LIVE ON FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/RyguyrockyOF...
Channels you should check out!!!
Tina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsA...
Goldy - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEmW...
Derp - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-o...
Roblox - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepS...
Minecraft Daycare Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF7El...
In Today's Episode Ryan goes to a school which is also a daycare. He then traps the director and escapes! What will happen next!? Find out in this episode!
Want Cheap Games!?
LIVE ON FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/RyguyrockyOF...
Channels you should check out!!!
Tina - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsA...
Goldy - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEmW...
Derp - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY-o...
Roblox - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCepS...
Minecraft Daycare Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF7El...
In Today's Episode Ryan goes to a school which is also a daycare. He then traps the director and escapes! What will happen next!? Find out in this episode!
Want Cheap Games!?
- xXxDragonWolfxXx Gatcha Studio: Where is Cassi?
- THE BREFEST: I love how everyone is throwing potato's and unicorn is singing XD
- Lazerlord239: Num Num Num *<3333333*
- kitty playz Minecraft & Fortnite: I Died at the end before the outro Lol music started playing and then Tina Shows up!
- Dragon silver: NOTO SQUAD
- Tatiana Malvoisin: Hey
- Ibrahim khalil: hi
- roger strange: booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Jennifer Hettema: meeee
- KingNate R: And also Tina is yandere in a different way,.....
- XxThe_Wolf Of_ChaosxX: Havent seen the video but i hope tina leaves
- Carson Oakley: 24th
- Kamryn Anthony: Na na na na hey hey goodbye microphone
- ZachariiChan ,: High school musical I've seen the movie before
- justbnjess1984: Get a $1000 iPhone 10
- zandra cardona: what happend to derector and tomas
- PaytonGaming04: marshmollow the cat Yes it was, go look
- Marie Vixama: Plz
- Bull Army65: And nooooòooòoooooo
- CRAZE PLAYZ: Making my down town eating grass and home bound dundundundun” THAT MADE ME DIE LAUGHING 😂
- Tabletop Waif: 24th #EARLYSQUAD
- sianna burton: he threw his mic out LOLOLOLOLOL
- NovelHydra: That was smart goldy
- Hockeygirl 05: Ryan u should of said forever Then kill Tina Then marry Goldy
- Carson Schill: Why be hater u idiot
- ibu abid: lol
- black myth: Ryan you are the rudest person I met if you were going to you and me leaving and you will be sad you are the worst YouTuber ever in the whole wide world I'm done watching your YouTube videos into until you get Goldie back by the way she beat you at Bed Wars that time
- Joshua.Fortnite: I do
- Ninos Martinez: Lxm c oink me on is it h,durryxtdrykytlsekd5se5is5ors5ridi5di5rrydykrxyrkkrdordtyodydyoxorodtoxyfoxtyoxyfkxyfodyfdo5rod5roxyirxyirxfykdkyx5rod5rdx5or5rx5ramrod roxy fidy
- NappyHeadDee: 24th
- greninja plays: Your first good job hop your happy
- Hank Decklever: Tina should leave
- Ender Plays: your mean to goldy
- Wolfalexis435 Lol: Did u actually through your microphone out your window
- Camo Gamer: Tina:(✿ ♥‿♥) Ryan: ಥ_ಥ Tina:(⊙︿⊙✿)
- Ethan Rocke: I think they can teleport through the portal to play fortnite
- Jenny Redmond: 1:41 uh-oh, he broke his mic XD
- felipe perez.v: Yassssss
- AnimatorGaming: I love your videos ryan!!
- darkesse _the_wolf: Derpy Leo aiii lol :p
- Litten The Kitten: Ryan if you lose then you can get away from Tina
- Josh Brooks: XD your amazing
- Your worst nightmare: Sabre he never is here
- dog3y: 100th like
- TheBlueModern 23: Owen Brininger no one gives 💩
- Rockyjams909 Fortnite: 2nd hi
- Tabitha Rico: Bye goldy
- Flame Playz: Hi!
- Jayden Labuntog: Why goldy
- Jasmine Tolley: I died with laughter at 2:34 and I'm the 100th like
- AlishaAnimations *: HER extreme day when it’s on HIS channel mmmmmhhmmmmm
- Adam marius Serna: The ending😂
- itsmellslikejustice meh: Did he really though his microphone out of the window???
- Br0nZ_y: Ryan owns the daycare how would he get ban
- Dark angel Slime: And when did you and Ash met are you guys dating or something and don’t pick something
- Hockeygirl 05: Tina shut up
- Pie Guy: LOL Unicorn and the manns
- Brody Dixon: hiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaa
- Jas Ade: I feel bad for you microphones. #miclivesmatter
- Barbie Mcadoo: He has a beard..............nice and his faces are golden thats what i expect from daycare
- LilMya Playz: Finally Tina doesn't get her way! I still want her trapped in bedrock with a peice of bread a day and a bottle of water and make her pray to god for mercy!
- Upsides Down: I wished tina left she is mean annoying and is a bully I wished Ryan and Tina changed
- silver owl: It's so amusing when unicorn man killed Tina with the wrench at least he not leaving cause he's my favorite
- Mario Gaming: Bigdenim Bernard good one 😂
- LunaTheLightFury!!!!!!! And I also love Toothless: YAY FINALLY I HAVE ANOTHER SUPPORTER #TINATHELOSER (Btw I’m talking about Tina not Ash. Ash is still awesome)
- Cris Vega: Tina is we are😒
- Talented Slowking: Not a hater but plz make tina leave shes anoying
- Darkshaow Playz: Third
- Don Uloth: Never clicked on anything so fast
- TheDreamMaker: hahahah I love ur vids
- Chelsea Castaneda: 24th basically early
- Alex _Ander: I wish you through your microphone out the window. But either way rip
- FNIA Nightmare Foxy: Love the series keep it going
- Orguidea Liriano: And I will not be watching you for 3 days
- Matthew Morales: Yay Goldy gets to stay
- andrea sene: Play a different game for once!!!!👿👿👿👿
- Jone M: How dare you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Alex - Roblox: Owen Brininger and why 1st whats so good about it?
- ___ Trash ___: The end🤣
- javer esparza: Hahahaha
- RavenPLAYZ Wolf: Love your videos
- Laura Gunn: If goldy was accualy leaving I would never watch another video from them cause goldy is my favourite lol
- Matt Schreibman: Wat hpind to sabr
- Sophie_Galaxy 3: SHE IS STAYIanag YAY
- mrkylethelegend: Great vid Ryan
- Gael Saldana: Ryan you said they had to leave forever
- felipe perez.v: Noooooooooo
- Its Brandon: 1st
- Amar Singh: 2:12 LIZZY SAVAGE
- suzanne king: Me
- Cloclofish Cat: Where’s angle
- Travis Kudluk: ender dragon doesn't count that means ryan is safe.
- Leah Sherriff: omg great vid ryan love ur channel
- Fury Flix: Hey look closely after Ryan "threw his mic out the window" he just blured it out so it looked like he accully did it
- Jr Carson1: Ryan and unicorn are way nicer than the girls sorry girls but it is true
- Hoodie_Girl 92: Hey It's Cay he has a channel Unicorn mann stream
- Unicorn frap: Best song ever 😂😂😂
- Cobra999 Dracgo999: 124th like
- Lisa Smith: Kat was not there
- Ice Bear: i want tina out
- Jose Huerta: nice tryyyy
- Rafaela Salgado: NOO
- Darkboi190: #BRAKETHE4THWALL!
- TheGamingGrape35 Narwhal: You boi I though goldy was leaving and then i'd have to unsub
- LucyNikTheWavyGang TheZideo: 19:24 xD
- darkesse _the_wolf: 09FoxGirl duh
- Derpy Leo: It turned out to be the mic that left daycare forever
- Dematha Plays: hii
- Eevee DaRk: I hope Tina can be nicer to goldy like if u agree
- Travis Sallee: 10 minutes late NOOOOOOO 😖
- sideways werman: Best joke of 2018
- Lil Curious: Does anyone loves Ryguyrocky?!?!?(。・ω・。)
- Taylor Dobson: Hi rain how are you
- William Guerin: 41st
- Carson Schill: I'm the 133 comment
- Ok Dotso: Hi Ryan
- AshPlayz: XD LIZZY AT 2:15 should we be concerned? 🤣🤣
- Luis Lugo Pinzón: Z
- Jake dee: dang I wanted goldy to leave
- SARGENT SHAMADE: And amazing video im sad you left proper productions
- XP GAMER 307: 2:50 never do that again
- Kaiden Phan: i did
- Quincy St . Rose: One of your videos should be like Tina is a witch
- Hey It's Cay: Lol
- Jacelle Alexander: my name is ramdow gamer and i want to be in your video
- Sergio Zavala12: If i was there i would lose unpurpose to get away from tina
- Dre white: i like that i give it 1000000000000000000 like
- xXFPG_ViiSioNYT Fortnite and more: Bruh I haven’t watch the vid yet but I want Tina to leave
- Mr Fidget: It should been tina
- Aydan Gaming: Hey love this vid your the best youtuber ever
- Dark Demond18YT: Why did it say this video has 1 view XD
- Emilee Bokesch: The ending was awesome! 😂😂
- Chris Fittipaldi: I hope tina loses
- Twin Tution: Noo
- Orion Stromberg Bellows: Can Tina leave
- Jeremiah Platt: Sure
- kenky 123: tina's salty
- Xavier Cleveland: Tina is the worst
- Sebastian Escareno: Makers punch
- darrin brown: Deep is my favorite he's so adorable
- FNIA Molten Freddy: My boy's Lefty and Springtrap are on yo butt my boi
- Joe Heatley: First
- Fortold Storm: Titan Hayes screw you Tina should have left she's a phyco path
- Chloe Lewis: Who dislike you r so rude
- BestInWolfing: I Have Been watching Ur vids For A Very Lonng Time
- Michael Mendes: Frist jk
- Kyle Yolo: This last video i got cancer
- Jabari Diaz: If Tina loves Ryan so much does she want him to lose
- Robin Wedding: How is Ryan talking to them without the microphone?
