamahama he said the comment 18 hours ago and you comment 11 hours ago ago so your blind fool
- Orange Lxfe: Finally Ryan flirting with someone else
- Sherryrw: Please post more of this series every week. I'm bored of the daycare series.
- Dylan Highsmith: Hi you are awesome😛
- John McCabe: Lies
- Brandon lomsit: Hello
- Vicky Burton: I almost go the of the ruins from the last episode but there is one i haven't been able to do and i think it's called the earth ruin not quite sure its the brown one so ryguy could you get a better look of the ruin for me plz thx it you can
- Jordanblade 321: Yay first person to watch this
- Anastasiya Rezunina: *I s܁tumbled on a sïte that gives fre܁e Minecraft pr܁emium accs. Just Gōo܁gİe this e܁xact s܁ecret co܁de ► mpag6705. Bye!*
- Erika Hernández: I watch your video 2 hours ago
- n o: Geckyo Playz Yep at least I didn't dislike 😶✌
- Sandy Salinas: I love ur VIDEOS RYGUYROKCY
- Edgar Olvera: Hi Ryan love your vids
- Soulstatistics: What ever happened to saber and sharkboy
- Wendy Dudley: Hi
- Brandon Smith: This season Is so good keep doing it
- It’s TNTCraft: Ryan I told you something on instagram
- Su Just: if u see this
- Samah Suliman: Ryan sweetie I think you should change the description
- Dankasaurus Rex: More of dis series less daycare
- DJ Panda Gaming: Ryan: why can't I have a power that doesn't have alot of responsibility Me: well that maybe true it's unstable it's more useful in the everyday world or battlefield if you chose the military career I mean you could redirect flamethrowers fires to the enemy or you can stop or redirect fire into water stop fires instantly put someone out if caught on fire to mimaize the damage you can use your flames to fly create miniature volcanoes so much you could combo I'd rather have the fire over anything else
- 7H3 4C3: Matt should run around in circles and have Ryan shoot fire at him and cause a giant fire tornado if possible( like if you agree)
- Ibrahim khalil: hi
- Jesse Galloway: I agree
- Dorothy Previna: Aww you know what I want if Ryan was a fire dragon slayer from fairy tail
- edgaras petrov: make longer vids
- W unranked balder: If these guys want to get into the lab the'll have to go trough j
- JJ Cintrón: got here early
- Alex Boiz: Aaron from ryan and aaron from aphmau Aaron from ryan looks like zane and ein so i think is a combination of them 3 😂😂😂😂😂like if you agree 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Jerome Mcadams: Dose Tina play tori
- Lachlan Murison: I called it, 2 hours ago I said “since it’s bit a few or so days since Ryan uploaded a Minecraft Life video I reckon he’ll upload one today” and I was right
- Corgis rule Life equals CORGIS!!!!: That’s not Matt
- DarkAssassinPlays: y it only 13 mins it’s ok but y i liked 20 mins better
- Ahmad Awawdeh: Grace Rory stop
- Doge500 Dohe400: Love u ruan
- Anand Sewdyal: 1ST
- Kaleb Gray: video
- Dragon Gamer: Ive watched all ur searies and i still remeber when u had 463thousand subscribers and i still watch u every day ur the best ryan oh and dont forget i still watch u matt
- Alyssa Cafe: Did they say Mr. Oswald??
- Wolf Spuad: 34 views and 257 likes XD life is crazy
- Elliot Logan: Two funny😂
- ᎯᎯRᎾN THE LIᎾN: Ryguy army? Where u at?
- Oliver Bovey: Has anyone know that the boy who talks in the shadow academy is a robot because jay had that black eye and so does the shadow academy guy
- John McCabe: +Orcawhale 009 stop calling people idiot's
- W unranked balder: I have an idea for a combination between ryan and aaron aaron turns into a bird and flys into the enemy and ryan covers aaron's body in fire
- Chardonnay World: *Why did you LEAVE THE HOT DOGS 😭😭😭 THE FOOD*
- KeiffeGames: Hey can you add shark and sabre back in the daycare vids?
