Minecraft Recess - LOST AND ALONE !? (Minecraft Roleplay) - as funny as

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 3, 2019

Minecraft Recess - LOST AND ALONE !? (Minecraft Roleplay)

  1. Savage gamer 21: 2nd view yay
  2. DuctTapeDude: Hello
  3. Ice Creeper: Ryan is my favourite youtuber
  4. Austin Le: Please don't put it in theater mode next time
  5. mika #kikaforever: Its just your friendly neighbor uincorn
  6. Olivier Turcotte: Hi cool vid your the best
  7. TJ kid Gaming: RYGUYROCKY is so cool ☺😎😊😁
  8. Sammy Woodside: 1:31
  9. Darryl Omes: Wow vgbgbhbgbhgbhgbhgbgbhgbhgbgbhgbagbauhbaugbaugabhgabgqbqugbugabugbmecfuhcdenuedbcuehcd eufchnefuchnefcunfrcuhnrfvuhr. Uh. Do fr ijrfnvf j ri j infrastructure if jr fri j f rj f in f j. Inefficient. Jog. Ruin in. Rijfr. Ijrf. If r fir j fr ij. Fiji fvijr fvij. Friar first ijrf. Ijrf r I frj. Grid g rh ref is f run f duh. Fun. Run fr uh f refresh h fr unfreeze. Her. Fr h fr uh. Rfihrf. Fr. F h fr uh f Ruhr her. Ufrh. Ufhr. Uh. Rug. Her. Uh. Run rf hfr. Ufhr. He. Fun. Fuhfr h f ufhr f uhrf. Ur h for hcfh for ruh rf uhrf. Uhrf hfr. Fur h rf h rf h rf uhrf. Uhrf. Uhrf fruh f h f ruh ru for. Fruh h fr fr. Fr r ur fruh fvh fr u ruh hb yb by uyg y yb y big gbgbbuybuyfvhruhtrvhrtyvhrtvuyfvruhngr h fr hour. Vrgeiuh rgevuiuhnregvihu raven eiuhbvrguhibergviuh efvgiuhgt. Ifueh. Tughi e uh gf by hffg his fuvghe gif yeh tug ihe rage iuh Eric uh g re hi Greg. Rgeiuh. Ugh I err geek u gripe ru ghee I. Gresham’s rag eiub Garvey cegriuh wuefch he ufhr ruh uhf we urghw. Iuh u French. Ughre. Grr egrhue huwgu hfr e fruh f vduhegb uhr go uhebg. Rug by. Gtueh b eu e ugh ituhg. High. Ugh got etgu e iuh t got he ug the iuh th e iuh genius hfgeh group. Breuer h got gtehvuidhgtv uivgthe I gteiuhvgte us the gt hue tvgiuh tvegueh GitHub t euihgvt eigvuh I uhhv tgeuhiv fruits. Be h ugh doh. Gruel og the. Tgeuh tgueh Vogue vigtevgreuh egg g uh g ehh uh. Rguhvr hvg hvg Erich. Here ug h. Guthrie huge f rf h Thur u ruh r of uh fr h rf uh rf uhrf uhr go g h vruunrvhn gruhng h ug ruh. Gurhnrg h vguhr uhvgr ungrounded uhvgr h. G h. Uh. Grunt rnuhvgrnhgrv ugvrhnvgrhnuvfhrnrufvhnrvfuh rvfuh fruh fvuh r fruh rf I rah ha remember uhfvrnugvrhnuvghrnuvghrnihvgrnigvhrnigvrhntviruntvirunvgurntvrjntvrjnrtvijngvrjngrvpijnrvijntrvijntrvjngvrjngvrijngvrijnrgvijnvgrij fr hv Gingrich e tend. Jnrgvgnruhnrgvuhrgv uhgvrnurghvnur ghost sorry my keyboard broke
  10. Itz_Gacha Ashley: Kellan Watson me sub to me plz
  11. Morgan Elisabeth: 29!!! Ilysm
  12. Daiqos Pug: Early
  13. wolfpack 342008: Lv ur vids ryan😍😍😇
  14. Olivia or Goldy The Fox: I wonder how long they're going to survive why did they leave them like that heavy computers and everything but leaving kids in the forest that's another good responsibility
  15. Squid: What about tony and kat?
  16. Brian Chatwell: Ahron Official but if ryan has powers then the other would have powers too. Also ryan already said minecraft life is coming this summer.