- Badatfortnite yeet: When screen went black thought it was a ad
- HenatronPlayz: We want Tina to go and Goldy to be the slingshot squad leader
- Collin Jackson: Hahahaha i expect unicornmann to leave the daycare because he wasn't in the thumdnail but goody cheating the system is way better.
- galaxy gamer: hey rguy im huge fan i like your videos and when is sabre and shark coming back please write back and the others playing daycare anyways love watching them keep it up
- Kristen Mercurio: Glitch The Wolf umm u don't know that
- Nicole Littell: Molly Campin mee
- not any more mob Bri23 but live on: Omg omg yes yes its daycare ☺☺☺☺☺
- Mohammed Alhelli: Get Sabre And Shark BACK
- The Raven Channel: NOT HE MIC
- Memes 4life: tomatos not potatoes
- Solar Flare GX: Hey ughhhhh Ryan you should really tell Tina to shut down the slingshot squad and control her temper
- MCCheetahkat: If you have bridge egg throw it bellow you while falling in void!
- Samuel Blatcher: What if Ryan lost, Tina would have just called off the whole thing.😧😧😧
- TdgJag - Minecraft: Early!
- marquis845able: Maybe go home now you know why I was asking you to do the needful and confirm the same and I will be there at 7 to 10 people are you expecting to be a part of the team
- Kimberly Emery: It's Ryan's dacar
- RyRy Gamer: My sis has a youtube chanel little tina gaming
- Yanna Samantha: we're all in this together high school musical 2006
- Chris Keith: I hope UnicornMann doesn't leave
- Beth Willis: Lol
- Carmen Barry: PaytonGaming04. I know right it was so funny
- ulabrandon: If tina keep up with those yandere things she's gonna die
- W A S T E D J O R D A N: #bring shark and sabre back
- Britnie Jones: Also unrelated but when u die who'll take over your channel and continue the series
- Niko Zografos: Remember when the other daycare kids used to participate in games? Like if you agree
- Sophia_ Playz: Are you. And Tina in real life dating?!
- Ethan Shutte: haha goldy is the best! who else wishes it was tina
- xxxtentaction the 1st: Hello ryan I sent roblox friend request can u plusses accept it.i like every video and turned on notifications my roblox name is pencilfart190
- Dimand Kid: Give Tina a new make over
- War Panda: Hi I love your vids
- AshPlayz: He used to have a wizards series go to playlists on his chann it’s in there
- KOY CHAO: I meant to say All night just to watch a video
- Owen Houg: good video
- ethan jaxon: Josh Brooks XD I LOVE THAT MEME
- Mercelita Eufemio: ******************************************
- Vislein Dust: Don't you dare to make Goldy leave
- Emrizess: Ur right
- Porky Puppet: Anyone realize that goldy is secretly dabbing in the thumbnail
- Nolax: **screams** *WERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER*
- Timothy Strauch: ryan freaking owns the daycare if he leaves the daycare leaves with him so no
- Aaron Dela Cruz: ryguy goldys right the music box always explode
- gamer play's: Replay if you will do something like it chex in replays on my coment to see how you can do it
- kitty playz Minecraft & Fortnite: No. Just. No. U. Should.
- Noobshiplist: That fAce help
- yellow boy16: Did you really throw the phone out the window
- Mohammed Jan: Were all in this together as we know that we are we’re all stars and we see that we’re all on this together
- John Zurick: Me
- Mercelita Eufemio: hahhahah you just throw a microphone
- MoesvideosXD: 24 Views? 283 likes? *WHAT IS GOING ON*
- Miki Diki: I mean break the spell
- TrainsWithDavid 2018: 0:30 I don't know what to say
- Mia Care: hi
- James Davis: I want to see you play rocket League please please please please with a cherry on top
- Rispors Child: Goldy got smarter since when ???
- Pool Master: copy right of high school musical
- Lloyd Rodriguez-Martinez: I meant to type GG
- Stone turtle Army: 1 like
- Jadeblade127 Zack: I am being completely honest right now, if they get rid of unicorn or godly I wouldn't watch this channel and unsubscribe.
- RainbowAngel love: Avery Brock no. Its not wrong
- Bluthespeedster: Why is Tina so obnoxious EX: bully’s goldy. Forces Ryan to love her. Forces everyone to do stuff always mad when she doesn’t get she wants or wants for ryan
- THEBEASTPLAYS 5: Plz like if you agree that this is not really a roplay anymore and is boring now. I would love just a old school daycare video with Thomas, Matt, saber and shark. Like so Ryan can see
- The Dancing Criminal TDC: HAII 165
- cool killer: so tina hit her brothers face
- Hayden Holmes.: Ummmmm. Just a FYI Goldy is coming back tomaro. Just saying
- TmS ShotGun: I knew this was click bate but I still love it
- Kakarot Son Goku: Do you mean #RockArmy?
- Tycen Live: me
- AILIN DUENAS: Good vid
- Jingothebear 56: He has a beard from so long 😑
- artaza Chandler: Its not there for me
- Kevin Colindres: Jk unicorn man should stay hes to funny to leave
- Dragonslaayer210: Lol
- Alicia k: Hevent watcht yet but i think um(unicornman) bc he is not in the tumbnail
- Minecraft And you: At the beginning they are all throwing tomatoes at H other
- Jobae Martinez: I think goldy is leaving the daycare
- Tanner The gamer: I wish Tina would have lost
- Dragon Tang: Me
- orange Ranger: I wish Tina left
- Ali Ghassan: Brian Sutton hi
- Martin Ramirez: Goldy beat the system
- ibu abid: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
- DatOnePersom 7: I loved the series when it was proper roleplay not just playing games every episode
- Andrea Arrieta: I wish Tina would leave because she's a bully and won't let Ryan live his own life because he doesn't like here
- Siddharth Shah: Molly Campin I have
- Falcon Sniper: Lol
- AngryheartFTW: RIP microphone ??? - 2018
- Rosie: Early
- SuperMarioTyler: Rampage!!!!
- Infected YT: did you really throw your mic out of the window?
- 09joe munguia: She probably saying In her head 🎼oh won't u stay with me cause ur all I need🎼 LOL
- no honey no.: Oh nu mah fwendz
- Sillyjitz415: Nice Beard DUDE!
- Carson Schill: Ikr
- proper kids 2: Hi
- TrestanGamer12: Wowwww... I love your videos your the best.. Keep it up... Kill tina
- Cheryl Burr: Why do you always be mean to goldy
- darkesse _the_wolf: Rex- Fortnite same #depression people for life #please support depression
- RYDER SIMPSON: shut the heck up nobody cares who came first or 100th
- Gatcha Fun!: Can y’all play more robloxxx pleaseeeee
- Maya McKinney: Am I the only one who hates and luvs Tina at the same time?
- SpartaPros: Use the fire armor items if you have fire resistance.
- Sean Rauterkus: Tina wants you to leave
- Armando Gonzales: Wowo
- Anthony Briceno: Why didn't you get tina she's a tea kettle to much and she always keeps saying your her boyfriend like if you agree
- Winter Ace: Omg ryan make the next video GOLDY GET LEAVING FROM DAYCARE(YAY!!!!)
- Dani. Diamond: Yesssss I love this
- Kevin Colindres: Tina should leave
- xxpotatoefakeusernamex x: Quincy St . Rose she already is
- marshmollow the cat: Nice mustache Ryan......
- AlishaAnimations *: 1:04 😂😂😂😂😂 I ALSO LOVE THE NAME OF UR BAND U SHOULD GO ON TOUR 😂😂😂
- punkyy 01: I kinda wanted Tina too leave cause she so mean..
- TrestanGamer12: Thats mean
- Claws with Paws: Hiii love u
- not any more mob Bri23 but live on: For all I care kill tina and goldy
- KingNate R: Hey guys if Ryan did lose Tina would've regret even saying those rules.....
- Wolfy Gaming YT: What was that ending Tina!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
- Jordan Vargas: Love you
- Chrisk Dd: I wasn't watching the video I was watching rayns face the hole time , 😳😅
- Funtimefoxy fangirl: MINECRAFT LIFE IS THE BEST
- ThatProgrammer 4383: Who remembers... Doo Doo Doo, Doo doo doo paintball didn't look like paintball so I clicked it 😂😂😂😂
- Patti Hebert: where is shark and sabre?
- BareTig3rEye: artazia Chandler *check the description*
- Maribel Guido: Goldy beder then the spqod
- Ajay Makin: Goldy is leaving the daycare Goldy is leaving the daycare
- David yarbrough: sorry I ment skywars
- Cookie Camo: You go tina #girlcontrol
- Ashley welch: Did you achuly through your microphone
- Owen Brininger: Hi
- Hockeygirl 05: Sry I’m late but i am watching this at 12 when i just came back from playland and had to watch 5+ kids and I’m very tired but im still here
- Zaque Attack: GREAT VID
- Sean Rauterkus: Awful
- Aaliyah Sullivan: What happened to sayber
- Blueberry The Furry: wanna know what sucks Not your videos (:
- alma gutierrez: Not to be rude I kind of get annoyed when Tina talks she’s to annoying 😫
- Dylan Millsap: Yay goldy gone I'm so happy
- Cal-colors: O my ga who’s leaving!!?