- Kids Failing For life: Ryan hunny U probably should change the description 😉
- n o: Oli does Gaming No your third
- Jaden Playz/Roblox Minecraft: RedSlime64 well happy birthday to you
- Leo Hornets: Do you actually like tina
- toxxic gaming: Same
- Jeffrey Quinn: Amazing
- multiverse gamer: Score
- Malik McWms: Mack Middendorf k
- xReeoGaming: #BringMattBack
- light claw: He most likely sick
- Ben Edmonds: 1st
- Chris Dreams: I have a question I watched all of the episodes and during the vacation part in season 1 you and tori were together and I noticed that you two never actually broke up so what's up with that
- xd Kitty mc: Not 1st
- Blue Creeper: I dont care
- Veronica Vela: You should make an episode where Tina is a new student. And Tina gets jealous
- Teddy Gosling: First on
- The offical Saber: this is alot more epic
- Zam Lam: Tori is Tina
- Yvern NotWyvern: Mangle Fan nope autocorrect is my worst enemy
- Rasure47: This series is awesome 👏 i love ❤️ this series so much that i dont want it to end
- David Clauss: Spiraly yes I am
- n o: Sufiyan Tashfin Assuming genders?
- Dillen Playz: First
- Amythest_Chan Hess: I agree
- Stephen Martin, PT, OCS: 76TH
- DragonVlogs: Hey Ryan I love your vids so much I lie to my family and say I don’t like your vids to actually watch your vids and I actually like your vids. Keep up the successful work Ryan
- PokeballZ: has anyone else noticed that ryan must be really inspired by my hero academia because of the sports festival being an event where there is an obstacle race then a tournament (just like this) and like the provisional licences exam with other schools coming to compete with our students not exactly the same but quite similar in concept
- JPW: Tory or Tori still don’t know how to spell if you guys could help me Is going to be mad you better stop
- Pro Cameron: I love this series but my name is Aaron so I’m sad
- Dn 23: I must watch the rock army
- Kid_Bye: Who agrees that Ryan should make a opening for this seosen btw AWESOME SERIES
- David Atherton: Ryan and tori for life
- Nia And The Gacha Games: AshxRyan TinaxRyan TorixRyan
- Maks Karalov: :o
- William Brennan: #earlysquad
- Bambiix: RedSlime64 happy birthday
- Clarice Carido: How can unicornn man have a minecraft series
- Unoriginal_Meme: My favourite series ❤️
- Vicky: Ikr
- The chicken crew: you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!!
- Orcawhale 009: David Clauss no your not idiot
- KarloM67: Life episodes = WAY TO SHORT
- Creative Destroyer: I love ALL YOUR LIFE VIDS
- supergaming Tv456: Whats the mod they are using for the runes or powers
- John McCabe: 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323435363738394041424344454647484950
- Jaycee64 hi: That ending tho
- Sky Kid: Hi
- warlord Z: Owen Brininger no one is YouTube glitches out
- The Worrior Xd: Tell the dean about them i dont trust them....🤔
- Stephanie Walker: The Watchers Fan I get it
- angel perez: Bring back Mat the real Mat Ryan
- Julize Diaz: Oof
- Rebecca Daniels: tori and tina are the same person ash
- dandandragon: Plz bring back pirate life!
- Tested Ninja: Thank you Ryan for making this series!
- Raider 6777: Great vid love the series
- Nikita Kovalchuk: Lying
- Jada Reed: +light claw ur picture I saw it at school on a computer in tech class
- Sam Summers: Why is Matt voiced by TheLSpike??
- Aiden you are the boss Smith: Hi Ryan
- Raven games123: Love this series nearly as good as glen wood prep
- Jessy Miramontes: hi
- Oli does Gaming: First
- Big Luiy: Aaron is totally bakugo from mha with the whole solo thing, plus with not liking losing too much.