  17. kitty katarina :3: Nice music BTW 😻😻
  18. yamill925: 553 to watch this
  19. Juana BV: You can make an actual campfire without mods with a bed, lava, armor stands, water, and cobblestone walls (you only need one or two walls everything else except for the armor stands is one the armor stands you need *_ALOT_* )
  20. Edgar Hernandez: Little Jazz c iiiiiaaiziuzuzzuuzuzjzjnz Igb. @bsbnnendhdhdhdh
  21. wonderouswolfie: cookie should have a channel lol
  22. Outlinium: Ryan you should be bryan the bear pls something that needs to happen
  23. Daiqos Pug: Vicky the bunny me too
  24. Christina Perez: PandaManGaming think logically even if they did they would have already ate it all
  25. the pink flamingo: Hay Ryan could you not say the word die because someone died at my school so ya plz don't say that it's tour choice anyways people In the commot don't judge
  26. Dusk Plays: Yay
  27. Pyroninjay Is here: Pls start minecraft life it’s a great series
  28. Jose Romero: FIRST
  29. Biggmack 666: It’s life!
  30. Shadow_Storm752 Gacha: 29th yay! And first comment
  31. Masked Saiyan: 364
  32. Daiqos Pug: Gaming Dragon maybe
  33. Lauro Montufar: Hey ryan is it ok i can join the teamcwhen i get a computer I will TEXT U RIGHT HERE WHEN I GET A COMPUTER THX RYAN
  34. o9Fox boy: hey Ryan
  35. Alyssa Watson: 122 person to comment and thats here i love the video
  36. Bonniethebunny the fnaf World GAMER: Cool
  37. Allison Life: 2:46 WHY COOKIE... NO NO
  38. Mob4Express: Hey can I call UnicornMann to do my house? No one else makes a house like him!
  39. Aceswolfson 21: Hi
  40. katya quintana: Joke it's a yes too.
  41. Wow I’m a Meme: Jack Hajewski * gets lost * makes house
  42. Tyler Goodwin: Tina is cute🐻🐰:-D
  43. JJtherainbowgirl: I AM REALLY LATE!!!!
  44. PandaManGaming: you have backpacks there could be food in them....
  45. Jakefox999 Enever: LEMONINEMONINADE
  46. Amy Gonzalez: Who else loves this series
  47. Boden Amey: FIRST
  48. J Bohman: Cookie: what do you mean me: deaqauns daughter
  49. King Laz YT: What is the schedule for the recess vids? Cuz these vids are amazing and the love story is a big part that I love
  50. Pydro: What’s wrong with the screen it is t a full screen
  51. JRGaming Houlahan: Lanny please no... but true.
  52. Jaxon Garigal: Your the best
  53. shaded key: How are there already 29 views, I just got the notification!!! Btw, love the vid