- Wings of The wolf’s: Goldy and uninoncorn are my fav better then Ryan and tea pot
- Dawson Rocha: Please be goldy
- CruddyDog0 1234: #TINATHETEAKETTLE
- Bryan Rico: Nooooooooooo
- Ali Ghassan: 0:57 i have never seen salthesloth that hype
- mindnight darkness: NO GOLD
- Nicolas Vizuete: Good job Ryan
- Lavon Williams: That mean Goldy should stay
- kitty playz Minecraft & Fortnite: WHOA.. TINA WANTS U TO LEAVE?
- UnMooseableFan: I am the 25 view the 124 to like and the 58 comment! I love dis stuff! Keep up the good work Ryan!!!!
- Angel Lautrizo: I died by laughter by the ender dragon bc the ender dragon turn back and HIT RYAN IT MADE ME CRY BY LAUGHTER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
- Rajon Edman: Me forever
- Jeremiah Platt: I want to join daycare
- Wolfie S: Ryan is the owner sooo HE CANNOT LEAVE
- Hoodie_Girl 92: I like the band!!!!
- White Howler 117: Lol microfone fly
- ami brown: I will never be found
- Fnaf Fam: Goldy
- yt_k1ng: 76th
- Sophie_Galaxy 3: NO HOLD STAY 😥😥😥😭😭😭😭
- Ittybitty gamer Brandon lapensee’s: Your meen en stuped
- Ray Cothern: If no one leaves I'll be happy
- Bryan Rico: I love your videos 😌😌😎
- xxpotatoefakeusernamex x: Deion Oxendine dragon?
- LilWolfie: Me too
- lilyann dilena: Xi
- Azul: #NotficationSquad helawo
- Farrah Clarke: Invite unspe
- Owen Brininger: 1st
- I don't know GAMING: I'd wish it was Tina
- Delwar mukti: I like unicorns song
- Magic ChaosWolf: I miss the old Daycare buildings😭😭
- popplio rules22: I kinda hope it's Tina that leaves she's mean to goldy and she's super rude and bossy
- omegagamer971 Galaxy: I know I'm just a drama queen haha lol
- Diana Marino: Ha ha tina
- Melanie Vazquez: No I wanted Tina to leave daycare forever
- Saltygamer 48: Ryguyrocky I like you and unspeakable
- Infinite Mario: 14:13 Ryan should have said"later slime you wasting my time"
- PaytonGaming04: Goldy left, then went back inside 😂
- J`anne Murrray: I'm going on vacation tomorrow
- Lovedeep Singb: Play this on 0:54
- Tahmid Zaman: Bruh! Why didn't Tina not get kicked out off???? This is sad. Edit: My heart was beating so fast on the last round of Lucky Blocks Skywars, I wanted Tina to lose.
- CJ Crawford: Im your biggest can u sub to me plz
- Samuel Osborn: She is apart of the whole daycare series she can’t get kicked out
- Cheryl Reynoso: Ryan I'm your biggest fan I watch you every day you make me smile I'm a boy it's just my mom made the account
- Foxy Fox and wolfy wolf: If rayan left the daycare who would tina’s cutie
- AHCGaming & Plays More: I miss shark and saber in the daycare videos Please bring them back in or maybe if you can’t then can moose craft be in it or Burt that would be funny
- Joshua Holding: I didn't finish the video yet and I can't wait for Tina to be salty when either she or Ryan loses.
- L8 Juju: Love you
- Restless Native: I’m the 2100 like :DDDD
- Mystery Changes: Speed Oh ok sure
- Cullen Bryant: RIP microphone
- Mystery Changes: Speed Ops mine is worst
- Mck 39: 00 ----
- Stephanie Juarez: Tina annoying
- Ava Lane: I’m sorry I was late I was fishing with my grandpa.
- Travis Kudluk: On the lips.
- Sheila Lane: Ryan has nice green eyes😛
- Banana Boy17: Sees tittle nuuuuuuuuuuu
- Chase Sober: Pls Add Sabre and Shark Again
- darkesse _the_wolf: FrostTheLightFury!!!!!!! And I also love Toothless Tina is ash and #Goldytheidiot
- STAR PLAYER /STREAMER: Thx for fixing face cam
- Zane Marshall: I wish it was Tina that was leaving
- the wizBoss: nice video
- Purple Princess Devil Darling: Congrats you've won a new subscriber!MEEE :D
- Bentastic: RIP mic
- AnimatorGaming: I was starting to celebrate when goldy had to leave but I stop celebrating bc she came back
- Brvr: 6:04 UnicornMann_ Got Dabbed On By RyDudeRocky
- baby j 123: Unicorn man was super funny when he was singing😁
- Gr8ter_Dog: I was hoping it would be Tina...
- mostunwanted daniel: I was crying until she went in and she came back she is my favorite character
- Foxy Levy: could you add me on Roblox
- Izzy's Fun Time Playroom: Kevin Colindres no
- darkesse _the_wolf: Josh Brooks YEAH U TEL DEM IT LIKE NEARKY 2:00 in england even do I part irish
- chantel mitchell: rip ryguy
- Darth Vader: 😡
- Celeste Klopper: Please tell me Tina leaves i like ryan, goldy and unicorn
- vampire breath: Love daycare
- Travis Kudluk: ryan if u leave the daycare that means u have to break the daycare down without anyone knowing. Or kiss goldy/janet.
- Erika Hernández: I watched Your video 1 hour ago
- Vortex Gaming21: I also miss Sabre and skark
- Juan Enrique Perez: calm down Tina you got a lot of fans even in proper dummies he likes ash
- NinjaArmy Gaming: Ryan cant get kicked out because its HIS daycare
- joe jefferson: Ha lel rekt
- Dontie gaming: Hi I'm new to yt plz help me
- Hey It's Cay: I loved the vid Ryan I can’t wait for unicornmanns channel
- Dion Phillips: Tina your mean to Ryan and unicorn man and don't miss goldy Tina you smell 😝😝😝😝
- sakpebelle: Thanks again and have fun
- Bazza LovesCrack: Ok unsubbed
- SWATMAN 2580: Tina is a bi@$h I wanted her to leave
- Ken Bull: the daycare would be less toxic without tina
- SkaterGamer: First
- Knage 3: I w ish tina leaves the day care she rage to much man i wish
- Lui Rikuris: Hey
- Jaden Durrette: I love your guys videos
- Morgan Elisabeth: Lmao i saw 7 firsts
- pp Saltyy: TINATHETIGER FAN I was like WHO THE **** LEFT
- Ava Marroquin: So there at minfair today
- Darkshaow Playz: Hi
- Lucasmeow Gaming: I remember when shark, saber, Thomas, and mr.red where here I loved it when they were here but know they sent here and the series is kinda boring know I still like it but it gets boring win your my favourite people
- Chloe Pratt: #R.I.P MIC
- Dayana Martinez: and todays game; just as i expect it
- Paula Orellana: So. Smart goldy
- Swiss Eidson: I liked unicorn Manns song.
- tailspower 123: silver owl same bro,unicorn mann is life
- XxRebelxHellXx Samurai: Wow, I remember when he looked way different, and he didnt have a face cam. He had quiet alot of acne when he first started this series
- Anni Hull: Break up with tina
- Dani. Diamond: 19:18 i loveeeeeee y is this so cute
- ImLouieStation Pro gamer: Hi
- Neal Chatman: Hi Ryan
- Hooman Being: 89 views 386 likes 180 comments seems legit
- David yarbrough: please start doing more stuff in the daycare you only do skyblock
- supergnaricbros: can you make a video where Ryan teaches tina a leason to stop be crazy a making Ryan do what tinas says
- Marjiel Jackson: Me and Ryan said the same thing
- AnimatorGaming: First
- Andrew Mann: This vid was awesome your the best Ryan
- kensley palmer: YAY GOLDY STAYS I LUV GOLDY
- Debbie Shante Omotosho: jj
- Luckybravewolf AJ: I don't really like tina anymore, she is just annoying now
- Izzy V: Omg tina at the very end "stop"
- Keila Horton: I thought that Ryan was going to eat his mic
- DinoGuy92: Hi
- Princess !: gamer play's AGREE
- kat the dragon: I vote godly out of tribal cancel
- Koool Dide: Goldy left noooo
- Carson Schill: No
- PressureWave_: R.I.P RyGuyRocky's microphone
- crazymelol21 Redfoxpizza: Me in the beginning NO IF GOLDY LEAVE IM BE SO MAD me at the end NOOOO GOLDY 😩😭😭 Then me when I watch a little more YAY GOLDY NOT LEAVING 😅😌🎉🎆🎊😊😃😄😂
- master dab: Ryguy can you do more diss track videos but do it on unicorn Mann or sabre
- LilWolfie: The series was better with shark sabre thomas and matt but ever since tina was able to talk it has gotten boring. Anyone else agree????
- Galaxy 360: Let goldy win for once
- Lil Demon: I never comment in your videos but I’m here I have another account but I forget what it’s called I’ve been watching for like 2 years? I think
- tperla3408: Can you invite me to your daycare plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- Anni Hull: I like the song
- Alana Arnold: Didnt saber already leave the daycare
- Wolfy Gaming YT: She has a lightsaber and she's a phsyco path
- toto avila: High school musical
- jim larry: if ruguyrocky left he ones the daycare so they will have to leave
- Than Myint: e
- The bro Gamer: 25th viewer early squad where you at
- Nan-O-Pelodo: i feel like its going to be less fun if goldy leaves the daycare
- Nova: Hi
- Lizzy: Hi
- Larry Littrell: Tinas laugh hurt my ears
- mochizuki touya: i am in love with angel
- Nobody: Yes! FaceCam back is the left top corner!