- XxHungerGamesxX: I'm the 957 like
- depressed and lonely: Yep
- Wolf Girl 17: I am so happy yasssssssss
- NerdyGuy425: I keep seeing Ryan being able to burn a hole in the fabric of space and being able to time travel or teleport
- Stephen Martin, PT, OCS: I commented before u and I was 76th
- n o: Dillen Playz No sorry
- Tyshawn Harris: Flirting :D. Yyyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaahhhhhhhhhh
- David Moores: He will become the Phoenix
- Aspiring Music: How do you name these videos? The title literally has nothing to do with the content
- AlexPlayz15 Savage: Omg I lv you Ryan as a friend
- Fissle Flame87: Ryan I'm a 2 year sub can I get a shoutout pls
- Colt Johnson: You are in love
- Karson Strayer: 138
- Troxx - Gaming: cool video!
- zoey schneider: Oh and I have your book!!!
- Jose moreno: Hey Ryan can you tell the other properdummies to do another uhc
- Trenton Woodruff: 60 😭
- kozmo259 lapsa: Ryan:pigs eat loobsters? Mr.Oinkers: oink oink
- MC ALPHA: Hey ryguyrocky
- Jakob Rajšp: More episodes a week please
- DracoDragonKing XX: EARLY
- Malik McWms: RedSlime64 happy birthday
- Xiao Jing Zheng: Grace Rory THE SCAMMERS ARE BACK!!!!!!!!!!
- Normal gamer 101 Games and more: This reminds me of Harry Potter the goblet of fire when all three schools go against each other any one Else or just me
- Avymmm Plays: I also despise the French
- ImNotAsking ForTonOfLikes: Make Tina join the series please !!!
- Heather Mckinney: #earlysqaud
- Pika Rose: Why is Tina in the description?
- Wolfeyes 37: So Tori is *danger*? 0_0
- Jayden Games _06: But the hot dogs they left the hot dogs on the tables
- Khardga Gajmer: I love your videos and love you
- Juana BV: What I wanna know is why Ryan and Tori don't start off gf and bf when Ryan made a move in front of literally the ENTIRE SCHOOL
- Holly Hardy: I love this
- NerdyGuy425: In future
- Wolf Wolf Plays: Awesome video
- ObliviousHD fan: OMG...Ryan why that's it...sorry have to go DANNY THE DUCK AWAY
- Liam Matthews: Ryan who was the guy that was talking to you was it director from daycare
- Wildcat 2456: these videos need to be longer it’s a super good series good job
- Gacha Kelly: Why isn't Matt voicing Matt?! >~<
- Benjahmin Sandoval: 43 th yeah more content , this is one of my favorite series I watched it from the begging of season 1 .
- n o: Owen Brininger No sorry :P
- Mysterious Hoody: Feeeed meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee moreeeeeeeeeee feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeeeee moreeeeeeeeee
- jacob obano: #bringbackthomas
- EDITH BELL: By the way it is my birthday
- Kelden Hicks: What sup
- Monsterface125 _: Early yah
- Brandon Bubba: Can you add light and dark magic
- Gengar Tube: 327 views and 379 likes... YouTube is drunk again 😵
- Daylin G: 1
- Cody Fowler: Hi
- MinecraftKid58: MR OINKERS
- Derpy Leo: Where's the flirting?
- Staceyplaysfortnite 2006: Mat is a fat cow
- Triple Jay: I don't get it Ryan didn't flirt with tori
- John McCabe: Did any one hear how much Ash laughs
- Black Ninja 591: Yes can finally stop Tina With her crazy head
- Alien Dynamic: I'm exited for next episode already. And Christopher Robin
- Sav RT: Omg Ryan always forgets things
- YtDarkroom Bloom: Ryan I feel like you are going to do a animation just because of that start of the vid Lol 🤔🤔😏😏😉😁😂😂🤣🤣😄😄😃😆😆
- Soyboyahoy: I love every series
- thunder bros: Ans I play on phone
- GecKyo Skitz: If you dislike then your going to the underworld. Sorry to say that if you did...