  54. Gianna Myers: I just want everyone to to know, NO ONE CARES IF YOUR FIRST!!!!
  55. SSniper83: ucm and his tree chopping ability me wish I had that
  56. max level: Doesn't everybody in this is a little squished
  57. JG Eugene: unicorn man op
  58. •Ichigo•: mrow!?! HAHAAHHAHAHa
  59. logang 4 life: Hiiiiiiiii
  60. Andrea Shell: You should turn the Minecraft daycare world into a server for when you aren't recording
  61. Weird Person: Hi
  62. coolboygamer300: Good
  63. danielle Sweet: Who does the music in you video
  64. Penguin plays 11: Hi
  65. Drake Balzer: Unicorn Fox 7:26 where did they get fences?
  66. Jaimee Santos: Hehe..no your not really🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅🙅
  67. Daiqos Pug: JOJO7X BRO gg
  68. TheWolf Irene: Dapug Master exactly thanks
  71. TheGamerKinght: Where's life season 3
  72. The Master Player: Kayhlem Cawley he is really a super hero
  73. Ultimate Boredom: U would think Tina would take a bit more charge seeing as how she's a tiger
  74. Epidemic gaming07: Brian Chatwell yay i loved minecraft life
  75. helen Perez: Ily Ryan ℒᎾᏉℰ ᎽᎾu ℛᎽᎯℕ
  76. Destini Angelina: Seriously, Unicorn man hasn't slept or ate and he's the one keeping the alive soooo they are doomed and need to get an act right and treat him better
  77. Gabriel Miguel Manuel: Unicorn ❤️ Gold (like if agree)
  78. Shiina Tempest: I love it :D nice episode please make more of it!💗❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗❤️❤️💗
  79. play your self 123: 200 I'm not getting any
  80. Daiqos Pug: Nightmare Sans maybe
  81. Matthew Samuel: You and cookie together
  82. Slassi Wassim: Kksooemswosksoskxks fake you tina
  83. DG Vampire: Also don’t they need a toilet to poop or pee?
  84. Asher Engle: hi
  85. allan sanders: hi
  86. minebloxian YT: #GOLDMAN or #UNICOLDY
  87. Kawaii Bunny: Cookie is a strange beastie.. she threatened the man that has a freaking crush on Tina.
  88. A Kongratsasy: KIT KAT GAMING why do People think that all the time? YOUR NOT FIRST CANT YOU SEE THE COMMENTS?!
  89. Epic Stunners: #goldyman for life
  90. Typical gamer Jr.: Love the vid
  91. katya quintana: Yeah. you're right
  92. Kellan Watson: Phoenix of Random okay
  93. Olivier Turcotte: What about super heros there in my priority's list sorry for my english
  94. Shadow Edits: Your the besy keep it up!
  95. LukeReacts: Paige Ortega No ur not and it dosent matter if you are or bot so shut up
  96. Daiqos Pug: DiamondRedstone 123 maybe
  97. Sammy Woodside: No
  98. asma Jedir: *Sigh*
  99. Willie The Fox: The four things u need in life Food,water,shelter, and A SUPER HERO
  100. KIT KAT GAMING: First to comment
  101. joey lazo: Unicorn my bro is A FREAKING HEERRROOOO
  102. the crazy popcorn: If they fell aslep with no shelter they should have hyperthermia
  103. Lewis Johnson: First
  104. Ølivia PÎg Qûėēñ Nichols: Hi ryans my bro
  105. ItsTheTerra: Oh thx for that I didn’t know
  106. hellodude776: XD i broke my mac while watching this. Thats how u know its good.