- Xenn Adrian Fajo: Tina and ryan just got outsmarted!!!!!!!!!!! Lol
- tiny arcade gamer: Me I remember shark also dated dirt
- ForfeitAphid322 AKA Ricardo Ramos: Loophole get reckt tina
- Ricksgamin D.: Why do you have to be mean to goldy it’s getting old
- Skyler Stranahan: i subscribed
- WatchAsWeTryToAnimate :3: 89 views 386 likes? Exsqueeze me YouTube? Get your stuff together
- Fox girl: NOOOOO GOOOLDYEEE! ...my favourite...TmT...
- Nicole Mayfield: Hahahahahahhahahahhahahaha tina also Tomas a tea kettle
- Skyler Stranahan: Speed Ops ok
- Tuberculosis and knuckles: DISCLAIMER! I'm not taking about ash I'm talking about Tina, ash is a good person, I am talking about Tina. Tina is a bratty, no good, rotten, shity, ratchet, horrid, overrated, peace or human rubbish.
- Pyroman Gameing: I love it!!!!!!!!!
- alex Batista: if u keep being mean to goldy I'm going to unsubscribe to ur channel😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
- XethanGGgamer Z: 👍🏽
- BlazeCreature11: I wanted Tina to leave 😳
- Laila Stevens: Hahaha nice goldy😂
- It’s TNTCraft: Awesome
- The crinja ninja: play some murder mystory
- Michael Kemp: love your vidz.
- Zaque Attack: nice singfing unicorn
- TheBlueModern 23: #notisquad
- Hell Boi: Tina leave the daycare
- Nene Carrillo: Hi
- Lily May: Erin KGN I AM HERE XD
- Unicornfrenzy 11: unicorn sucks and goldy they smell like rotten and dirty fish!!!
- Burning Phoenix: I like it when Ryan sticks up for himself to Tina. Tina just bosses him around
- SilentDuck 21: can you make your face cam smaller
- Nicolette Nelson: hi everyone unicornman is going to have his own youtube channel
- Galaxy 360: Thats not fair
- hallima witchard: Tina like you
- Jennifer A: Goody can’t leave noooooooo
- G 4 M 3 R: Speed Ops Oh , I'll watch a video and comment 😄
- Haily Eshelman: Unicorns horrible at singing
- smore music: If tina knew if u lost then that means tina can't see u anymore in the daycare
- Ry No: 53ed
- Blue 25473: Wait never mind
- Stephen Maciel: I wonder what happened Sabre and shark
- Carmen Mann: Unicornmann sings so cool
- Kairo King: TINATHETIGER FAN oof
- Erik Hollister: ME to
- Lizzie _the_Deer: Molly Campin yep
- Zavi John: Tina out of daycare she is evil to goldy
- Tanner The gamer: I just started watching the vid
- Miki Diki: Ryan you need to make a roleplay in the roleplay you and goldy daiting and tina put's a love spell on you and goldy will kiss you on the lips and the spell brraks and tina will get Revenge she will kidnapp goldy and torture her that you and goldy don't date so pls i beg for you do it if you to it that will be Amazing plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Drag race king Gucci: Hi
- RJBlance YT twitch channel: I love this
- G 4 M 3 R: Why. Is. Godly. Dabbing. In. The. Thumbnail? :/
- Farrah Clarke: Kill tina
- Brody Louque: the mic is leaving the daycare :3
- Jason Marcellino: Just leave so you could get away from tina
- Lunar-Killerchilly12: Itz. Ari Idk
- MonkeyNick 47: I kinda don’t like your vids from r daycare because all you do is skywars and bed wars it sucks now do new things
- Teleporting TNT27: She wasn't going to leave in the first place
- Martha Ramirez: First
- Azul: oohhh maa gawwwwd a daaayycaaareee viiideeooo
- Malliek Boggs: Oh no
- A-My TreeFish: First
- Hey It's Cay: DJ Sebastien ya but he is getting one for daycare
- dark red bloxer gamer: ok if u pause at 5:08 u can see the dragon eye look like from an anime
- Andrea Masiewicz: wate haped to riyens mike
- itachi uchiha: Ok before I watch this if it's unicorn Mann im unsubscribing just right now please
- Ava Taylor: No no highschool musical i wasnt expecting that
- Terrence Isaacs: Anyone remember when Tina wasn't in to Ryan.....Me neither
- SomebodyStupid: Do daycare 's got talent
- Mae McCardle: I still miss Shark and his fin please bring him back and don't forget Sabre
- Mysterious shadow Fox: Dragons Séem They Dont Want to kill Goldy Edit:Savage goldy
- Sophia_ Playz: Carson Schill I wasn't asking you
- Milosz Medrek: Amazing
- Juan Enrique Perez: she been there when they were babies see episodes
- Janie Ruiz: One thing they forgot to say fover
- Deaundre Stanfield: Ryan x lizzy plssss
- Cool0Knight: There isn't the daycare without goldy
- Live Blade: Ryan ones the daycare
- Hey It's Cay: beware of meh no i am not maybe i will i am not sure
- chris Hansen: Yaaaaaay
- khary mika: Me
- Vortex Gaming21: I miss Thomas and matt
- The Broadway Boi: *Survivor music plays* The tribe has spoken
- beware of meh: Hey It's Cay are you subscribed to his channel called, unicorn mann stream
- Karemon Gomez: Brianna Brian put a video about everyone but except you making a challenge at so hard you'll be king of the world
- Emilyna-rose Holme: TYAN FOREVER AND EVER
- Bella Hermoza: Wow one hour late DANG IT But Cool
- YinghanTheBoss // DeathStrikerTB: Adios RyDudeRocky
- xxxtentacion fan: Can you make unicorn man a YouTube channel Please
- Puffy Kun: Who ease remember Shark and Saber and chickens
- Flame uzumaki 696: Poor Tina i feel bad goldy needs to leave the daycare
- MC Bro TV: Hi 😎
- Stephen Edwards: He clickbaited so hard 😂
- Pearl Penguin Gaming: BABY GOLDY MUST HAPPEN!!!!!
- Al'Shaleek Dozier: Nani
- Spider Kid gaming brother: Keep up,the good work
- Ssp_gaming: I don't think that Ryan release that goldy makes inter taming
- Mega GJ Hype: My mom wants me to drink more water so i agree
- Camilla Playz: love it
- Gerson Aguilar Soriano: P
- You Know Me: #tina leaves she is the one who flipping obnoxious
- Damion Hernandez: Love u Ryan your the best
- Hyper 619: I just watched something very sad and I watched this to cheer me up AND IT SURE DID 😄
- Son Doku And Jgod: Why is Tina so MEAN
- Pool Master: I saw ur mustache
- Shane Blader: Mr.Red
- Kevin Flynn: Sorry 2 hours late
- The Gacha Truffle: I hade a heart attack for a sec
- Pizza Games: Love the ending
- Adrian Irigan: ryan why are you mean to goldy
- Ricco Oakie: Nooo Dont leave th daycare Ryan
- Stephanie Juarez: But she funny too
- Carson Schill: I mean don t be rude
- Joshua Holding: Tina did say leave forever so... she's cheating her own rules.
- Lpshon3y Lpslover: Hi
- Juan Enrique Perez: why do you like Tina I'm Tina's fan too and ryans
- Jonah Baker: #teacealtle
- Alex M: I want shark back
- Firestar and Graystripe: Ryan’s facecam tho 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- ETHAN WILLIAMS: Ryan did u actually throw your microphone out the window
- Hell Boi: I swear if unicorn man leaves because of the thumbnail I’m not watching the series anymore
- Lloyd Rodriguez-Martinez: BY that was a good one
- Crossbone Gaming: Can we change the rules to whoever lost their gender will be eliminated but the person who lost?
- Ali Alialbadran: Goldy should actually have to leave forever she is annoying
- Kpopboy James: 24 views 280 something likes YOUTUBE IS OFFICIALY BROKEN
- Orguidea Liriano: And I liked on Facebook
- Adam Návrat: You are MEAN
- ulabrandon: It might be tina must be leaving daycare and she will never coming back
- Gohan: same
- Tyson Collins: let fred back or else he might have a heart
- Joseph Agunbiade: ...
- Samuel Ilunga: Who remembers #cryguyrockcy
- Ray Cothern: I can't believe this 😣
- Kendra Ordonez: Tina iş so almost always a stuped
- Lorenzo Belcaro: Did Ryan actually throw the mic out the window
- Stacy Smith: At 0:56-1:09 I was literally dancing 😂
- Little Ashley For life: I know your outro song by heart so I keep singing it. I also love your channel and I am subcribed and I hit the bell
- Hockeygirl 05: If Ryan lost Tina would of said I’m kidding goldy leaves But if Tina loses Ryan would just be like finally i can date Goldy
- Mr gamer: I don't like when you kill goldy
- darkesse _the_wolf: J.jgreen Green yep if u live in england
- Marina Macedo: 1
- 읽을 수 있니너는 이것을: Unicorn needs to make a real band and sing pure high school musical
- Melissa Tyus: Hi
- rachel gaming: Did you really🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 did that
- luis tube23: #Rip goldy
- Green Bangla: Lol Throw microphne out the window :me I STILL SEE A LITTLE PIECE OF THE MICROPHONE
- 읽을 수 있니너는 이것을: Owen Brininger you’re third
- Nadia Premeji: I love you
- Bryson Thesher: Stop picking on goldy
- Edwin Leon: I was about to say like lowkey they were about to kick out goldy but not Tina
- Carter carter: 25
- Tallin Time: Late squad!