- Coach Cody: Hi
- Willie animations: I love this series Loveeeeeeeeee it
- Dani. Diamond: 10:47 that giggle
- Mob4Express: Thanks.. but no thanks I don’t like scams
- MinecraftKid58: Hi
- Bahamahama: internet meme I was saying that when he saw 327 views and 379 likes, he was blind
- Caleb The Roblox King: Da queen knows da way
- King Lion: i do to
- FreshX AKA Mr.Crabs OF THE YEET PATROL: MWP 2312 yess #bringbackthomas
- n o: Owen Brininger Hi
- -SiN- Spirit -Livestreams Every Week: True
- Colin Jones: want Next!
- Gamer Twins: Yeeeeeeyyyy
- J.jgreen Green: And Ryan's girlfriend is ash
- NATEDOG: Finally u flirted with tori one step closer
- Fanatic Singer: Maluisa Melos I switched the sign you are going the wrong way.
- Claudua Torres: Savage Eren me lo envías para revisarlo con do that I do that no one a las órdenes del general no
- Everett Barbour: NISE
- Rattanak visal Vathanak: This is funny 😆
- David Clauss: Hi
- Almeranda Colis: Make more minecraft life
- Soyboyahoy: Form Ryan
- Rick [вѕ]: Dope
- KO Speedy: Slowqeen29 Slowking29 wait a second if u don’t like it why don’t u just not watch it or not like or dislike
- TheAssassin: 48
- TheTrueSquid: oof
- FSGD Leader: Ayyyyyyyyyyy
- Nex Ghost boy: I just realized petra grew s in
- KK ESCOO: I love that series😍😍😍😍😍😍
- Yessica Vids: Hi
- EDITH BELL: Love you're vidios Ryan
- ItsFrezer Freze: Do you know the way Like if you know the way That's right I want to bring this back
- Dr_ Oreo: I think I found a new psycho waifu
- Maverick Oropeza: Hi
- Mob4Express: I gotta a feeling that someone’s gonna cheat! But not sure..
- LightningShock: Wait it is only episode 8 already? This goes quick! :o
- Ssp_gaming: Can't wait to see what happens next
- asma Jedir: Hi
- Kitty Kat: Kelden Hicks YOUR THE FIRST OMG
- Trestian Halliburton: what happened to the intro music
- Mandy this: I like all your Minecraft YouTube videos you're the best YouTuber alive
- THAKILLA VOIDZ _: Tell peetrer
- FreshX AKA Mr.Crabs OF THE YEET PATROL: LightningShock I do wish he uploaded life more tho
- Cash 1999: Oink
- Slowqeen29 Slowking29: Bush Speedy I do watch it but I only watching it make me like "life". I enjoy it sometime and sometimes I don't . Meaning that I never mean to say that I dislike it no I mean that I didn't understand that well but hey if you really like "life" go ahead like it but there for me sometimes I don't get it
- amariah chip: Ryan needs to ask Tori out
- Zach DatBloxer: Tori x Ryan. Aka). Rori and Tyan
- ItsKristinG: Wait did the shadow academy students want to cheat???
- Debbie Simpson: ryan keep up the hard work cause you're my favorite youtuber!!!😁
- Shadow22: hi
- FireGold -Minecraft: XD hi Ryan I love this series (Don’t we all)
- tristan Frith: August 4th is my birthday and my name is Tristan may I have a shoutout
- jeniffer mcneill: #earlysquad
- Jiang Ping Jiang: One day, Mr Oinkers should "rewrite" the script so when Ryan comes back on there is just Mr Oinkers favorite food everywhere...! And as a prank make weird stuff happen before the recording of the video and see how Ryan reacts!