  107. Shockz_21 Youtube: Kawaii~desu
  108. Theo and the pikachu Crew: I have food *blood drips from mouth* oh it was a tiger I ate the insides of
  109. Wow I’m a Meme: Gianna Myers I agree
  110. karlalairene: Love the Unicorn
  111. victoria larsen: Omg L. Love et
  112. Abby Dreams: Toxic candy Toxic Ha!
  113. Paul Kenline: Where did unicornman get a saw and jackhammer
  114. JoseC Cardenas: Cooki is like the dad of tina
  115. Heather Bowman: Plz make your videos longer
  116. Vibez YT: Cookie is Chop asf
  117. Salomon Sanchez: Jakefox999 Enever what are you doing here little lizard (I KNOW ITS JUST THE PICTURE OK)
  118. BlueShyBunn y: U my favorite youtuber
  120. am i: Omg who was upset cuz the screen was cropped XD
  121. Jackalopers The gaming channel: Wait I'm smart and cool for reading
  122. That Dude: Great job
  123. Something Secret: Goldys face 8:30-8:45 it has no reaction
  124. A llama that needs 100 subs: My bad at 4:31
  125. dafireybeast 356: Ryguyrocky your my favourite youtuber
  126. Dylan Buehler: Sargent Pringle first I said it was a joke
  127. itzpreshuss: Ryguyrocky videos or getting boring
  128. The Bros Productions: OH NO I DON’T HAVE A SUPERHERO
  129. Jennifer Hinninger: good vid ryan
  130. Pikachu But cute: 2:50 I was like. *MOTHER OF GOD*
  131. Brenden Tsang: Love your video
  132. stesh plays: Unicornman and goldy are realy breaking the ice also not that juicy btw
  133. Namas'cray: Unicornman is trying to impress Goldy and i find that adorable X3
  134. Epidemic gaming07: is this going to be like minecraft life Ryan???
  135. Norvia Duffus: Not first
  136. Jj Things: 😂😂😂😂
  137. Potato Squad: love you ryan
  138. Yah _Yeet: Happy anniversary for your channel
  139. Jackalopers The gaming channel: Wait so Tina and Ryan are now just sleeping together
  140. Sammy Woodside: 1:32
  141. Isakill The 1: Dragon ball Hopataaaa 8:06
  142. rabbi salam: i love the music and there working togeter
  143. WWE Mr.Socko: Very good my friend
  144. GameScaper: 9:31 LOVE THE MUSIC!
  145. B3ast HD: Judson Wade If its outro its listenbee-children
  146. Janice and Sylvia Ogbe: Poor unicornman... tired and hungry
  147. Avymmm Plays: Poor them
  148. Shayleigh Price: Hii
  149. Muffin Chip: Pfft I'd like to see the rest of them built a tiny shelter and chop a tree down as fast as my boy Unicorn man did!
  150. the epic adventurer: Goldy(aren't you tired) unicorn man (extremely) #SAVAGE #YOLO
  151. Oweedabee Gaming: hi
  152. BEEF BOOM: HI
  153. Kadien Towne: i say unicorn man is a god
  154. Kawaii Potatoes For life: First! Ekkk I love this!
  155. Mr Godzilla: "Views" are actually the people who end the video.
  156. Daiqos Pug: Noah Simmons maybe
  157. Xx Z1nQ xX: Please make a part 2
  158. karlalairene: Unicorn is the best hero and best fruendly person ever. Like if agree
  159. Shadow Knight: Hi
  160. T j: Hi, how are you? 😀
  161. Gabriel castanon: favrite youtuber
  162. Xx_Tricky Trickster_Xx: Hey Ryan I support all of your content and I really love your channel!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!✌🏻❤️😍😜😝
  163. Jakefox999 Enever: LEMININIADE
  164. Tom Tongotongo: kiss kiss her
  165. The official Rockstar Gaming Games and more: 156th
  166. Brantley Baccagamingz Alexander: 202th
  167. THAKILLA VOIDZ _: 5:15 I thought it said woah in the woah me but high pitched
  168. 0_0: I hope so
  169. Swimdude11: Kayhlem Cawley the dude is a real hero
  170. Twisted Foxy x Mangle: Ryan subscribe to me please
  171. Daiqos Pug: Julian Pimentel yeah you are
  172. Hater's keep hating: Hi Ryan
  173. Its Galactiq: Did anyone else see that the screen was squished a little (everything was shorter but wider) or is it just me?