- S A: * slaps Tina for being mean * and btw goldy that was smart AND Tina goldy and Ryan are just friends so don’t be jealous,and also pls come back to the old daycare I really missed the old daycare!!!
- Liam Boswell: Give me a shoutout
- Fun With Kar: 24 views but 164 comments what is wrong with youtube
- JJ the mudkip: I hope it isn't derp
- Squishy Liam: Anyone else realize that Tina is abusing goldy which is child abuse and she is forcing her to leave which is emotionally heartbreaking for Unicorn AND TINA KNOWS THAT but she LAUGHS at Goldy’s suffering even though she knows that Unicornman loves goldy. Soooo uh that’s another reason Tina is an terrible person
- Jazlyn Mariano: I want unicornmann_ to leave
- Addison Campioni: Lol! that end tho😂😂
- Alore: So funny at the end Tina just appeared and says stop that
- Harper Scott: No
- Jade Ives: In your face tina
- Siddharth Shah: It looks like godly is dabbing at the title XD
- JojoyufNF: Yay Goldy stay she the funny one Goldy the Best and plus she pretty smart
- Donut Queen: Question did you actually throw your microphone out the window?
- 3th4n: that was 🔥🔥
- Lyle Cidlik: 1:05 KILL THEM FOREVER
- Lunar-Killerchilly12: No the title kills me I can’t bare to watch looks at title: starts crying Watches start of video: WHERE ALL IN TOGETHER Watches 3m of the video: WHOS LEAVING weeping Watches the rest: NO Y GOLDY WE ALL KNOW TINA’S clingy xD Btw pls Say if ur on Goldy x Ryan ( I am lmao ) Or Tina x Ryan!!!
- Carson Schill: Why cus ur a hater
- memes for life: Hi
- AlishaAnimations *: marshmollow the cat it was
- Ethan Rocke: I think they can teleport through the portal to play fortnite
- eyeless jack: I love your vids
- Sawyer Friedman: Hi
- Kyle Johnson: Best vidio
- JakeKreul: I never hated the ability to hear more then Unicornmanns song
- Wesley Rivas: 9:51 now that’s what I call earrape >:3
- Ryry 047: Hi
- Tanala Duncan: Thats Harry Potter
- Sergio Zavala12: Carson Schill i was joking u cant handle a joke or what all of the make my day
- Tanquan Bui: 2:37 lol throws microphone out the window hahahahaha
- Anni Hull: Break up with tina
- Bluzare: 😁😁😁😁😇
- Mythic-XSpot Yt: Another video by the amazing person Ryguyrocky
- sepermause yay: Making my way down town Walking fast Eating grass And im a humann
- Than Myint: e
- 이이사야이사야: Tina got recked
- Layne Ertley: Do a do not laugh video
- darkesse _the_wolf: 09FoxGirl mike in headphones
- fuzzy bro: Loved the part were tina showed up at the end
- Nate Martin: goldy x ryan for me they have a lot in common replie back for reasons
- matt baker: You’re the best
- Lui Rikuris: I love your video I was inspired from when I watch you make me feel confident everyday
- Galia kinghts: I love crunchy roll
- ima cute wolf: I like the and music
- Lizzeon Lol: Lol ya goldy is back lol so funny when unicornman killed tina
- ryguyrocky fan!!!!: NO
- Nathanielle Arca: #rip mike
- Carson Schill: The same mod moose did for his minecraft fnaf world
- I’m Tre Plays: Love your videos keep up the good work
- Nhi Nguyen: yeah he has a beard
- Janie Ruiz: I hope Tina loses
- Jeffrey Carmickle: I think Tina is in love with you ruyun
- Alexander Vandiver: smart thinking at the end, goldy!! XD
- Ryan Walker: why even bother choose the one you want to kick out.I mean you are the owner of the world and the daycare
- Carson Schill: Magic
- AlishaAnimations *: True
- Karim Castro: Amazing
- pp Saltyy: .
- fuzzy bro: Nice vids
- Kong 200: 1
- sonicspider 123456: Hi
- Hockeygirl 05: Tina should leave
- wolf boy Brian: sepermause yay yo tengo
- relm stone: Who do you want to make leve the day care
- Amanda Wilson: I looked right at goldy
- The_fairy_teller !: LOL 18:49 19:27
- Stone Miner: I’m sorry but if you ever make Goldy leave the daycare I would hunt you down
- Forever Nobody: Can you do Minecraft life more often instead
- ɷ Moondust ɷ: I dont want tina to be kicked out but the other part would be cool
- Chi Chi: Poor goldy😩
- Sam Plays: Diss Tina
- Carson Schill: Then unsub ryguyrocky and leave u idiot
- Nick Traficante: Me tooooooo
- John Reilly: Wooo I love it songs unicorn I love it
- AC Alex: Can u make a daycare blooper video
- GIZZYGOZE23: Bro yes
- Trinity Neo: I love you vids keep up the great work 😃
- Fella Thomas: why cant unicornmman start a YT channle
- Tia Hudson: 19
- Jake Ramsey: Ryan I dare you to kiss 😘 Tina for 30 sec
- Sillyjitz415: i saw something i didnt want to see when he zoomed into his face
- Fire Blast: #Stopbeingmeantogoldy its getting annoying ryan
- Sorliany JJ Mercado: Hi. Ryan am a big fan 😄😄😄😄
- Karen Griffin: Reads title WHAT
- Hyper Sonic: I watch all your videos
- Marlene Munoz: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- Drag race king Gucci: Ryan I’m just saying can u play a different game
- Robloxian Bigtn12345: 24 views 268 824 comments YouTube is on cocaine again
- Marie Vixama: Play zombies attack in roblox
- Falcon Sniper: I. Voted. For Goldy I Still Do Think * Goldyis the best*
- Britnie Jones: U should name your kids TINA Ryan Goldy and unicorn so the series never ends
- RYDER SIMPSON: magic wonderwizard*
- Sari TGK: Yes unicorn killed tina
- I love Puppies: Oh wait- that’s never happend before
- Trinity Rard: POOPS eat poop
- Adam S: Get dunked on Tina!!
- nataraja sarma vavilala: Ryan when u zoom in I see ur growing a moustoush
- Blank Slate: Noooooooooooooo
- camZ Playz: I thought they were going to sing it’s a small world after all
- KingNate R: I want Ryan to lose.... Cuz he will never see Tina again.
- Gacha life Cookie: What happened to tyans ship
- Ash kat: Can we have an episode were goody can do anything and controls everyone and she dates unicorn and she da boss
- Lynn Stephens: Love the vids
- Super Siblings: Kick Goldie out or i unsubscribe
- Rendetris Games Live Stream: Lucasmeow Gaming yea
- Liam Boswell: First like
- Sydney Thomann: This is funny at the beginning by the way can you an episode wear you meet the flash as a kid
- Arsildo Veliu: ryan goldys dad is a block of gold e can bye the daycare
- Spec Kiwi: Ryan: Daycareeeeeee Tina:*Jumps on Ryan* Stop
- ibu abid: ryan pls win
- Christopher Gear: Hi your great!
- TheUnshutableBoy: First
- The chicken crew: you guys are awesome!!!!!!!!
- GIZZYGOZE23: unicorn man is way better than Tina
- Curtis Lee: DAD IS THAT YOU?!
- ᎯᎯRᎾN THE LIᎾN: CA Games Unlimited #Ryan4Life
- John Garcia: Tina ✂️👎🏻
- Juan Enrique Perez: for real
- RainbowAngel love: Wow a Goldy hater those are rare!
- Teresa Ward: Ryguyrocky I had the worst day ever my Roblox account resetted so that means everything I have on it is gone and the same thing has happened with my Minecraft account
- popularity unicorn loud: OK FEW
- Ariel Tavares: +Gamer Flash same
- Nancy c: Ummm rage much???? 😁😀😂😁
- Jorden Gibson: -Goldy is leaving- NOPE GOLDY SMART YOU GIUYS NEED TO TINK MORE
- Juan Enrique Perez: god that was awesome
- Trex _2005: 2nd
- Nightmares will come: Like my commment if you like tina and reply if you don't
- Gigi Unicorn: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL oml who thinks they should recreate high School musical but daycare musical XD
- PZ 15: It's my bday
- asma Jedir: Hi
- Timmy Fox: Hai Ryan
- Allen Allen: I hated the tiger girl and I stole do😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👿😡😡😡😡😡👿👿👿👿👿😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😾😡😠😠😠😡😡😾😾😡😠😠😾😾😡😠😡😠😠😾🇲🇬😾😡😠😡
- Wynn Vang: Go Ryan go Ryan go Ryan go Ryan go Ryan go Ryan go Ryan go Ryan
- gamer play's: Can you make a new roplay that is you learning how to make magic spells and magic in a school not like mincraft life please😀😀😀😀😀
- omegagamer971 Galaxy: Noooo why Goldy why unscribing your Channel now
- Minecraft Gamer: and in the end, no one leaves the daycare
- Blaze Frog: You are the best what do you play fortnite on
- Sienna’s Scribbles: When ur early but you haven’t watched the vid soooo....you don’t know what to comment
- kenky 123: when she dies. like if u agree
- life on the river 9: Anyone else though that this is so goldy could leave the daycare
- SJplayz Scott: "BOOM ONE POUND FISH" - Ryan 2018
- Tommy Rhee: i'd be so happy if tina lost NOOOO GOLDYS GOING!!! :(((((
- Regina Ledesma: Love u Ryan and ur videos❤️
- JadaThe NightWolf: Omg I almost cried when goldy lost the bet but thank god she didn't leave!!!
- Devin Harper: O_O goldy had a good idea
- Matthew Hinojosa: 100th comment
- BooyaGamers- We are the Booya Club!: I want Tina to leave
- ima cute wolf: You thru your mice!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!??!???!?!!??!??!?????