- The Reeper: Love your videos my b day is the 7th please give me a shout out on my b day its my b day wish
- family forever: Will you bring Goldie as a new student
- undertale and fnaf memes: Yay
- Wilson The Cat: David Clauss no ur not
- Hen Rad: so many views yet little likes who’s slacking
- ViiiZze 12: Plz more
- Ps3 and mobile Video games: Yo
- AlishaAnimations *: Diamondspy 2424 yesss
- Mack Middendorf: 91 likes but 34 views
- Isac Espinoza: Plz can I have a shot out plz I sended a picture of your and Tina's marriage
- treyshawn carter: Yup thanks i think it was cause of me cause i said can u make these vids more faster cause u post every month i think so now he is posting every 4 days
- Yu Mei Ann: Can I join the rock army
- Kandis B: these is a vote comment like if you want more of these series
- Kawaii WolfGirl: date Tori!!!!!
- Sarah Wojtylko: EARLY SQUAD!!
- Grant Phillips: First
- Lucas Kimball: Helllllllllllllooooooooooooooooo I'm subbed lol
- Laser guy: I
- Liam Boswell: #rockarmy
- John McCabe: +Orcawhale 009 stop your being a jerk
- Kitty Kat: 228 yessssss
- Lexi Hill: My name is Lexi
- howllingwolf lover: Yassssss!!!!!! XD
- Damaris Castellon: I love your vids
- matthew mcd: Are you going to make a yandere other than a prison do a daycare of yandere
- n o: Grant Phillips No sorry
- ibrahem Fraij: MCPE AU Official.apk
- Gacha Cookie: IM IN THE ROCK ARMY
- Su Just: Keep up the nice work Ryan ur awesome
- Joyce Bramlette: I like liking vs wine
- Ali Alialbadran: Lmoe
- Greenduel gamer: Hey the shadow academy people are sketching Of course they are suspicious there academy is shadow academy shadow is dark and evil evillllllllll
- firewolf henry: Let there be fire and light
- Player Boy: I love this series to much
- zoey schneider: I love your channel and I my dream is for you and Tina to be a couple
- Rebecca Daniels: tori and tina are the same person ash
- n o: Owen Brininger Lol
- LTR Kazuto: What texturepack id that dudeeer
- DERPY DESTRUCTION: Yay Minecraft Life!
- Anthony Meek: In the 34th viewer I love ur vids ur awesome and i would like it if u would stream fortnite on utube too plz and if i had a credit card I would donate every stream. Thanx for making my days for 2 years I love u guys, bye.
- n o: *Owen Brininger*
- Kiltmon Min: do you think tori and ryan kiss agian
- Nina_ the_Narwhal: IM 22 minutes late XD "Its no vines" XD
- Strike Stealth23: When will Minecraft school be back from proper dummies?
- Orcawhale 009: Oli does Gaming no your not idiot
- KevinPlayz08 Gameplays are kinda funny: Yeeet
- Caity Animations: Aghhh yasss
- Jadeyn Sifuentes: I❤love this series but weres the real matt
- jody feldman: my favorit store so fare
- sniper XD1235: You should have Matt run in a circle to create a tornado or something, then add your fire. Fire-nado. Look up fire tornado if you don't know what I mean.
- Lilly Conaway: YESSSS 45th XD
- Jasmine Rankins: Eve Gabriel scam
- FieryPheonix0 TTV: Hi bro
- Curby: Oh boy
- Six: Loving the series Ryguy keep up the good work!
- Tyler Anderson: Why are you so me to gold
- IraelianEnergy: Flippin bring Matt back please, or at least say why he's not voicing himself all of the sudden please!
- Bob The Potato: Amazing
- adrian Perez: Fake matt
- Ahmed Dhalai: `~\|<>{}[]°•○●□■♤♡♢♧☆▪¤《》¡¿0
- Thesus Wells: Best you tuber ever
- Chase Turner: Let gooldy in the squad
- Angel Martnez: More darecare
- David Clauss: First
- Ludie Hallicy: ryan use ur brain they r gonna get information so they can win
- Crafterdude: I'm doing a series based on Minecraft LIFE, please sub to my Channel to see it as soon as it comes out. first video is scheduled to be released Monday.