  174. helen Perez: ℒᎾᏉℰ ᎽᎾu ℛᎽᎯℕ
  175. Genji Shimada: Ava Shyworth why are you not commenting this on dangmattsmith’s page?
  176. Uni Foox: QUE ANIME INTRO THIS IS GONNA B A LOOOOOONNNNNGGG EPISODE (jk idek what happens in this episode TvT)
  177. The gamer TS12: Lol
  178. Laura Davis-grant: GOLDY X UNICORNMAN IS CONFIRMED 😻
  179. JakePop Plays: Lol Goldy's face
  180. Michael Merrett: 193th
  181. KLC: Its funny how tina was against him killing the deer and shes fine with fish cuz her close are a cat XD
  182. Max Flanders: Yeah
  183. YTGaming HELLO: First
  184. PandaManGaming: ya know what you may be right
  185. Danielle Caseres: tinas bad at hunting and they say just get some fish and ryan was right there is no fish
  186. Frisk Pichi: Is Cooke ok
  187. Oren Allan: 16
  188. ProGaming Isaiah: WHERE IS SHARK AND SABRE
  189. Vicky the bunny: Ayyy I love the vids!
  190. ItsTheTerra: 1 view and 6 likes we broke youtube
  192. KawaiiWolfGamer: First
  193. DarkAssassinPlays: goldy and unicorn mann are funny and collins (Collins says “its cookie!) is cute
  194. enguday Abebe: Kiss tina
  195. JPW: What song do you use Ryan it’s sooooo good
  196. BlueLightning318: Sup peps
  197. Sargent Pringle: renjun_derp9 it's not an opinion it is a fact :D
  198. The3Major Gamers: Hello
  199. ProGaming Isaiah: WHERE ARE THEY
  200. Xx Z1nQ xX: Ur first To eat chicken
  201. Squid: #KindaEarlySquad
  202. Nicole Bartels: omg yes i'm the frist
  203. A Kongratsasy: Dani0202 yeah I'm from today at around 5:15 in the afternoon. Its kinda obvious that you're not from the future because your comment says "1 hour ago" below it
  204. DG Vampire: Sorry if I’m not early!
  205. TheWolf Irene: Heheheeeeeeeeeee
  206. The Worrior Xd: Goldy just express your feelings tawords unicorn man and what im saying is that tell him you LIKE him😉
  207. Julian Pimentel: I'm your #1 comment and your #1 FAN!☺
  208. canibal cat: MATTTTTTTTTTT, what are you doing?!?!
  209. kitty katarina :3: 0:24 i knew it Ryan and Tina share the same bed 😄😄
  210. A llama that needs 100 subs: Uuuhhhhh sooo you can see the campin the background at 4:21
  211. Ellie Plays: *YES RECESS!* looks at views and likes -boi-
  212. hellodude776: no joke
  213. Itz_Gacha Ashley: Good job
  214. DarcxYT: Tina is a tiger she doesn’t like fish WHAT?
  215. Charlene Rushing: Hiiii
  216. Coffeappple1789: 18th
  217. Firefighter 911: L..
  218. Brian Chatwell: The Epidemic07 same it's one of my favorite roleplays.
  219. Sandra Quituisaca: Yesss u are my 4th favorite YouTuber
  220. Judy Stone: ryguy cool man you rock
  221. ¿¿¿ playz: Can you put saber in it plz
  222. katya quintana: Yeah, you're right.
  223. Mike Wicklund: 103 likes 29 likes we definitely broke YouTube
  224. MAZYA HARRELL: I want your Wacky Wings you do not drop that soap
  225. Lust Sans10: I'm late!!
  226. Corinne Tobias: I was just looking for a video to watch then I found this masterpiece series with this new video!
  227. TheWolf Irene: Sargent Pringle You care enough to comment saying it
  228. Ellis Lockhart: Good vid
  229. Lauren Morris: Yyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeesssssssss
  230. Star Watcher: want a free sub 1.sub to me 2.like this comment 3. replay done
  231. toucan gamer: Love this channel
  232. GreyGlitch: ♡ dat music fam!!!
  233. Elliot Logan: 0:40 Tina is goldys mom confirmed.
  234. CJ Gamer YT: This episode is so awesome
  235. Vor Tec: First
  236. chisy cass: Wiyfy
  238. Batman5695 Gaming: 9th
  239. Breana Ferguson: (After I see the name "Lost and Alone") me:"IF THERE'S A GOD OUT THERE HEAR MY PRAYER!!!! 'Cause I'm lost and afraid and I've got no where else.. to go!!" (real song. It's called "To Your Daughter")