- ItsKayKay- Im the New YT: Gamer Twins Leave. Now.
- chad is so eqic dominic aer you a ninjaHorne: no Goldy MC don't leave Goldy i like your viedos
- Carson Schill: Role play
- Alex Kozuchowski: #goldyxryan
- Molly Campin: Who’s been here since the start of daycare episodes I have
- Brian Castillo: 😂😂😂😂 wow he threw he's microphone out the window 😭
- ThatPwoDerrp: I like UnicornMann better because even though he tries to hide his love for Goldy he still shows the most attention and also ryan you act as if its lame to have a girlfriend but if it were real life then you would just accept tina.. because thats like being cool cos ur poor and homeless
- Debbie Simpson: ikr
- Peter The bunny: That was by birthday
- Dragongirl Kelly: Hey everyone
- LJAD Panda5509: Kevin Colindres it wouldn’t be as funny tho :/
- HDKTrident: #DayCareWasInTheLastestMCLifeEp
- David Mull: Love it
- smvdahustla: bring shark and sabre back
- Yasmin Carrillo: Cool
- Titan Hayes: YAY GOLDYS LEAVEING *watches to the end of vid...*awwww she NOT LEAVING
- Afro Galaxy: so anticlimactic
- hannah patricia: Lol just saying tina i think ur mad of her bc ur JEALOUSE hahah...or maybe not trying to figuer it out tho
- evil cookie: Did you
- kurt choco: PROOF OF UNICORN MAN HAS A CRUSH ON GOLDY!!!!! in ending of course
- Unicorns Animate: NO GOLDYYYYYYYY
- Wolf Star421: Lukie kun they were nice after tina talk
- Ethan Rocke: I think they can teleport through the portal to play fortnite
- Christopher Vang: Tina is like this Oh ryan see i made a new boyfriend ha ha
- Theonlygamer Pvp: yay GOLDY is not leaving
- Just imagine my name is Cool: *sees title* NO GOD PLEASE NO NO............NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
- DogeNite: Guys Sorry...... I have a feeling ending it all I have depression this video Made me Not ending myself I Love u guys thank u For stopping my depression Can u dedicate a video to despession And How to ✋ it all
- Cal-colors: Ryan h-h-has a beard??! * head scratch *
- The ChugGod: Who's leaving the daycare #ryanforlife like if you agree
- Dewayne Peed: I saw you on hide and seek
- Vortex Gaming21: Shark
- Fantasia 198: I laughed so hard at 2:34
- Galaxy 360: And let Tina lose
- Yuminous Skits: Why are u still doing these series
- darkesse _the_wolf: Irk
- Sergio Zavala12: Carson Schill them
- MacBeth Sawicki: LOL
- Ender Kidx: I was hoping Tina would leave
- Linda Byrne: Good
- gacha _gamerYT: This better be a fake goldy is awesome don't let her leave
- Rene Garcia Fernandes: This was a death trap for godly
- Yaseen Amr: BLAH...... That's it (⊙_⊙)
- Gina Swintek: you guy's need to stop being mean to goldy
- GusTaco: Ryan has a beard
- Drago Kid 41: When Unicorn man was sing in the beginning I died 😂
- Luckybravewolf AJ: Carson Schill so i should just leave because not everyone agrees with one thought? I understand, little children always wanna get there way.
- Crazyxavier XD: Where does Tina come up with things
- Sean Berno: Hahaha Tina forgot to say everything aka specify
- Merrin Benson: Hi Ryan if I could see you I would be soo happy because your team and you are my heroes best you tubers
- Pandaboy Gutierrez: But why does it count for Ryan if he built the daycare
- Daniel Castano: where's chicken face
- Kay Smith: Case you are harting my ers.
- Oweedabee Gaming: At the end lol Tina/Ash went, stop
- Joshua Holding: What do the rest of the people do while you play games?
- William Peden: Yay no more Goldy! BTW I'm in the mid of the vid
- Jason Lin: #rip mic
- ThatOne Dude: 202nd
- XZDailygamesxX D: Unicorn man is doing squats
- Flame uzumaki 696: I think your older then me but i have more faceshell hair then you
- Joseph Oliveras: Hm hope it's tina
- The bro Gamer: Love you you make the best videos and the funniest videos
- Kenneth Kuilan: I do
- Bryan Godinez: THEBEASTPLAYS 5 tina needs to be kicked because she can't be controlling ryan cause Ryan is the boss
- ThePlague Gamer6: #loophole life
- Carmen Barry: I love your video's Ryan and you are so funny ryan
- Christopher Vance: #RyanForLife You Know It Bro
- xxpotatoefakeusernamex x: Well then you have no life
- Luka: You are breaking the 4th wall
- 14MAB01T XD: Me when ryan said that goldys leaving ............. NOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUOOUOUOUOHOUOUOUUOUOUOUOUOUOUO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
- Jamiah Carnegie: I love the movie high school musical
- Hustle Cat Gaming: early-ish lol
- Mohammad DJ Llama: Ryan did u throw your mic out the window XD
- The Worrior Xd: That was really clever GG GOLDY😋😁
- Horsey 123: Your awesome
- barry o'neill: Ryan has a beard
- Crystal Starlilly: You broke ur microphone then threw it out the window! THATS EXPENSIVE!
- PandaplaysYT: I miss shark and sabre
- Pokémon Trainer: 100th like was mine :3
- Indian warrior 7 ThankArtist39: 33min late
- jp the master: Haha tina
- me be gaming: Guys unicorn man has a channel called unicorn Mann stream
- Ryguyrocky’s #1 Fan Gachatuber!: Early
- Emīlija Emīlija K.: Smart vrery smart
- Tiny Tiger: Hey did anyone else hear him say I've gotten a dragon almost every round but they only played 2 rounds
- Wynn Vang: You gis have to be sprig
- Tanna Dodson: Junior Perez true
- The Diamond Avenger: LOVE RYGUYS VIDEO'S
- Ziyad S: i love this comment
- AlishaAnimations *: Dark Demond18YT lol chill 😂
- Jax Slimey: rip mic
- Oscar Navarro: Screw you ryan Oh never mind I didn't see the end
- MinecraftPro77 8889: Why would Tina suggest this what if Ryan loses does she want him to leave
- White Foxy :3: Me I STILL SHIPPPPPP :3:3:3:3::3:3
- Orange Slice: Hm maybe who is leaving might be for the best......Jk I will miss someone
- Bryan Godinez: I do and she was
- Arianna Griffin: Sup
- Chrys Rubio: Yaaaaaaaayyy
- C Noelle2.0: 1:07 same unicornmann same😂😂😂
- KCPlaysz: Llama Fortnite boy tthx I know Ryan Tina Luke and goldy
- Alan Pumarino: What goldie is leaving well I'm leaving the channel
- Falcon Sniper: Can y’all PLEASE OH PLEASE do some BUILD BATTLE!! I love that game but I can’t play it cause my parents don’t pay for internet;( so yeah. Please play it soon pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls!
- Christopher Vang: if i was ryan i would keep on killing her
- TheBeastLee 1: they never bring the other daycare kids anymore they are just there for the intro! Also, What happened to Matt, Thomas and Sabre?
- TinA the Tiger Tomlinson: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
- the ethan and Alex show games,Reacting and music: i was really hoping that tina would leave
- Vision Mobile: Ryan smells
- kenky 123: make tina leave or u leave so u can't be annoyed by her
- Under Wolf: First
- Emerald Turtwig: What about the potato salad
- JackieGaming: Jazlyn Mariano no Tina need to leave
- xSHADExKarma: :/
- TechArmorMan: what a smart goldy
- Presley Johnson: GOLDYYYY!!!!!!!! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Chris Dreams: Loop holesss
- Gaming Duo!!!: #RipMicrophone :( xD
- Aaron Dela Cruz: ryguy goldys right the music box always explode
- Brandon S: i'm glad goldy didn't fully leave see did something and wasn't smart enough to think of that
- funtime freddy: The song aturlly hurts not lying ouch
- Aquamikey Gaming: #getridofTina #BringAsh
- honeyomar2008: R.I.P MC
- Mr.Pizza: tinathemeanie
- ArtistGamerGirl2000: i ship RYAN and GOLDY
- Blue 25473: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Terrio180: THAT WEIRD
- not any more mob Bri23 but live on: Kelly-marie Swanwick have a nice time trying ☺ im a phico path 🔪🔪🔪😈😈☺☺☺ and plus tina is mine no one elses well ryan can have her but thats it
- Trex _2005: Even though it does not matter
- Dade Loyd: #rockarmy
- Grace De Barros: never zoom on your face im not being mean but.......
- Maddison Goodchild: Why goldy why not unicorn
- Greg Partida: Yassss
- dominoriver: Tina's bossy
- lame GAMER!!!: One day I asked could I be in the daycare and I never got to respond but my user is galaxy king 908 no spaces
- ᎯᎯRᎾN THE LIᎾN: CA Games Unlimited I agree
- Jonathan Macias: Let Tina leave the daycare.
- FishiestGuy: 2:48 don’t ask ok
- Melinda Simpson: Unicorn man stinks at music
- ɷ Moondust ɷ: RIP Microphone 2018
- Chris Coching: Can ryan Tina/Ash Goldy Unicornman/sleezy And Saber do a live q n a
- Brian Sutton: Ali Ghassan hi
- Kaela's Equestrian Journey: Wait did you actually through his microphone out the window? And was Tina happy Ryan was in last place? That just seem like it at the beginning
- Fnaf SL Ballora: Why in the description it says in today’s episode which Ryan goes to daycare which is also school he traps the director what will he do today? Find out!