- Favorite Friends: Prehistoric Gamer 25 YES! LIKE THIS COMMENT FOR HIS EPISODE!!
- Dominik K: Sorry that I’m late because my iPad has problems with charging my iPad
- Genie 2007: Loving it🔥🔥
- DRAGONKING299 Knight_wizard: Yet eye every time I see this pop up I click on as soon as possible thank you for the conttent
- Wilson The Cat: Oli does Gaming not
- MrClutch thopson: Make life videos more often
- Orcawhale 009: Nikhil gaming no your not idiot
- Jacob Hutchins: Ryan I had the weirdest dream last night. I had powers and I thought it was real. But it wasn’t. I was sad. 😔
- DDThe GamerLV: It was my birthday
- ash is my only queen: Matt did you hit puberty?
- Carlos Vargas: Can u delete your pe channel its absolutely worthless
- Willie Ezeb: Are you still a propper dummy
- Hobo Joe: Thomas was suggesting anti virus
- roadrunner 202: what if tori can use her healing powers to make her body stronger?
- Maritza Arroyo: 34th
- Daylin G: 16
- John Heisler: why are you making fun of me I am not French!
- Xx_Gaming-Addictionz_xX: Ok I saw no flirting
- Wilson The Cat: Bart McLendon no ur not
- Jacob Games&Vlogz: Eve Gabriel scamy
- Igael Rodriguez: Yes more i love this Minecraft life
- ice_wallow_dik: Dont date danger It’s dangerous XD
- Wilson The Cat: Refresh the video and scroll down
- KOY CHAO: Thank you for the funny playing in a new one it's up for a geeky when I've been missing all the Minecraft life ones I love all your videos
- Cat Man: Ok does Tina know about Ryan's girlfriend
- Maria Castro: Im early finally
- Wilson The Cat: Fortnite Short Films u r first
- Jay Bot99: Hi
- Lucas Aust: Love the videos
- jonne Tiirikainen: 544'th comment!
- J.jgreen Green: And Lexy is megan
- thunder bros: I subscribed
- am i: A H A A H A A H A
- Minecraft Lord: Se2 se2 se2
- masala gaming datbra: Wait cant ryan go super sayin then win with fire
- Ali Alialbadran: Lmao girl
- Teddy Gosling: One*
- ZĒNĀ ON THE FLIP SIDE: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Lucy LittleGirl: Why was Peter playing Mat ???
- Wilson The Cat: Grant Phillips no ur not
- shadow of wolf that covers snow: I care full around shadow academy kids they seem they want some thing from the lab
- Sophie Lovell-Smith: same Anne O Neill
- n o: Daylin G No
- Orcawhale 009: Your first :D
- HC_Lordlitchking: I feel like i'm mr. oinkers is me because I LOVE FRIES!
- Paul Leaver: I agree 101/10
- My_Life_Red: Just do it mate
- the guy who sucks at youtube: I love this season and the whole series keep up the awsome work!
- ZJ Gaming: Hello
- Orange Slice: Ryan and Tori are perfect for each other
- Hayes Mendoza: Kiss her please
- Brendan Blaisdell: First to be seventh I love this series and I love you ryan
- Webb Nelson: I started watching when Fighting for love came out and I have to say I’ve loved every series from Stranded (first role play I saw ever) to Daycare (the original with shark and Sabre) to Life season one. Point is I love ya s**t Ryan, have a great life meh dude
- Jiang Ping Jiang: My Hero Academia = The one Guy without a power/quirk (All Might does not count because it isn't from him) Ryan's Life RP = The one Guy with a power that is the most powerful The same yet different, cool!
- Killer The god: Yo
- Robert Hadland: Hi plzzzzzzzzz make more vids
- L8 Juju: Love you
- cj sullivan: You should upload this more often
- SpeedForceGaming: I knew it The Shadow Academy is evil or just super edgy.