  240. TheWolf Irene: First
  241. Holano Zerotox: Which one is better Minecraft Daycare or Minecraft Recess?
  242. Sargent Pringle: renjun_derp9 no one asked you to reply to me
  243. the red crafteryt: y r there blak bars :(
  244. GamingWithFabianMobile: can you kiss tina in the final episode
  245. Dylan Buehler: First To like my own comment
  246. Gaming Dragon: Yay first
  247. Dani0202: Who's watching this on 2050 because i am from the future Joke i am watching this on 2018
  248. MegaCharzardEX: Hey Ryguyrocky can i have the ip for the server
  249. King Niar: Tina doesn’t want to kill innocent animals? Tina the TIGER does she even realise that tigers kill innocent animals all the time?
  250. Nevaeh Basarab: U ant alone you have us
  251. Sandra Quituisaca: Queeee I didn’t know u knew Spanish uni fox
  252. Dane Miranda: Stop being mean to goldy
  253. Screwyy: Do you know the way
  254. Keilly and Angie Adenture: 29
  255. Earellano454 Earellano454: 1
  256. newscope 245: 93
  257. KatieDoesStuff: when goldy and unicornman are alone in the cabin me: KISS KISS KISS KISS HEY DON'T JUDGE ME IM INSANE! XD
  258. Jack Hajewski: The first thing they think of instead of looking for the adults is “Hey Guys Lets Build A House”.
  259. Ayla Burton: Hi second
  260. Summer Van Tassell: You know I started to think that Colin's is actually human uh # Jerk Colin.
  261. GAMING WITH FIATH FROM YOUTUBE: I love ryan's vid....😀😀😀
  262. Kayhlem Cawley: Poor unicorn man no sleep or food
  263. Eqics: Love ya Ryan!
  264. Tyler Goodwin: Y'all are killing unicornman
  265. Logan Scott: I do not like this
  266. Earellano454 Earellano454: Can you play fortnite on PS4 and my name is earellano454
  267. Khalil Kelly: This series is better than the other series
  268. kaneki lumine/bam: Near 2:40 I love the fact that cookie is like that XD
  269. SallyWolf7890: Squeal
  270. XX_Onyx_XX: “Let’s lay down a permitter”😂
  271. the fox on fire: Why in every video dose it say "Ryan gose to school witch is also daycare" this is not daycare
  272. Shadow Knight: Hi ryan
  274. wolftijger: Love the content never make it stop plss
  275. Jemma Grigg: Hi ryan i really like these sieries thanks for putting all ur time and efort into making these
  276. Ahron Official: its all sketchy so it could happen and its prob why the camp boss is making the managers keep a close eye on ryan he might have fir powers
  277. SodaThe Fox: YASSSSSSSS
  278. TheIdioticWhat Plays: Tbh I want more Minecraft life (~_^)
  279. Aendermine: Yay new vid
  280. COOLWIZARD 248: Yeye
  281. Brian Castillo: Ryguyrocky please make a longer video
  282. simaaaz žaidejas: Its not (~_^) its ˙_^
  283. BadVib3zzz: Ryan daycare is getting boring u do the same thing every day going to the portal and playing games we want like daycare adventure
  285. PurpleFlameDragon 151: Hay ryan when is minecraft life coming back?
  286. Daiqos Pug: Ayla Burton nope sorry 5th but very early no hard feelings
  287. Lewis Johnson: Firdt
  288. Becca Eiynck: Hi
  289. NoahDiggidy 12: First
  290. Boo Animates: #imsadbecauseiwasgroundedyesterdayandwaslatetothisvideo
  291. charlize arroe: howdy!