- Taylor is_Wolfie 15: Lol
- Chelsea Castaneda: TINA SUCKS!
- yeti lama: i wish tina would leave FOREVER!!!!!!!!
- Ziyad S: also i'm the 47th dislike even though i still like the vid thanks ur awesome and bye
- Mck 39: R.I.P. Microphone 0000000000000-2018
- Cameron Whiddon: 1st!
- BabyJay's OfficalTime: I was hoping Tina Left bc im starting not to like tina
- Jose moreno: galaxy cookie girl plays he did have a beard
- Vance Thompson: Ok
- J.jgreen Green: Don't be mean to goldy
- twisted phantom nightmare foxy: Now I have Tina's skin on my game
- Holden Downer: Give him tea
- William Peden: 63 people disliked this vid
- Colton CoolKid: 25th
- christian delgado: pleas make an video that tina just get targets becous she kills everyone
- Afro Galaxy: I have never heard the words smart and Goldy in the same centence
- Shaneka Redwood: Tina ugly
- Gaminh Does Things: Dayyyyyyycareeeeeeee....
- Keira’s Club!: I’m laughing so much because of when the screen went black and said *THROWS MICROPHONE OUT WINDOW*
- Kendra Rabsatt: I am kashiena my friends call me kashiena am9 and I want to play with you
- Smitty Murphy: Ryan cant kick out of the day care because he owns it
- Motorider 0708: First
- Da Golden Man: Hello
- Elizabeth Wright: Why is Ryan and Tina so mean to goldy
- XxSharkgamesYTxX: Ik who left the microphone left the daycare
- Nazrawi Adamu: Take that Tina your plans were foiled by Goldy.
- krazyRebel 123: With fire potion use lit boots
- Dr.Fwiend Mc: Early it says 23 seconds
- unknown: Dis like thes commmint piz
- Iamkoala99: #twerkingatthestart
- yellow boy16: LOL
- Ziyad S: why cant goldy leave forever she stole shark and sabres places AND does not have unicorn superpowers
- fanatic werid mya: play death run
- Laurel French: I bet tina did that so Ryan could leave
- The bro Gamer: Haha that was funny
- Chito Quiroz: 19
- Osman Kalmole: Make more Minecraft school
- Juan Enrique Perez: I do
- Reinchelle Pilapil: i remember tina like goldy
- vampire breath: 108
- Michael Walker: Hom is unicorn 's dad
- Darteka Dorsey: can tina leave because she bossi
- Sean Rauterkus: I miss shark and Sabre bring them back please
- xxpotatoefakeusernamex x: Unicorn man likes Goldy
- SARGENT SHAMADE: But at least ur making amazing videos
- Logi rhdan Lundgren: Rip goody 😑😑😑😑😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
- DEL_REAL000 -[NL]: Like team 10
- Abraham Fuentes: None is leaving
- dusttale sans!: ;( bye goldy kills tina 200000000 times
- Avery Brock: is it wrong that goldys my fav character ._.
- Britnie Jones: Ryan can u shave your beard so u look like u used to
- RainbowAngel love: krew fan i liked and commented
- Liam Boswell: Is goldy leaving the daycare forever
- The Fortnite Warrior: Hiii!!!!
- TobyTheWolf: Why would Ryan have to leave if its his daycare-
- Ultimateninja917 Gaming: Did he accidentally throw it out the window
- moose milk jr: In futer daycare videos where did goldy go?
- Ra Reshard: Jasmine Tolley Tina is a cheter in games
- Victoria Pendleton: plz accept my friend request on roblox plz
- Yuminous Skits: Like, why u do this too much
- Carson Schill: Do rude or I might call u hater
- Dylin Grady: Godly is the best out of all of them. I think Tina should leave cause she is the meanest out of all of them.Tina is the daycare bully and Ryan is turning into one as well
- Fnaf Fam: Foley was my fav
- Roman Vlogs: Early!,and there cant be 5 people that are first!
- gamer play's: Replay if you will do some thing like that and there is something i dont know if it is a mod are what but it is called thaumcraft and it is what lets you make new spells and magic idums
- Pikachu gaming Iron tail: Wow
- Angixe YT: even if ryan was going to leave, he could tell one of the others to leave or else he would sell the daycare. like dis comment plz
- Judson Mcdonald: You and Tena and friends vs five nights at freddy's
- ethan jaxon: Elena Bentiez yeah
- Blaze GameZ: #ripMic
- LJAD Panda5509: Unicorn and the mans *plus a woman* I LOVE IT I sang with them. *CaUsE wE’rE aLl In ThIs ToGeThEr AnD tHe OtHeR wOrDs ArE cAuSe We’Re AlL iN tHiS tOgEtHeR* 😂😂😂😂
- Junio Pfaff: Are u serious I thought they would be removed from the series not the episode
- A Sissy Metal-head: What the hell did I just watch?
- Yah _Yeet: I hope Tina gets kicked out and is replaced by ash as herself
- Metalcomet 347: Nut
- Josh sy: I love your videos ryan
- Mohawk Kalob: yayayayyayay love it so far
- DENLEY KORN: make a video that teleports to minecraft life rolpaly and you have your powers and tina has the same power as you
- Unknown Protecting people from haters: Unicorn man should kill Tina more its funny
- XxMusicBoy47902xX Music boy: Man U guys are so lucky 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 cool though
- Saad Ali: YOU CLICKBAITING SON OF A.... Ehm... You have an ugly wierd face but your normal face is ok
- jim larry: if ruguyrocky left he ones the daycare so they will have to leave
- Swimmybirdgirl Games: Lucasmeow Gaming Yeah :p
- Richard Nunes: Hi 678
- Brandon Williams: Tina 😠
- Faded String: 0:55 I WANT TO BE PART OF THE BAND!!!😁😆😁😆😊😁😆😁
- Kirsten Larsen: my ears ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- Kerman 1: Yay Goldys not leaving like if u are a fan of Goldy
- RainbowAngel love: Corey Dorans Well to bad. She wont leave
- Stormbreaker Playz: Can I please join daycare, I even made a name/skin.
- Sniper pro Roblox: high school music song at the start
- felipe perez.v: She isn't living
- Jako Lack: FIRST love you ryguy!
- Jeremy Zr: Lol
- Ellie Smellyfam: I don’t want any one to leave
- Mr Joslin: Yes! I had the infinity war trailer! I'm so happy!
- Eryññ Sleepy: #RockArmy4Life ROCK ARMY WHERE U AT X3
- waffleking: 0:31 does he have green eyes?
- nightmaremarion puppet: Can tina leave instead?!
- ChuckyRules88: i hope and don't hope it's Tina because I would be sad if she left
- suzanne currie: Hi
- Joshua Holding: Did you really do that?! 2:34 You hear him scream too!
- Chance channel: hey ryan
- LovelyWOLF_KawaiiKitty: We are all in this together!,to throw tina in the fire!!!!!!!
- art lover: People could have put more than one comment
- MrMajesticYT_ •`_•`: Unicorn man has a CHANNLE all ready xD who ever said this a couple days ago it's call unicorn man stream
- Raudel Moreno: When did Ryan get a beard
- Insane Pup: Godly should be featured in the new how to train your dragon movie
- roger strange: yous are bullys unsubscribeing now
- AlishaAnimations *: Lol 😂 throws microphone outta the window
- Ung Saravann: He oh way Kiss. Ryan 💋
- Jordan Lake: Ryguyrocky !!!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡
- Bradly Gonzáles: XD lol
- Olabanji Ogunsanya: win ryan
- Jacob Pace: watch it is really funny
- The gold winner And diamond boy: no gold you is nice
- Javier Garcia: Oh no bye goldy
- Juliet Jimenez Deniz: #ihatetina
- Ajay Makin: awww she's not leaving :(
- 「NekoMoonGacha 」: I love it when u use the face cam! 😽
- Emma Lane: Doesn't make sense 21 views and 223 likes also hi Ryan
- Just Me: this is my my favorite channel besides moosecraft or unspeakable
- the_owner07 the pro: Yay more daycare videos keep doing more I like your daycare videos
- The grim reaper: If Ryan lost everyone would leave cause he owns the daycare
- Bull Army65: Huh YouTube is broken aka glitched out
- Alex Monyuk: Good job and keep up the good work
- FNIA Molten Freddy: This is just a never ending series and nothing more endless circles of love chasing arrows of cupid that seem so near so far out but we will find them!!!! Don't you see this series just never ends!!!
- Sari TGK: i wish tina loses
- Samantha Rodriguez: Tina smells
- Raymond Duran JR.: First
- Briseida Avina: little dreams disgusting Tina
- Lidia Zambrano: I feel bad for goldy😢
- Destine Rivera: love it
- IonicAntYT Uzamaki: Hey ur the best metuber ever
- Synergy Cactus: Right before the outro I hear Tina say stop
- TheWay2¿ Gamer: Ohh no pls don't leave
- Caden Orr: why didn't she leave? ryan said the person that looses has to leave the daycare FOREVER
- Aoife Gamez: I died of laughter when Tina came out of nowhere at 19:50 saying stop
- Eric Cooper: I waned Tina to leave
- Kay Smith: Unacornman naver sing again
- darkesse _the_wolf: red bloxer ikr lol love death note manga it really great not for 11 years olds but great
- Tepig Blue: Loved the microphone throwing window part
- kitty playz Minecraft & Fortnite: No just kill Goldy and Unicorn Mann because TYAN 4 LIFE! :3
- Kaden Gaston: Did you fix your microphone ryan
- Lord David 0120: artazia Chan
- AlishaAnimations *: IK 😭
- The Worrior Xd: Rip
- the anine king plays roleplays ,more: Can Tina leave pls not goldy pls I beg
- Bigdenim Bernard: RIP. MICROPHONE
- ibu abid: yesssssss!