- WatchAsWeTryToAnimate :3: This is the second earliest I've ever been and that's not saying a lot cause I was the 250th view XD
- Dr. Phil: all of these are da BEST!!!!
- ItsJay Stream: And The Fact is that 'Aaron hates losing' Idk If I got that right
- Plush World: Great video
- Info Nachrichten: 35
- Klgaming channel: Ryan make Minecraft life videos a little faster please its just a really good series
- Ridwaan Ali: Came early
- Satan -: Logic: *Person sees some people talking to each other* Oh I better hide and eavesdrop on them
- Ladybug Shipper: Hana Tan sent me here XD
- andy vo: 34th
- Arcane Demonz: Shadow academi are gonna be a big role in this
- Joshua Burns: :3 cute piggie
- Cedric Cobbins: Make 2 life vids a week
- Wilson The Cat: Early i think
- Nadia Mora: Hai
- Rebels Lacrosse: This series is the best!
- Malik McWms: Antony Alfae no
- Oli does Gaming: As this popped up I was watching Minecraft Star Wars love both series you our the best
- Superandom 1: Why do make them short make them longer
- Hingle MCcringleberry: Nicster V boy Kev nicsterv
- IchBinEineEnte - Fortnite: What software are you use?
- Jaiden Moore show: What is the game called
- IchBinEineEnte - Fortnite: Pls say it
- n o: Red hair girl: where all in this together man... Me:🎶WHERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER YEAH YEA 🎶
- jochonatroyee: No way that’s so cool Ryan
- Master Koala: hey bros plz sub
- Leo Hornets: Do
- Gamerboy849: GO GET HER RYAN!!!!!!!!!!! ^w^
- ItsJay Stream: I agree
- Anna Catagnus: Anime and Games Matt is voicing himself.
- TheGachaMuffin: New intro like season 1 plz
- Sarah Phillips: 1st
- Riley P: Hi
- Da Toaster360: Birth day
- legolascousins: If I get a pig we all know what I'm going to call him
- Baffy Wolf: Oh no Tina is gonna see this and get mad
- wannabe fbr god: what happenex to matt
- n o: Antony Alfae Nope sorry
- Karleen: Ryan please play ROBLOX and play with me Allenman125
- King Lion: hi riyine
- Riley P: 2nd me mean akakwskks
- Fernando _star13: I love this roleplay please keep uploading I love your videos
- Alleigh Cat: Great! Another life video. This is one of my favorite series!
- Devindadude2: Yo Ryan u should a song from Andrew hang called 300,000 note song aka grains of sand
- kitty playz Minecraft & Fortnite: That girl looks like Tina mixed with Ash
- samantha mccauley: First And Awesome Video!! 😊😊
- Sandy Mendoza: No
- the dark ricer: How do u do ur animations
- Slippy Sam Studios: To good to be true
- Nikita Kovalchuk: Oh i see know he is tring to get attention
- Orcawhale 009: Nikhil gaming yea
- Dan Xplode: 14th
- Kaleb Gray: this vido was so short.
- Soulstatistics: I just miss the old daycare with saber the director Thomas and shark because that’s what I use to watch when I first was introduced to YouTube for the first
- Lucas Or Landen MineMonster2008: 181
- Isakill The 1: Heck yesse
- Kiah Vasquez: Ryan u should do a Q&A with Tina
- Devonn Farmer: Sorry early but I love your videos win the battle
- Jacob Haag: New rock army member for lifev
- GirlBossOfDoom: Minecraft life is one of my fav series since the beginning when Tori had a rainbow jacket and that awesome track at the beginning!
- JZ_ B GAMING235: Love your vids
- Xx BrandyGaming xX: Yeah, U owe me alright ;)
- John McCabe: +QuietFuntime1 stop being rude
- Randy Weissenborn: THEY WANTED TO CHEAT?!
- poh poh//roblox & more: flirting with tina
- April Orbe: This is amazing but I thought it was going to between you and Tori but again I still love it 😊
- Anne O neill: I ❤️ this series!