  292. BlackhawkGamerBoi: He forgot the Lemoninemoninade!
  293. Leo Hernandez: 29 view
  294. - sips tea intensifies -: 2,174 views 415 likes, 150 comments. send help to yt
  295. Guitar PLW: That is weird...
  296. mr turkey: hi
  297. Evanderman !: First
  298. Kellan Watson: I like Ryan videos who does too 😃😃
  299. Destine Rivera: love it GOOD job
  300. Toxic candy Toxic: Hi Ryan today I got hacks on roblox
  301. Ethan Lewis: Why did thay no use the fences for the first night
  302. The official Rockstar Gaming Games and more: Christina Jeff nope
  303. The Pokémon Dude: yay we get a recess and dragons
  304. JORGE HERMOZA: Sorry I’m late because homework
  305. Lewis Johnson: MaryLadybug Sanders you are congrats
  306. Jakefox999 Enever: Salomon Sanchez I know IDIOT I like all the little club and more so
  307. Alli kitty: Goldy and unicorn man are so cute like if you agree
  308. Carlos Pagulayan: Ryan my minecraft name is the technology k dude
  309. Callum the Destroyer: Love dis
  310. Chris Villegas: Why do u guys have to been meaning to Goldy
  311. Commissar Bunar: 29 views 57 likes ahhh youtube never ceases to amaze me...
  312. Daiqos Pug: Boden Amey 2nd maybe
  313. Kirishima Akutsu[Google's Sergent]: Another day of!!!!!!!, adventures!!!!
  314. Ancient Toxics: I can see satisfyingly 1000 veiws
  315. Sargent Pringle: NO ONE CARES!!!!!!!!!
  316. Synergy Cactus: Ryan's famous quote "I saw it on tv".
  317. Becky barrett-mead: 29 views and 206 likes
  318. Lanny 75: 29 views 55 comments wtf go home YouTube you're drunk
  319. JackX_1985 X: Wow... Gives the bodyguard no food
  320. Fire_Gamer 23: 1 do more daycare with red is 18
  321. joey lazo: 31PIECEBUCKET FBI knock down the door to knock her out
  322. The OutsideInZ _: Mr Godzilla Von views are 30 secs in. I think.
  323. Jaimee Santos: Sargent Pringle No one asked :DDD
  325. Cruz Ochoa: Why always tina😒😒😒
  326. Daiqos Pug: jacob obano no
  327. Jakefox999 Enever: Salomon Sanchez I know you IDIOT I like little lizard
  328. Diego is gaming Forever: Hi
  329. Fume Rench: I luv u all 💓
  330. Daiqos Pug: Evanderman ! Maybe
  331. Hi: Hi
  332. Frost Hound: pls do more of these I LOVE THEM you are the best youtuber ever like ever
  333. The Corrupted doge boy: ProGaming Isaiah this is not daycare and they are probably not coming back
  334. Evan Muro: I NEEEEEED to know where you get the music from. The Guitar Acoustics make me feel so happy I almost cry
  335. Call Me Stewie: WELLCOMMEEEE TO ANOTHER DAY AT DAYCA— Wait what it’s recess ughh daycare is so much more fun
  336. Dar Echo: Plz make episodes longer
  337. katya quintana: Oh hell No!
  338. Ava Shyworth: #earlysquad #notificationsquad
  339. ComboTapped Watching channel: not going to give us any more backplot? oh ok I'm fine with that its not like my favourite bit >:o
  340. Charlie Dean: and they can't figure out how to split 2 fish between 5 people. logic
  341. Mia Bear: I loved this episode so much💜
  342. HydraAssassin: 2
  343. Crafty Gamer: Cookie is cute while you trippin
  344. jacob obano: Yes!
  345. kitty katarina :3: 0:43 five more minutes mom 😂😂😂 Tina-mother Ryan-father ???????😂😂😂
  346. mike casares: Gotta runnnn
  347. mika #kikaforever: Well..u don't have be lil rude about it
  348. A Kongratsasy: ItsMeFaithful Oh, not for me. I see 6,307 views and 688 likes.
  349. The Hero 64: Collins is my favorite
  350. Daiqos Pug: Morgan Murray Vlogs me too
  351. Sarah Phillips: so close
  352. Aimee Young: ryan I love Tina plz tell her that xD
  353. Jacer paul: Hiii
  354. Wolfertron: I miss Thomas and Olivia like if you want them back
  355. Genelle Craig: Sorry Tina don’t take this by offense but shut up let Ryan do what he needs to do
  356. 12 32: Cookie is a savage
  357. hi! ok.: Suspence!!!