- Dark angel Slime: I never seen sal so active
- Brian Sutton: Awesome
- Detroit Trooper 47: Good song unicorn give him and Goldie some respect be nice
- Jazmin Duncan: Love minecraft daycare
- Wilfred Georgetown: Funny
- minecraft mind: u lose daycare gone
- Tanquan Bui: Goldy is right she left outside then came back in smart thinking xD even tho she is a dumbo
- Lucas Vollmer: Goldys smart
- Orguidea Liriano: Cuz I'm very sick I had to go to the hospital
- darkesse _the_wolf: Gamer Twins F*** U TINA IS DA PROTAGONIST
- caroline cook: No I'm late
- red dude: Lel
- Carson Schill: Leave ryguy then
- gameing Dragon: Um guys not to be rude but it's daycare not bully goldy and play mini games and heras Ryan with tina
- Derpy Shark: Your a jerk to goldy
- Kitty Gamer: YOU DID NOT THROW YOUR MICROPHONE OUT THE WINDOW I SEE IT 1 INCH ALMOST OUT THE FACE CAM you see a black thing THAT'S THE MICROPHONE if u don't see it idk what else to say
- Luka: Well guess what ou are leaving the daycare every day so HA!
- Hamster 249: Why do they always play lucky blocks?
- Beena Louis: YES
- Deon Woods: Did he really throw it
- Ryleigh Mobley: yall do to much hypixel yall should some hide and seek
- Mario Gaming: #goldy is smart
- Aaron Dela Cruz: unicorn mann channel will be realesed this august check out the proper life newest vid
- Miki Diki: And yoz will save goldy from tina and tina will go to jail
- HD youtube: Guys unicorn man is unoriginal his song at 1:05 is we are all in this together front high school musical
- Ghala Gabani: Wener chicken Dener
- J.jgreen Green: This video was mad yesterday!?!?!?
- Black Ninja 591: I love these Minecraft daycare videos
- Trinity Rard: R I P mikerfone
- TheJonesaphine: 😏😏😏😏😏🙄😏🙄😏
- Mystery Changes: Speed Ops they aren’t that bad gonna admit
- The gaming Chicken: 4936
- 04TheGamingPro: 3:27 Ryan what is that on your CHin NOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0KOIREVFDIDIJ
- Patricia Parker: At 19:28 I died at laughter
- Cyfa X: They should name there band rotten tomatoes
- pikachuboy11: I’m going to mine fair tomorrow so I get to meet Ryan Tina and goldy
- Sydney Thomann: And you become the flash also
- Kim Bento: Almost at 1,300,000
- fnaf king 717 v3: That's not fair why does one leave the daycare Ryan is the boss of the daycare not Tina
- Dragon 4LIFE: Haha when Tina said who loses they have to leave daycare goldy lost and she left and came back when she walked out she came back
- Aems Asassin: Rip microphone
- landon Campbell: hello the ry of the guy of the rocky
- kyle's galaxy: unicorn thats not how u say it its WERE AL IN THIS TOGEATHER YEA WHERE WE R TO SEE ALL THAT WE LEARNED WERE ALL IN THIS TOGEATHER well idk if i said it right but great job unicorn *slow claps
- SUCC: I won't lie but unicornmans song was great
- greninja plays: 24th person here I think
- Deion Oxendine: Who thinks the Dragon likes Goldy
- darkesse _the_wolf: not any more mob Bri23 but live on IF U KILL TINA I KILL UUUU
- Ayden Zim: I ship tina and ryan
- zebyon Randolph: Unicorn is funny
- Auden Garcia: Mary Gordon killed Tina
- grim reaper123: I kinda miss daycare tbh
- darkesse _the_wolf: not any more mob Bri23 but live on to be honest I don't give a crap any more
- Kayden Mclain: I love Minecraft daycare
- xXGølden_WølfXx _: I forgot my facebook password so I can follow u ;-; -cri-
- Kenneth Jenkins: RIP 🎤
- E GAMER 49: Ryan you can't leave any way you on the daycare .
- AyDude: Your my favorite youtuber like favorite
- Tabi_Cupcake: Lol when ryan fixed his mike some said should we be concerned
- mason alvarado: Hi
- Whitewater: That Ender dragon was a rouge bludger harry potter
- JojoyufNF: I hope Tina loses and leave
- Bepic Boss: Can i please breath out now
- lifeofryan O D: 0_0 who is it?
- Hayden Zamora: Wait if Ryan leaves the daycare the whole daycare shuts down so even if he loses he stays cuz he owns the daycare
- Galia kinghts: Hi
- iix_Cloud: I like that in the end Tina came out like “stop..”
- Mr Fidget: No not gold
- floberDA 0ne: I went to minfare today and got my t-shirt signed by unicorn man!
- Carson Schill: Leave ryguy forever then
- Wings of The wolf’s: Because there make me laugh a lot that I feel like I am going to die
- Skyler Stranahan: what happened to saber?
- Sean Rauterkus: No
- GeGe _W.U.M.H: can you say this for your intro bienvenido a otro día en la guardería this is in Spanish use google translate to saw it
- Tycen Live: i wish tina left
- Miki Veloso: F tina
- Cesar YouTube: Doesn’t ryan own the daycare so he can’t leave it because he’s the person that bought and built the daycare so he should not leave
- Athena Dosie: Ryan you inspired me to be nice to people I like and mean to people I hat yayyyy
- UricGameZ: Sometimes tina is anoying like when she brags only ryan can brag
- jim larry: if ruguyrocky left he ones the daycare so they will have to leave
- LichKing: Tina always reminds me of SamGladiator's Yandere High School from a while ago.
- xXderpyboi59Xx: 2:11 lizzy:should we be concerned tony:nope
- Axzyte ChingMCPE: Tina is so like crazy i thought she love ryan xD but when ryan died she just laught
- The Phoenix: You have fire resistance you don't take fire damage so you should use the LIT BOOTS.
- gs Fang Gaming: You tried to say forever but Tina said no
- wolf boy Brian: Yo tengo
- RainbowAngel love: Woah...a goldy hater! Those are rare
- Zack julch: You know you can't even leave your the owner of the daycare
- Mia Slattery: Where's saber
- Flame Lightning: Click bate? Pz
- PablitoSs tuff: They warn me for no reason
- art lover: Whats wrong with it?
- Doodler: Unicornmann really likes Goldy
- Blackshift: I can't wait for Unicorn Mann's channel
- silviana yenita: I prefer tina she is a weirdo
- JakeKreul: Ryguyrock please do /ban Goldy_mc
- KCPlaysz: Hi Ryan can I join daycare? Plz
- Kole Swander: #EARLYSQUAD
- ur mom noob: Anyone remember when Tina was Nice to Goldy?... *oh wait-*
- Joia Chase: I ❤️ your video
- XxMusicBoy47902xX Music boy: Ryan your so awesome I liked the video and subscribed I love your channel so awesome
- marshmollow the cat: EARLY
- Sean Berno: Why is there music at the end
- KOY CHAO: I love your videos so much I watch it every day I didn't say stay up all night
- so VOLTRON is a thing: Ummm soooo my step dad apparently climbed into a tree because my mom climbed a tree before and he fell out and now has scratches on his back...
- Ashton Williams: Bring back chicken face
- Lilfreddy: No she ain’t 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
- artaza Chandler: Ryan can you link your discord plz love your vids
- Kid Friendly Awesome Aidan Cooper: when goldy left and came back she should have said "GET DUNKED ON!!!!"
- Beaver Craft: 1 like = 1 prayer for Ryan's mic .
- Nene Carrillo: No
- lourence Bentley: Lol you throw your microphone out of your house 😂
- Strive Arts: *reads title.* Mhm. *Searches TinaTheTiger.* And... *Comments, I hope your the one that leaves.*
- diah damayanti: cmon
- Pikachu Rockstar: I’ve been here since the start if ryguyrocky
- Jermain 20000: gian
- Jacob The Hedgehog: Through microphone out window lol hahahah
- ShadowWolfXL: GET OUT PLAYED TINA!!!! >:3
- Wolf Star421: Ryan you are a jerk tina was just 5 blocks alway. And she had nothing this so mean leave a like Also ryan was happy after goldy came again
- Alona Franco: Tina sooooo basically Plays add*
- Mystery Changes: I was crying when I saw goldy leave but she was smart she left and came back in XD
- NoHaxJustSum: yea i miss that
- Right Hand: After the video- ._. nope
- Fabian Mendiola: 3 2 1 ad pops out
- Corey Dorans: I want goldys to leave daycare hahahahahahahaha!
- Ethan Rocke: I think they can teleport through the portal to play fortnite
- wsp bich: Fortnite says you are bad at fortnite on Twitter
- Junior Hernandez: Thank God Goldy is staying I was going to stop watching this YouTube channel
- Team Alpha: Love your vids i am subscribed since 300k i love daycare and life keep up the good work
- The American Panda!!!: he changed his face back
- Aydan Gaming: Like if agree
- pawel metelski: Thats what im thinking tina shoud replaced by ash
- Gamer Blue: Yay goldy stays yay
- Richard Wilson: Ryan: play your next song Me : i wonder wut it is Unicorn man: WERE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER DA DA DA DA I DONT KNOW THE OTHER WORDS DA DA DA ME:😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂really
- shanpoo omg lol: I was just thinking about that song
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Minecraft Daycare - SOMEONE LEAVING THE DAYCARE !? (Minecraft Roleplay) | |
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Minecraft Explore in YouTube Gaming Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 10 Aug 2018 |
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