- QuietFuntime1: Dillen Playz idiot
- KingGeorge360: Brov u r cheating with Tina
- Dj Decker: #earlysquad
- Lion Pantene: Don’t do daycare no more
- Star fiction: Ryan can you change your outfit aka your skin with our clothes
- Dragon Storm: Tina/Ash is Tori
- Stephen Rogers: i was number 34 yes
- Brady Darden: Diamondspy 2424 me to
- olivia shi: I agree too
- jamie brathwaite: loving it
- ObliviousHD fan: UltraSpacePanda 123 he's a "Roblox" fan
- Wilson The Cat: Ezra Anderson no ur not
- jordan Vanderstine: More actionnnn
- John McCabe: She is working on season 2 Right now
- Micah Lee: You should add more main characters
- Briones Angelita: Hi i love you
- Tallin Time: I just got back from rock climbing it was so exhausting!
- Primus Gaming: 19teenth
- zebyon Randolph: Ryan do daycare in real life
- Darth Jay: :D 35th view!
- skyvsgames and skyvshaters: Yes......I did it.....I made it
- liam the assassin wilde.omeara: No Tina yey
- Emmanuelshark: What happend to last seasons intro do but just with different people
- AmazingSamisnotonfire XD: Dilcia Gomez Tori is played by the same person who plays tina
- Phuong Mai Nguyen: ryan pls make a serie about the flash
- Yvern NotWyvern: She's second give her some credit
- Anora Okasata: Early! (Not hehehe)
- Boss gamer Zalla: Yes
- MasterIII67: WASSUP
- Great Blade: I love Thomas's new mustache
- Flamefoxphoenix: Does Tomas's mustache change every time we see him, or is it just me?
- zack beverly: Hellooo
- Braylee Dexter: I LOVE you and I subscribed and turned on notifications
- n o: Jeff lafontaine Why are you calling everybody an idiot *Jeff*
- Wilson The Cat: Anand Sewdyal no ur not
- Ellie Hurm: Where is Matt
- ClamYT: its was like a year until i watched this series now theres season 2 i have to get used to this
- cool guy: NOTIFICATION SQUAAAAAAAAD btw best serise ever am i right :)
- Batman5695 Gaming: Bring Thomas back to daycare for one episode
- Jacob Games&Vlogz: Faith Bailey scam
- princess madlyn: I always wanted to see ryan go crazy again but then have 🔥 around him and shot mertors out of the sky to be onest IT WOULD BE SO COOL.
- CoolCat347 Gaming: Nice video 😁😁
- Darren Hannaford: It’s my birthday!!!!!
- Anthony Meek: I can't belive I was the first commenter
- HDKTrident: Every 4 days better then a week nice ryan
- Ezra Anderson: Lol, everyone triggered
- ItzJakeGames 123: I LOVE THIS SERIES
- Gamer Ree: Hi
- Wow I’m a Meme: S H O T S F I R E D
- Jako Lack: Ryguy who do you ship more? Tina & Ryan Tori & Ryan Tell me what you ship more
- Dayfenix Roberson: 2 minutes omg I'm so early thank you so much your the best
- Webb Nelson: Also I know why Aaron is mean and named Aaron, your ticked at Blue Jay and all Aphmau’s team for Aaron getting p***ed at Aviator for breaking copyright. Defending your crew, I respect that
- GiannaGamer GG: Is my birthday today!! Like if you wish me a good day!!
- hectrony crusher: So ryanexi shippers got their wish
- Eric Swertfeger: Hi
- jaycerpeschwin p: Good vid your amazing
- XxAng PlayzxX: YAS PLZ EP 10 SOON
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Minecraft Life - FLIRTING WITH DANGER !? (Minecraft Roleplay - Season 2 Episode 8) | |
5,573 Likes | 5,573 Dislikes |
266,653 views views | followers |
Minecraft Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 2 Aug 2018 |
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