  358. Xavier Williams 99: 96
  359. Kevin Landeros: Panic all for them sefs
  360. DarkElectroWolf: This has alot of vibs from his old show Stranded with the PI
  361. Itz ArKTiC: 2:44 cookie has ultra instinct? They breakin the 4thwall?!xD
  362. Danni Lew: What's your old daycare server address
  363. JOJO7X BRO: First
  364. Bat Wham: Chiky Obiekwe your making me mad
  365. Shawn Gaming: 75
  366. Daiqos Pug: Jose Romero your not neither am I
  367. ItsKayKay- Im the New YT: GamingWithFabian That would be the most Greatest Ending Ever Since Tangled came Out
  368. Earellano454 Earellano454: 1
  369. Myasia Martin: I LOVE YOUUUUUU
  370. Jakefox999 Enever: SOZ SPELLT IT WRONG
  371. WolfyBlox: #earlysquad
  372. Johnny_ AHM: Who also thinks that unicornman will die over night?
  373. shadow wolf: Hiiii
  374. the unknown: It should be 6 0r higher views
  375. naughtykid000: Wait so goldy and unicorn man have no axe yet they have a jackhammer and a saw
  376. Maritza Arroyo: 29th kiss kiss plzs
  377. Kamaree Parker: There heads look mashy
  378. The living Dead05: Wouldn’t u make a fishing spear?
  379. Peyton Plays: MORE MINCRAFT LIFE
  380. Swimdude11: No sleep no food for unicorn man you're a good man unicorn man to protect these people these people would probably be dead by now
  381. Connor Dodgson: 2nd
  382. pr0 ki113r: Goldy is petty
  383. LoganLame: Wazzup boys? This video has a pretty bad graphics, like the looks different this episode.
  384. Snipershooter59: Ryan u should make a song parody with Tina
  385. Slassi Wassim: Lye fak e
  386. Oweedabee Gaming: very early
  387. Sargent Pringle: NO ONE CARES!!
  388. JPB Plays: Lucille Book wut i dont say it
  389. VloggingKC: 😲😄I loved it, it was amazing. 💜💜
  390. bbkingj23: Do a life episode we’re Unicorn Man and Goldy fall in love and then Unicorn Man asks Goldy to be his girlfriend and she replies with a yes
  391. XP GAMER 307: BRING SABRE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  392. Kyla Gale Burns: 21 views 124 likes and 61 comments wow
  393. Aqua X: Ryan ask Ash on a date
  394. Gabe 18711: First ?
  395. Blue Tiger: I love this so much it's so cool 😋😋
  396. Xblüê X: Hey Ryan!!
  397. Katie Plays: Hello everyone, if your reading this comment, Your beautiful, and I hope you have an amazing day!! 💕
  398. Chiky Obiekwe: Ugh they need to stop letting unicornman make all the sacrifices it’s really making me mad
  399. VOID: I've been sub sence 2011
  401. OmegaSlash_22: i like uniconman
  402. Rosalie Collins: Your cool
  403. Jaimee Santos: oMG Im EARlY I LOvE yOu SO MUCh
  404. The official Rockstar Gaming Games and more: What is your Gamertag no
  405. Soul CoolK: Ur the BEST EEEEE
  406. Trevor Potgieter: LOL deadpool theme song again
  407. Secretlovegirl24681 Turtlegirl: Lol unicorn man tries to be cool he isn't cool He is awesome
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Minecraft Recess - LOST AND ALONE !? (Minecraft Roleplay)

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126,870 views views followers
Minecraft Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming Upload TimePublished on 19 Apr 2018

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